HIS RUDE CHEF: Chapter 11 – 20

HIS RUDE CHEF: Chapter 11 – 20


By Naomi Cindy B


Philip placed her in the car and entered too

“Ion care if you have to fly, in five minutes we should be in the hospital” he said to the driver in an urgent tone

The driver moved the car and drove crazily down the road

Philip’s stomach still hurts and in fact, blood is coming out of the $tabbed area again, staining his shirt but he doesn’t seem to care, all that matters now is saving Melanie

Saving his chef, saving the woman he just found out is different from all others, the only woman he likes in the whole world, no this is more than like…. The only woman he loves

“Melanie please don’t give up, Please just don’t lose it” he kept saying, gently hitting her cheeks till they got to the hospital

She was quickly pushed in on a stretcher and Immediately Robin saw her lifeless body, he started crying loudly, Philip tried to console him but it’s invalid

He cried a lot while the doctors are trying to save Melanie inside the emergency ward

“You should get your stomach treated too boss, it’s slightly bleeding” Kat said beside him

He kept mute

Valerie and Susan rushed into the hospital hurriedly

Philip stood immediately he saw them


“Mr Albert?, You’re really awake, it really true” Susan said

” Yeah, and don’t worry, Melanie will be fine, she’s in there fighting for her life but I know she’ll be ok” he replied

Susan held his two hands and cried in front of him

“Thanks for waking up and saving my daughter, I thought I was gonna lose her” she said

” No one is losing that angel, she’s not gonna die” Philip replied

” I almost died, your manager won’t let us see you nor Robin, and she even submitted a note so my sister’s wound won’t be treated, Melanie suffered a lot” Valerie said

Sally came rushing too and she can’t help but cry for joy when she saw it’s really true

“By the way, the press are waiting in front of the hospital for your own side of the story, the cops has arrived too” she said

He left Robin who’s still crying for Valerie to hold

He went out and truly, the press are waiting and the cops are just arriving

The press invaded him with questions Immediately he came out

* Mr Albert, is it true that it wasn’t your chef who stabbed you?*

*Then why did the knife have her finger prints?*

*Who really $tabbed you if it wasn’t her?*

*Was your manager lying then?*

Philip held his stomach before speaking

“It was all my mistake, I forgot a file at home and I came home to get it, I had indigestion that morning so I couldn’t eat before leaving for the office”

“So when I got home to pick the file, I felt the urge to take apple cos my stomach has settled that time, I got an apple from the kitchen and sensed I won’t be able to finish a whole apple cos I’m in a rush”

“I went to the kitchen to get a knife so I’ll cut it to two and just eat one part but Immediately I got the knife, I got a call from a friend in Korea, while talking to him, I suddenly felt a sharp hunger pain in my belly”

” I tried to grab my belly, forgetting there’s a kn!fe with me, I got $tabbed in the process and I started bleeding profusely”

” My chef was just coming from the grocery store that particular time, I can still remember she tried to remove the knife from my belly before I lost consciousness, that’s why her fingerprints appeared on the knife” Philip explained

*Then why did she admit to $tabbing you? ” A man asked

” Cos she’s a traumatized lady, she must have taught she really did it cos she’s allergic to men being around” he replied

” So in a nutshell, Miss Kat Merritt made false assumptions and report?” A cop asked

” Absolutely, so it’s better if you guys go in there now and arrest the real culprit for doing that to my innocent chef, she should be punished according to the law” Philip said before going in..

The cops followed him and met Kat where she’s standing in the reception

“Miss Kat Merritt, you’re under arrest for making false assumptions and false report, handcuff her” a cop said

” No that’s trash….boss I was just helping..I..

” Shut up and go take your punishment, and one more thing, you’re automatically fired from AR group of companies as my manager” he replied as Kat was being handcuffed

” No boss, this can’t be happening, no I can’t go to jail” she said as she was pushed out of the hospital

Philip sat on the chair and rested his back on it

“I can’t ask for more” Susan said slowly and hugged Sally

” It’s ok, don’t cry anymore cutie, Melanie will be fine” Valerie said to crying Robin who won’t stop his tears

Valerie wiped his tears and smiled

Robin placed his head her chest and calmed down afterwards

The three doctors came out of the emergency ward at a time

“How’s she?” Philip asked fast

“She’s stable now, thankfully she was brought at the right time, she’ll be fine though her condition is still so critical, her body redness and the bruises will dissappear within two days, we injected her with serums that’ll help them heal already” a doctor said

Philip and Susan inhaled hard, an heavy sigh of relief

“I’m glad” Philip said

“She’ll be transfused with blood first cos she lost a lot, when she wakes up, we’ll start the water transfusion” another doctor said

” Robin did you hear that?, She’ll be fine” Valerie said

Robin nodded silently

“So everyone, put your mind at rest and be rest assured that she’ll be fine” the third doctor said

” Can we go see her?” Robin asked

“No boy, disturbance is the last thing she needs now, you can’t go see her yet, but you’ll be allowed to see her tommorow”

” Thanks doctors, glad to have you guys” Philip said

” By the way Mr Philip, your wound is bleeding slightly, come with me for treatment and dressing, you can’t stress yourself too” one of the doctors said

