I’M A BRAT AND I’M IN LOVE: Chapter 11 – The End


(No more broken hearts)

Chapter 19

(Think about me, when the weather is nice??)

Levi made his way to the Police precinct. He wasn’t oblivious of the condemning stares and whispers he got from people.


It had just been a week since he had accepted the serial rapist case, but yet it seemed as if the whole city had heard of it already. He sighed as he arrived at the precinct. He was going to have his very first counsel with his client.

As the Police Chief led him into the cell, he appraised the man sitting before him in the lonely cell sternly.

He was of medium height, with scruffy blonde hair adorning his head, and glazed eyes that made him look like he was in a trance like state. His lips were curled in a demeaning sneer.

“Good day Mr Fuhrer. I believe you know why I’m here.” Levi greeted casually, and the blonde haired man snorted.

“I’m guessing my dearest parents hired you as my defense counsel, but I don’t need one. I’m guilty.”

Levi grit his teeth.

“I’ll advise you not to make statements like that so casually Mr Fuhrer. You’re innocent until proven guilty.”

The man laughed scornfully, then leaned across the table to look Levi closer in the eye, and the Officer in the room gave a grunt of disapproval.

“I killed all those women Mr Akabane. Used them and sliced them up. I’ll advise you not to waste your time trying to prove anything otherwise.”

Levi narrowed his eyes, the wheels in his brain turning.

“So you want to go to jail?”

The man laughed lightly, his laughter sounding like the calm sloshing of waves in the ocean.

“Society itself, the very world we live in is a cage, a prison. We are bound by useless emotions, people’s expectations, religion and so on. I broke free from that cage by giving in to my deepest passions. If spending time in confinement is the price I have to pay for that, then put me behind bars. I have had my own fair share of fun anyway.” He explained casually, but you could hear the conviction in his voice.

Levi stared at the man quietly, trying to read his thoughts.

“Well whether you like it or not Mr Fuhrer, I’m going to do my job. And that job is to do my best to prove your innocence.”

The man’s eyebrows twitched, and he seemed to be about to lose his cool.

“Mr Akabane. It is my candid advice that you drop this case. For your own good.”

Levi watched him suspiciously.

Something was definitely going on behind the scenes.

“Why are you trying so hard to get convicted Mr Fuhrer? Is there something you’re trying to hide?” He asked cooly.

The blonde haired male’s nostrils flared, then he slowly smiled, regaining his composure.

“Why would I hide anything from my lawyer?”


Levi mused over the case over a cup of tea while he was home. His intuition was right. Something was odd about this case.

The ease with which his client, Daniel Fuhrer had admitted his crimes wasn’t that much of a puzzle, most cr@zy criminals were known to like to take the glory for their he!nous deeds, holding it over the Police like some trophy.

But then he was being persistent in trying to get him to drop the case. That was a factor that didn’t fit in.

There was a difference between being ready to go to jail, and being ready to go to jail without being tried at all. He was definitely hiding something.

And then the mur.ders didn’t correspond with his current actions.

Each victim was found with third degree burns, as a result of carefully engineered small bombs, which was very weird.

Why use b0mbs when you could just start a fire?

And why go through all that trouble just to hide evidence and then admit your crimes so easily now?

Levi was going to have to look beyond the surface in order to save this man, even though it looked like he clearly didn’t want saving.

But Levi would do it anyway. He wasn’t going to let history repeat itself.

It was funny, the man’s attitude reminded him of Rika’s, you couldn’t tell what they were thinking, and their presence could make one uneasy.

Only that Rika wasn’t currently being tried for murder.

His eyes caught something in his bag and he reached for it.

It was the picture frame of Rika’s graduation that she had gifted him on his birthday.

He appraised it quietly.

Rika was smiling brightly, and she really shine like the sun.

Her smile was a happy one, and the longer he stared at it, the stronger his resolve to ensure that the smile would never leave her eyes.

He looked around his house for somewhere to keep the frame.

Putting it in his bedroom would be a little awkward.

He placed it on one of the side pieces by the flat screen TV.

It looked out of place in the bare living room that was notably devoid of personal effects.

He sighed and put the picture back in his bag.

He would worry about where to put it later, he said to himself, as he went back to the files on his desk and the case on his mind.


The weeks passed and the first hearing took place. Levi had pleaded not guilty, on the account of fallible evidence, as the testimony from the last victim was not completely reliable, and the prosecution had hounded him seriously.

Daniel Fuhrer, the defendant, had been silent throughout the hearing, but the look on his face had betrayed a rage that Levi couldn’t decipher a reason for.

The hearing had been adjourned, and Levi had sighed tiredly, knowing that it would be a lengthy and messy trial.

The trial was all over the media, and the public wasn’t treating him or the law firm kindly at all.

Several times he had woken up to his car vandalized with eggs, or several protesters at the law firm calling him a dirty sleuth who was defending a criminal just because of his family’s wealth.

He had also recently been receiving de@th threats, warning him to drop the case, and that had been the last straw for Yuri.

She had begged him to drop the case and Sue all the protesters, but Levi was stubborn, and a few de@th threats weren’t going to deter him from his goal.

He did avoid being seeing with Rika in public though, so that the hate he received wouldn’t be projected on her as a result of the her association with him.

But they talked overe the phone and video called, and it was amazing how those short conversations were enough to boost his morale.

Rika had assured him that once the trial was over, the public would soon forget about it all, but it wasn’t like Levi cared all that much.

The Akabane law firm had been through worse times and had come out stronger.

Everytime Levi spoke to his client, he had always tried in several ways to persuade him to drop the case.

It was starting to get annoying, and Levi prepared himself for the usual as he made his way to the cell.

However, he was met with an unusual silence, and a very unsettling demeanor.

“Not going to persuade me to drop the case today Mr Fuhrer? That’s new.” Levi muttered as he took his seat.

Daniel Fuhrer stared Levi down ominously, a s!nister smile on his face.

“You’re a stubborn man, Mr Akabane. Mere words will not move you, will they?”

Levi paused.

“I’m glad you finally figured that out Mr Fuhrer. Now we can actually make a headway on this case. Shall we….”

“That doesn’t mean actions won’t, Mr Akabane. When those they care about are faced with grave danger, even the toughest of men will break.”

Levi stared apprehensively at the man before him. He was suddenly gripped with a strong feeling of discomfort, like something was about to go terribly wrong.

His phone buzzed with a message, but he ignored it.

“You should get that, Mr Akabane.” Daniel Fuhrer said calmly.

Levi grabbed his phone slowly, and checked the message.

“Hey Levi! I’m waiting by your car outside the precinct like you said. See you soon!” It read.

Levi’s brows furrowed.

Wait. He hadn’t told Rika to come to the Police Station.

He looked back up at the man before him, who was smiling triumphantly.

Levi got up from the chair and began to hurry out of the station, dialling Rika’s number.

As he got out, he saw her standing by his car, her back to the entrance of the building, and she answered her phone.

“”Hello? Levi……”


The expl0sion that followed knocked Levi off his feet.

He opened his eyes seconds later.

His ears were ringing, and there was the distinct smell of smoke in the air.

He scanned the area, people were running Helter skelter and the debris of his car lay strewn all over the ground.

Levi glanced up in dread. What remained of his car was now quickly going up in flames, and lying a few meters away, was Rika’s bl00ded, motionless, body.


Written by Authoress Covenant

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