HIS RUDE CHEF: Chapter 11 – 20

HIS RUDE CHEF: Chapter 11 – 20


By Naomi Cindy B

“No please, she’ll die in this state, she needs to be treated, my daughter can’t die!” Susan yelled

” Of course she can’t die, she’s a hardened criminal so she won’t” Kat replied, dropping the note on the table of the chief general

“It’s ok” he said after reading the note

Kat smiled

” Thanks for understanding” she said and left immediately

No one can console Susan and Valerie

Lillian and Sally that are Consolers are even crying

It’s too bitter a pill to swallow, too too sour

They We’rent allowed to stay in the station, Susan and Valerie would have stayed

They went back home, unable to eat nor drink

“Melanie was a lovely child before that happened six years ago” Susan said slowly

” She’s even scared of mosquitoes and because of that, she’ll leave her room and prefer to sleep with I and her dad with the believe that mosquitoes will be scared of us and not bite her”

” She’s sensitive to mosquito bites too, any night she gets bitten by a mosquito, she’s sure to get sick the next day , and that’s why she’s a treasured child”

“She loves carrots a lot, if I make ordinary noodles, she’ll never take it except if it’s garnished with veggies including carrots, she eats carrots for lunch in school everyday, she’s just addicted to it”

” I can still remember that fateful night, she set out to get carrots even after telling her to endure till the next morning, she said no, she didn’t get to eat carrots during the day cos it was too too hectic at school”

” She left to get carrots and we waited for her for almost thirty minutes, twelve years old Valerie is the most worried, we set out to look for her but all to no avail, we didn’t find her even after contacting the cops”

” For almost two hours we’re still searching till she was found in a corner, my daughter was rapped till she bl.ed almost all her bl©©d, she was rapped mercilessly , bl.eeding from her p part…the shock made my husband land in a vegetative state till today”

” Since then she became an object of ridicule to everyone, they tagged her “the rapped girl”, she’ll always cry in her room and refused to come out, the day she agreed to come out, she was mocked by some group of guys down the street, she ran back home in tears again and went back to her lock in”

” We changed streets because of that and soon after that but that doesn’t stop Melanie’s mockery everywhere she goes, she gets mocked but she changed, instead of crying, she fights back and beats whoever says it to her face”

” Then we detected her hatred for guys when she almost choked a guy to death in school just because he came too close, everyone keeps their distances since then, she has no friends, it’s only her and her alone”

” When things because hard and paying for her dad’s treatment became tough, she took six different part time jobs but right now she has only one cos she has been fired from the remaining five all because she kept fighting her enemies but still, she won’t relent in doing anything just to take care of her dad and me , she even sent Valerie back to school”

” When she got a job with Mr Albert who’s my boss, I was so happy, if I had known it’d be like this I’d have stopped her cos she’s going through a lot already”

” And as if that’s not enough, she .. she’s now tagged a murderer?, Now tell me why I should stop crying” Susan said

All this while, she’s still shedding hot tears

Sally stood and went to her, she placed a comforting hand on her shoulders

“I understand the great agony and pains you’ll be feeling right now, but please, just be strong for her, you know she hates seeing weak people around” she said.

” I know but what can I do?, The tears won’t stop falling on its own” Susan replied

” Valerie, just try to be strong please, stop crying even if it’s for a minute, stop crying” Lillian said, trying to comfort Valerie too

” I can’t stop crying Lillian, I can’t, how will I even concentrate in school now when the person who’s sponsoring me is in detention and in a bad condition, you saw her yesterday right?, She’s wearing a white gown but what we saw today is nothing close to white, it’s all red with blood and she’s greatly wounded, she can’t even move” Valerie said

” Valerie…

“It’s ok Lillian, you should go now, I think I want to be alone, Chef Sally too, please we just want to .. be alone” Valerie said

Lillian wants to talk but Sally gave her signals

“Take a walk if your heart feels too heavy” Lillian said

” Ma’am, please be strong like I said” Sally said

They left the house quietly..


Philip’s guards stood gallantly at the entrance of the ward, no one but Kat is allowed in and that alone is giving her joy

She’s Philip’s manager, his representative when he’s not around so that’s how she can get all the management team to sign the note

She smiled to herself

“I just wish you’ll wake up and propose, I’ll gladly say yes” she giggled

She glanced at Robin and eventually went to his bed

She pecked him

“I wish to be your new mother” she said silently



Susan stopped crying for a while though she’s still crying inside

Valerie thought the house is suffocating so she took a walk down the street

“Sis” she said slowly as she walked

Initially, the cool blowing breeze would have been the best thing she experiences during a walk but right now it’s not helping

She just knows she’s walking and nothing more

She stumbled across three girls

“Oh, the sis of the murderer” one of them said

“First she’s a rapped bch, now a murderer, your family is cursed” another one said

“I know right?, They should leave the surface of the earth” the third one said

Valerie felt anger building up inside her

“I wonder which style the rappist used for her sister, the first girl said again

“Obviously d©ggy” the other one said

They laughed and started walking away

Valerie folded her fist and walked towards them, grabbing them from behind, she slapped the first one, kicked the second one and punched the third one

It’s one against three but her anger is helping her, she’s crying as she’s beating them but she beat them real bad

She beat them black and blue and is not ready to let go anytime soon but someone grabbed her and pulled her away from the girls

She withdrew her hand and stopped

With the blue dyed hair, no one needs to tell her it’s Dwayne

He looked back at her

“Dwayne” she said slowly

He grabbed her hand again and took her to a quiet place in the street, they sat on the stairs of a church building

