HOLLYWOOD WIFE: Episode 11 – 20


(She’s a crzy strpper)

From TC

?Episode 17

Jeremy’s POV

The Next Morning

I opened my eyes only to see that i slept downstairs on the couch last night…

I think i drank too much..

Maybe that’s why I feel so woozy…

I yawned and stood up only for me to get a call from Keegan who is my personal manager..

?:Hey Bro???’..i said in a drawl…

?:Hey Jeremy uhh have you seen the Daily Pop today??’..he replied and from the sound of his voice I knew he wasn’t too pleased..

?:What’s the problem??’..i asked.

?:It’s unexplainable cause its funny but anyways go watch today’s episode of Daily Pop and see what Khris has done’..he said and hung up immediately before I could question him any further…


What has Khristine done this time??..

I turned on my data connection and went straight to You tube…

Searched for Daily POP and then saw the topic of their discussion…


Oh God!!!..

Khris and her tantrums…

We haven’t gotten married yet and she’s started trending in all social media platforms..

‘Khristine Brown?!!!’..i screamed and she came down running…


Did anyone tell her that she looks beautiful in the morning??..

‘Yeah Mr J is anything the problem??’..she asked with a smile on her face…

What’s wrong with her??!!..

‘Yeah everything’s wrong Khristine,why did you push Ryan Ryce yesterday??’..i asked..

Her pretty smile changed into a frown and she hissed loudly…

‘Ryan is a b@stard Mr J,he’s a long time customer of mine that I hate with pure contempt and yesterday he was planning to scream that i was a strpper’..she said…

‘Well that didn’t mean you should throw him across the table,for crying out loud Khris you broke his neck!!!’..i screamed..

‘Well that’s his problem not mine,he wouldn’t even think twice of pressing charges cause I would win eventually for defamation of character’….

Khristine’s POV

An Hour later

After listening to Jeremy’s Banter I decided to go shower and rest for a while…

A lot of things have been happening and I’m so tired to even think about it…

My so called wedding to Jeremy is tomorrow and I can’t wait to look like a bride…

Not like I like him or anything..

I just like the platform his fame is giving me..

‘Mr J??’..I called as I walked through the hallway but there was no answer..

I slowly opened the door to his room and then got the shock of my life…

The whole room was Barcelona themed…

From the Barcelona team logo to pictures of Lionel MESSI everywhere…

I touched the multiple awards he’s achieved and that was when I heard the door open…

‘What are..Oh sh!t!!!’..he screamed and I closed my eyes immediately..

He was n@ked!!!..


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