HIS DAUGHTER: Episode 1 – The End

?His Daughter??

{The Young Ceo?}

Written by Author Jenny??

Chapter 14 semi finale

? Benita Pov

I’m sure she’s ready for the stupid date which I’m obviously going to ruin by all means

This is the second meal Benita is serving right now

Actually nothing is wrong with the first one and I know it’s impossible for me to say this second one is also tasteless

so I need another plan.

After eating, I knew she was waiting so she could pack up the dishes and another idea popped into my head

“Benita have you worked on the files from HM corporation” I asked

“yes sir …I did..I actually packed it up with the files you took home”she replied and I almost died

why is she so good at everything

I was expecting her to say no so that I could ask her to get them ready

She was about leaving and my face went all

“Arrrh” I heard Kulture yelled and i rushed to her

Kulture held her stomach in pain as I carried her up

“What’s wrong”Benita asked worridely

“My stomach”she replied

“Let’s take her upstairs “I said to Benita and she nodded

I carried Kulture to her room and lay her on the bed

I know my daughter so much but I’m not buying this whole act

she is faking it

I know when she’s really in pain

But why will she pretend to be sick ?

Oh no ……so this whole act of stopping Benita is obvious

Jeez I feel so embarrassed

I began rubbing her stomach just to play along

after all she’s doing it for me

“Dad your hands is too strong ,can you let Benita do it” she pouted

“what are you … serious…you want me to do it” Benita asked shocked

“yeah”Kulture replied

I could see the way Benita face lit up

she’s really happy that Kulture talked to her

I can’t lie I’m happy too

I can’t still accept the fact that I chicken out after kssing her

I wanted to draw her close and tell her how much I love her but I behaved like a total j*erk.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t give her any drug”Benita asked

“No it comes and go naturally”I lied

Since I lost Kulture’s mom ,I haven’t really given any other lady a chance

And Kulture really didn’t give any lady who tires to get close to me a chance too

About thirty minutes later Kulture is already sleeping

I saw Benita texted someone before keeping her phone on the light stand

“can I use the bathroom”she asked and I nodded sharply

“yeah sure..the room you guys stayed”I replied and she walked out

I quickly rushed and picked her phone

I checked her message and saw she cancelled the date with Sam

I didn’t know when I jumped up exictedly

oh God help me …since when did I turn to a freak

I heard footsteps and dropped her phone back .

“I will take my leave now “she said and I nodded

“let me drop you” I offered

“no ..I will just take a cab ” she replied

“I insist”I added

“what about her”she asked pointing at at Kulture

“Don’t worry she will be fine” I replied .

The drive back to her apartment was silent and awkward

“Thanks for the ride”she said coming down

It is now or never Dave tell her how you feel

my inner mind kept yelling

“Benita “I called and she turned Immediately

“I really really like you”I blurted out

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