Philip stood and followed them into another ward where his wound was treated and redressed, he changed uniform too and throughout that day, though they weren’t allowed to go into her ward, they all stayed in another ward …


Dwayne is eating his hot noodles as usual though he has no appetite but he didn’t eat throughout yesterday, that’s why he’s managing to eat

“Hard life” he said slowly, dropping the fork

Then he saw the news on TV about the case

Mr Albert has risen.. great news

And he has exonerated Melanie with his explanation , Melanie is currently receiving treatment while Kat the false reporter was arrested, she further revealed in the station that she payed a cop to t©rture Melanie and that’s the secret of Melanie’s sudden wounds

“No one is nice in this world anyways” Dwayne said

Kat and the corruptive cop will be sent to three months in prison with everyday torture

He picked his phone to call Valerie but he dropped it

“I’m crazy, I don’t have her number” he said …


Next day**

Early next morning they were allowed into her ward but were told not to make the slightest noise

Her body redness has dissappeared and truly her bruises and wounds are greatly healing at a fast rate

“She’s the strongest girl I’ve ever seen” Susan said

“Yeah, she’s extra strong, I’ve never seen anyone like her before” Sally replied

” My sis is a lady whom every lady should copy her strong will” Valerie replied

” That’s why…I admire her a lot” Philip said

Susan smiled

” When will she wake up?” Robin asked

” No one knows, but soon” Sally replied

” I’ll get you something to eat from a restaurant Robin” Valerie said

” I’m not hungry” he replied seriously

” Robin you only ate breakfast yesterday too, you passed out remember?” Philip said

” I know, I just don’t want to eat till she wakes up, every other food will be tasteless anyways” he replied

” Then you’ll take snacks” Philip said

Robin looked at him

“Please….” Philip pleaded

“Fine, I’ll take little chocolate chip” he replied

They all stayed with her throughout that day, no movement from her

Even the second day, she’s still not moving throughout

But the third day***

Everyone is with her as usual when the pulse reader started beeping incessantly

Then she started gasping for breath, shocking everyone

Philip quickly pressed a button on the wall and two doctors came rushing

They were all told to leave the wall so she’ll be attended to

“Please save her, don’t let us lose her” Philip said

” Sure, just go out first” the doctors said

He left reluctantly and the ward door closed

They all hoped and prayed silently for her to be ok

“God… please bring back chef, please bring back my honey” Robin prayed silently

About ten minutes later**

The doctors came out with smiles on their faces, everyone spranged up

“What’s up doc?” Philip asked

“Luckily she’s conscious now, she’s not ok yet but she’s conscious”

Robin rushed in first while the others followed behind

He walked slowly to her bed and truly, her eyes is opened though she still looks weak

“Rob” she said weakly

“Honey!!!” He screamed, holding her hand

“Robin….why are you here, I’m a bad person you should hate me” she said and started shedding tears

” Why should I hate you?, Dad explained how everything happened, it was dad’s mistake, I just feel bad that you suffered” he replied

” Your dad said it’s his mistake?” She asked

Robin nodded

Melanie cried more, knowing Philip said that to free her from accusations

“I love you honey, and I’ll forever love you, you’re the only woman I love, I can like others but I love you” Robin said

Melanie tried to sit up but felt pains in most part of her body

But she managed and sat despite the pains

She hugged Robin

“I’m glad I’m alive, I think I have a reason to live, no…. many reasons…mum, Val, dad, boss… and you dear, I love you more” she said

She looked up and saw the others

” Mum”

” Daughter!” Susan exclaimed and hugged her immediately Robin let her go

“Mum you must have been scared” she said slowly, letting her tears wet her shoulders

” Yes I was….but now I’m the happiest in the world cos you’re back” Susan replied

She hugged Valerie after that

” I thought you were gonna die, the last five days were the scariest days of my life” Valerie said

” But I’m back now, I promise to be fine” she replied…

“Chef” she said

Sally hugged her too

“I was just too assured that you’ll make it, you’re a strong rock” Sally said as they hugged

” You’re my senior sis from another mother from now on, thanks for everything chef” she replied as they broke it

” Where’s boss?” She asked

Susan moved and Philip came to view

Even when her strength is failing her, when every joint of her body is painful, she got the strength to stand immediately she saw him

“Melanie” Philip said with a big smile

“Boss” she replied and immediately he got to her, she hugged him tight, giving everyone surprise

Philip isn’t scared if she’ll get violent again, all that matters is that he has her right here, right now

After staying in Philip’s arms for about two minutes without getting violent, everyone inhaled an heavy sigh of relief

Melanie broke the hug

“Thanks boss, a man like you is rare” she said tearfully

“Has anyone ever told you how ugly you look with tears?” He said, wiping her tears

She feels safe, cared for, and she felt protected staring at him

The first man he’ll ever make a long eye contact with after whole six years, the first man she’ll ever hug, smile at and laugh with, the only man who won’t mock her predicament


“Stay and never leave again… please, I need you” Philip said

“Mr Albert…

“No, Philip” he said and hugged her tightly more than the first one

“It’s Philip… Melanie call me Philip” he said in her arms….

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