At exactly 1:00pm, we were called upon and we
all filed into the court room. I was more scared
when our lawyer recognized James’s lawyer as
one of the most outstanding white lawyer in town.
He was said to have won all his cases without a
single loss. The lawyer promised me that he
would try his possible best in securing my kids
before he left for his post. I took in his words with
little faith.
The judge assumed his sit and the court trial
started. The case was introduced and the lawyers
did their introductions as well. The battle began
immediately and the air was filled with court
terminologies. The air was filled with court
terminologies and their were proofs provided. Just
as planned, my lawyer pleaded not guilty of the
Everything was going on smoothly until when
James was called to testify. My heart was broken
into a million pieces at the extent he was willing
to go just to reap where he did not sow. James
denied all the allegations of taking off when I was
pregnant. Myself and Biodun were practically
painted black before the court of law. Though all
the planned strategies was put into use, it was
not as effective as I thought it would be. It got to
a point that I broke down in tears and pleaded to
be left alone with my kids. I had to put myself
together when the judge threatened to get me
locked up. From every indications, we were
looking. After an hour of words battle, the judge
declared thirty minutes break, after which the final
judgment would be given.
The court room was as silent as a graveyard
when it reopened. I heartbeat could be heard
from a thousand mile when the judge mounted his
sit and was ready to pass the final judgment.
The acknowledged the two lawyers and said few
things before he passed his final judgment.
According to him, the lawyers arguments clearly
showcased that myself and James were not an
example of responsible parents and giving the
kids proper upbringing was a responsibility he
wasn’t sure we could carryout.
The court decided that both parent had the right
to the kids but in order not to cause any sort of
security bridge, the two kids were to be shared
among the two parent. Any objection from the
parent will lead to the girls been taken to the
A court order was issued and the court closed on
the note that the court order should be carried
out immediately.
I suddenly went deaf and I could not phantom
why the judgement could be so cruel.
“How can a mother be separated from her child?
How can a set of twins be separated?
How can I move on without my girls? ”
These were the questions I asked myself as
remained sitter. I didn’t move an inch until biodun
tapped me on the shoulder and told me James
was heading to our house with the court officials.
I rushed out of the court room in a bid to stop
them. I saw James smiling as drove by right in
front of me. I pleaded with Biodun to stop them
but he couldn’t do a thing. All he did was to
promise me that everything would be all right.
Though Biodun was trying to be strong, his eyes
were blood red as he told me that we needed to
hurry home before James would elope with the
two girls.
I ran into the car and Biodun zoomed off. All that
happened was nothing but a tragedy. I hoped for
a miracle but it never came.
Biodun, his family and the court officials were
right in front of our door when we arrived. Without
waiting for the engine to be turned off, I rushed
out of the car and ran to James. I pleaded with
him not to separate a set of twins and their
mother, I pleaded with him not to deny my girls
the benefit of growing up together, I even
promised to allow him visit them whenever he
wanted to but he waved me aside and told me he
was ready to strictly follow the court order.
When the door to our apartment went ajar, my
sick girl was sleeping beautifully while my other
girl was playing. James rushed at the girls playing
and grabbed her by her arm. She started to cry
and so did my heart started to weep as well. I
couldn’t bare to see my child cry, I forcefully took
her from James and rocked her in my arms.
James went for the sleeping girl and took her
away. I rushed at him again and pleased with him
to spare her because she was innocent and sick.
James gave me an option. It was either I let go of
the crying kid or the sleeping one. I could not let
go of my crying child because she was crying so
much and I could not let go of my sick child
because she would need me when she wakes but
I had to make a choice.
I could not make a choice but Biodun did.
I could not make a choice but Biodun did.
James and his dad were getting in patient. He’s
dad even threatened to go with both kids. The
word on everyone’s lips was “we don’t have the
whole day young lady”. No one even cared about
my emotions or what separation could cause to a
mother and her child; it was as if the whole world
was against me. My tears was flowing like river
as I knelt and Pleaded with James and his dad
but all my pleas went on a deaf ear.
My child didn’t stop to cry as well, the more I
cried, the more she increased the tempo of her
voice. My sick child on the other hand was
sleeping peacefully without having any idea of
what was going on. I would have given her up
easily, but the thought of her shedding more tears
in my absence made it more difficult to give up on
her. I was still pleading with James and his dad
when Biodun grabbed me by my arm and told me
to get my acts together, if not for anything, I
should think of the harm crying could cause on
my child. Even at that, I was not ready to strong
up. I was thinking I was beginning to buy James
emotion over when his dad collected my girl from
his hand and was ready to bounce out. I knelt
before him and pleaded profusely but he didn’t
even spare me a glance. I ran to James since his
dad was not ready to listen to me. I knelt before
him and was about begging him when biodun
carried me up. I can still remember his exact
statement. He looked at me and said “don’t waste
your tears begging a hardened soul”. Biodun took
my crying baby from me and dragged me into the
room. He gave my child to me and went out. He
locked the door on us and left me with no other
choice than to accept my fate.


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