She refused to talk, crying is the only thing she can do now

“Look .. I know it hurts but crying like this won’t solve anything” he said

She continued crying

” Crying too much affects the eye, you’ll have to start using recommended glasses soon at this rate” he said

She looked at him and started hiccuping

“I saw the news on TV and was surprised, I know your sis is traumatized cos I once heard of her case, so I believe maybe she’s really not trying to murder him, maybe it’s really cos of her phobia” he said

She continued hiccuping

” I know this retarded girl will be in tears throughout and though I don’t want to come but maybe I’m in pains too, hidden pains though, I thought of coming to say this…. Crying your eyes out won’t make everything come back to normal, so stop crying and just hope, hoping is better than crying” he said

Her hiccups are reducing by now

” Retarded? ” He said

” I’m… Not retarded” she managed to say

He curved his lips and stood

” Excess tears is the first sign of a weak person, stay strong for your sis, it’s better” he said and climbed down the stairs, leaving her

She wiped her tears

” Thanks” she said as if he’s still there


“Boss be ok, Robin you don’t dare forgive me”

” Boss please be fine, Robin please don’t forgive me*

*Boss please be ok, Robin you can’t forgive me no matter what”

That’s what Melanie kept reciting silently where she’s lying hopelessly

Right now she wants to give up but no, that’s not her style, giving up Is not her thing at all



Robin coughed lightly before opening his eyes

“Robin” Kat called beside him

He spranged up

“Owl-eyes what are you doing here!” He said

“Owl-eyes?” Kat said

Robin sighted his dad on the second bed and got down from the bed, he feels a little pain in his chest but he endured it till he got to him

Philip still getting transfused with blood cos he lost a lot

Robin climbed his bed and started crying

“What happened to him!” He said in tears

“I already told you it was your chef who stabbed him” Kat replied

” And I already told you to stop releasing nonsense out of that your mouth” he replied

Kat sighed

” You really won’t believe?” She said

“Stop talking, your voice is irritating to my ears” he replied and faced Philip again

” You can’t disturb him” Kat said

Robin ignored him and kept crying

His tears fell on Philip’s cheeks and maybe the warmness touched his spirit, he shaked slightly

“Dad?” Robin called

His hand moved again

“Daddy!!!!” Robin screamed

Kat forcefully carried him from the bed as doctors came in

*Why the scream, it’s dangerous in his condition” one of the doctors said

” It’s him” Kat said, gesturing at Robin whom she’s trying to hold down

The doctor tried to check Philip’s pulse but Philip held his hand instead

His eyes fluttered open next

“Mr Albert” the doctor said, not believing he’ll wake up so soon

He tried to sit up but his belly still hurts

“You can’t stress yourself yet” another doctor said

He ignored and held his stomach before sitting up

He groaned in pains

He looked around and saw Robin

Robin rushed to him and hugged him tight

“Where’s Melanie?” He asked, breathing heavily

“That bitch has been arrested, she almost killed you” Kat replied

Philip’s eyes widened

” She was what?”

“Arrested boss, and I submitted a note signed by all the management team, she can’t be treated cos she’s badly wounded, she deserves it for doing that to you” Kat replied

” Fk you owl eyes!* Robin spat

Philip removed all the damn infusion pipes and syringe from his veins before standing

He almost fell bet he held himself

“Mr Albert this is not right, you aren’t supposed to be up” the doctors said

He walked to Kat and grabbed her shoulder with an arm and held his stomach with the other

” Who told you she stabbed me” he said with a burning angry look on his face

His lips is dried and his face is still so pale

“Boss…she…I found her with you..in the kitchen….with blood on her…

” Who told you she $tabbed me When it was obviously my mistake cos I mistakenly $tabbed myself!” He yelled

Kat shrieked in fear

He left her and left the ward, not minding the doctors instructions

Luckily his guards are still on standby

“Who has my car keys” he said

One of them stepped forward

” Drive me to the police station now!” He said hurriedly

He left the hospital with the guard who drove him fast to the station at his orders

He got down from the car and walked fast into the station

“Mr Albert?”

“Mr Albert” the cops said in surprise

This man was bloody unconscious with a deep wound yesterday

“Where’s Melanie?” He asked calmly

“Mr Albert it was…

” Where’s Melanie!, I won’t ask for the third time” he yelled seriously, breathing hard

A cop pointed at her detention cell

He went there and his heart sank at what he saw

She’s….in a b.rutal state, unable to move on the floor

Her blood is around her and her body is…full of wounds

Tears came out of his eyes as he watched, his already dried throat dried more

“Melanie” he said slowly

Her ears recognizes his voice, she managed to slowly raise her head

“Mr…Mr Al..bert” she said, smiling faintly

“Melanie” he said again, still shedding tears

“I’m glad …. you’re…. fine…..at least… I can … die with…. rest of mind….tell Robin to … hate me forever.. this world is … just too cruel and I can’t … take it anymore” she said and gasped thrice before her head went down again

Philip’s eyes widened

“Melanie!!, Melanie!!!, Melanie!!* He yelled

He made to open the place but then he realized it’s locked

“Where’s the key!!!!” He said, grabbed the closest cop by the collar

” Mr Albert..

“The key!!” He yelled again

The other cops cocked their guns but the chief general came out and ordered them to lower their guns

They obeyed instantly

“the…the table” the choking cop said

Philip left him and grabbed the key on the table

He quickly opened the detention and carried her limp body in his arms

“Melanie Please….stay with me…you can’t give up like this, you can’t” he said in tears as he rushed her out of the station …

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