Pinky Preshy Chioma

Episode 58

Aliyah’s Pov:

I paced around crying my eyes out…..

Even Dora couldn’t stop me from wailing and screaming on top of my voice.

What would you have me do huh?

What do you want me to do since I can’t save my daughter?

Tears didn’t stop circulating in my eyes and running down my cheeks.

Two million dollars???


How do I raise such a huge amount of money?

Where do I fking get such a big amount of money?

Does this mean my daughter will remain with her face ugly for the rest of life?

Who the hell could have done this to my child?

What did Arya do to deserve this from any human being with a heart?

Her face was damaged beyond recognition…….

I could barely recognize my own daughter whom I gave birth to and breastfeed.

I didn’t even know it was Arya if not for the silver bracelet on her arm which I gave her….

“Arghhhh…..” I let out a yell in depression.

“Aliyah please calm down already” Dora tried to calm me down.

“Calm down? Did you just say I should calm down?” I almost screamed.

“I know this must be hard for you but you also know that screaming or yelling won’t solve the problem” Dora said.

“What would you have me do Dora? I don’t have what could solve the problem” I cried out.

“We have to find a way…. You know we can’t let Arya become ugly” She said.

“I don’t think I can live with it myself…. But what can I do? What in heaven’s name do you want me to do Dora? Am so confused…. Did you… Did you hear the amount for her plastic surgery?” I wailed.

“There is nothing impossible for God to do Aliyah! I just want you to have faith” Dora said.

“Dora let’s just be realistic here…. Where do I get that money from? Should I go rob a bank cos that’s the only way” I cried loudly.

“You have to calm down ok…. This would not help as well” She said.

“I told you guys but you refused to listen to me” I started.

“What are you talking about Aliyah? No one knew this will happen and no one wanted it to happen as well” Dora snapped.

“I know Dora! But I had a feeling something will go wrong… If you guys had allowed Arya and I to leave this place then this wouldn’t have happened to her” I cried.

“This isn’t what we should be talking about…. We should focus on how to get the money for her surgery” Dora said.

“Dora I want to be alone! I want to be alone” I continued sobbing.

“Aliyah trust me I know exactly how you are feeling right now… I know you might disbelief me but I just know it that you feel so terrible” Dora started.

“Dora please I want to have sometime to myself and I will really appreciate it if you give me that time” I said as I sat on the bed.

“Alright then” Dora said as she walked out of the room closing the door.

I burst into tears with my face buried in the pillow.


Mrs Roselyn’s Pov:

We walked into the hospital with my mind still wandering in thought.

“Greg what are we doing here?” I asked with arched eyebrows.

“We just want to have you checked up” Gregory said as I scoffed.

“Checked up? Have I been sick? Like am i not feeling well?” I asked.

“You are fine but you know you need to check yourself up sometimes” Greg replied as we walked into the doctor’s office.

“Check myself up sometimes? I don’t understand you Greg… When did you suddenly have so much time to go with me for medical check-ups?” I asked.

“Come on Rosey! So I can’t come with my wife for check up again?” Greg smiled.

“In as much as I want to believe you Greg but I just can’t…. I know how important your office is to you and it’s confusing how you will leave it to be with me in the hospital not even because am sick but because I want to check myself up” I marvelled.

“Well let’s say it’s a new development…. Family first” He said.

I found myself smiling crazily.

That would be the most lovely development like Gregory Dela Cruz concerned about his family first?

I couldn’t stop smiling.

I hope this continues cos it has been my prayer for such a long time.

We walked into the doctor’s office after meeting the nurse who stared at me like she have seen a ghost.

“Any problem nurse?” I asked her as she gulped nervously forcing a smile as she shook her head in disagreement.

“Are you sure?” I asked as she nodded.

Why is she behaving so strange?

“Greg? Did you see how that nurse stared at me?” I tapped him.

“What are you looking at?” Greg shouted at her and she shook her head and turned her face away immediately.

“Why was she staring at me like that Greg?” I asked as we walked towards the doctor’s office.

“She’s just stupid” Greg said as I forced a smile still wondering within myself.

We walked into the doctor’s hospital as the doctor gasped on seeing me.

“Oh my gosh!” The doctor exclaimed.

I looked at him confused….

Why are they all behaving like am a ghost?


Sofia’s Pov:

I sulked uncontrollably and bitterly as I got the news from Arya’s Mom.

She is in coma and still at the hospital cos some people ambushed her.

Worst still her face was damaged beyond recognition.

Who could have wanted to do that to her?

I mean even if Arya was strong willed… She’s a very nice person and she doesn’t look for anyone’s trouble.

What would it be my best friend?

I was so bittered and down the whole day and I couldn’t even concentrate in class..

I missed her so much like it’s been years…..

“Hey Sofy” I heard someone’s voice from behind and turned around.

It was Becca…. A friend though.

“Hi Becca” I forced a smile at her.

She was carrying her tray of food.

“Can i…. Share a table or is it already occupied by your paddy?” She asked.

“Oh no…. You can sit there” I said as she sat beside me.

“Alright… Thanks” She said as she sat beside me.

I couldn’t even eat cos I kept on playing with the pasta.

“Uhmm…. Do you mind if I ask you?” Becca gulped.

“What is it?” I managed to say.

“What about your friend Arya?” She asked.

I quickly burst into tears as I told her what happened to her.


Patrick’s Pov:

I was getting worried already cos I haven’t seen the mean girl in school.

It’s been a long weekend and she’s not in school on Monday.

That’s weird because she doesn’t ever skip school.

What could be the problem?

Did something happen to her or did she fall sick?

I know I shouldn’t care or worry about her welfare but for some reasons I really like the mean girl.

Sorry I heard her name is Arya!

Maybe I should stop calling her the mean girl already.

Then I thought of asking her best friend Sofia.

I sighted her at the cafeteria so I walked up to her.

But then I stopped as I overheard her telling another girl that the mean girl Arya was ambushed.

And her face was damaged beyond recognition.

My jaw dropped.

“Kimberly?” Was all I could say…..


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