When I started the story, HOUSE OF THORNS, I had some of these lessons in mind.

1. Sometimes, we feel so sure we’re seeing a picture so clearly, we’re certain we have a clear understanding of a situation, whereas, we really have no iota of idea of what’s going on. Please learn to leave room for percentage error, youay be totally wrong when in fact you’re assuming you’re fully informed.

2. Vivian was so sure she was acting on an accurate Intel. She was so sure she had evidences of her husband’s supposed infidelity, that she didn’t even want to give a damn about what her mother had to say.
Let’s learn to give the benefit of doubt in the face of misunderstandings, it could be our only saving grace.

3. Vivian found it easier to believe a stranger over her husband because she was hearing what she wanted to hear from that stranger. When the chips were down, she found the stranger, doggedly fighting for what she was helping her throw away recklessly.
Don’t let others determine how you handle sensitive issues, bothering on your well being. Your downfall may be all that so called confidant is hoping to climb on.

4. Tricia and Valerie were responsible sisters. And even though Valerie was attracted to Leonard, she didn’t at any point interfere in their marriage. But because they had been predestined to be together, fate did it’s own bit.

Whatever is yours, will eventually be yours, you really do not have to get or look desperate to have it.

5. Mary’s problems started from sleeping with the lecturer for marks, then she allowed Leonard’s friend blac.k.mail her. Now, her de.sper.ate nature made her not know when to stop. She went as far as instigating the unsuspecting and unwise Vivian against Leonard, all in the attempt to get him out of her hands.
She ended up the way she did because, she was too desp.erate to get that which had already gone out of her hands to know when she was leaping into fire.
Understand that not all relationships ends in a happily forever note. When it’s not working, don’t force it. The earlier you move on, the better.

6. Jeremy and Vince both had damaged childhood. But one became a vice in the society while the other became a voice. Jeremy embarked on a self destruct journey on the path of bitterness against women. He rode with unrestrained and indescribable speed on that path, until he crashed so irredeemably.

Vince on the other hand was helped by the foundation that picked him up because he wanted to be helped, he chose to be helped.

So, the earlier you acknowledge the fact that you’re responsible for the things you’re doing, the earlier you tell yourself the truth that your family, your spouse or the society failed to do this or did that isn’t the reason you’re doing what you’re doing, the better.

You need to agree with yourself that you chose to do what you’re doing, and then you can decide to change now!

7. Vivian was lucky to have eventually found Pascal, but in between the lightening and the thunderclap, there had been some actions and reactions. Though she was lucky to have got help and on time, at least before she lost her life, she can’t rid her history, the tor.ment she passed through in Jeremy’s hands.

She’d forever remember how it feels to have harsh blows from the belt on the skin. She won’t forget how it feels to be relegated to a status, a little below of the medieval times.

Plus, it’s not all women or men that get so lucky as to get a second chance. Some miss it once, and that would be it!

8. The importance of communication in marriage and indeed any other relationship can not be overemphasized. Mary was only able to drive a wedge between Vivian and Leonard, because of the communication gap. If Leonard hadn’t learnt from that, if he hadn’t kept Vince and Valerie properly informed, Vivian and Mary could have easily ruined his relationship with Valerie.
Please work.on the communication flow between you and your spouse or fiancee now.

9. There’s no such thing as an innocent hang out with an ex. If he or she is your ex, let them remain as your ex. If you two were too fantastic together, you shouldn’t be bearing the title ‘ex’.

Leonard should have known better than allow Vivian and Mary into his house with so much nonchalance.

10. Some people advise that you eat with a long spoon when you dine with the devil, but I’d rather not dine with the devil. Leonard was naïve and unbelievable to have sat to a drink with Vivian and Mary. Never be too carefree around people you should be on your toes when they’re around you.

11. Not all friends are evïl. Vince was an amazing friend to Leonard. And through his help, Leonard was able to find his bearing again, after Vivian deserted him. Ask God to give you a discerning spirit to be able to tell good from ba.d.

12. Children are heritage from God. Do not let out your frust.rat.ions and anger against the child’s father or mother on the poor child. There are a thousand other ways I could have made Vivian come back to life, but I needed tall to feel the connection betqeen.a child and mother, the way it should be.
The fact that Daisy’s father was a cow, doesn’t mean the child should be loved any less. Dont let the innocent child bear the brunt of an offence s/he didn’t commit.


Thanks for reading,???



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