“Wake up baby” Jordan said and kissed my neck from behind. I slowly opened my eyes and I hummed, remembering what went down between myself and Jordan some hours back. “Any regrets?” Jordan asked, interrupting my thought. I replied no with a smile and turned to him. Jordan held me close to himself and kissed me fully on my lips. He removed the strand of hair in my eyes and said “Thanking you is not enough to appreciate you for loving me baby. You sacrificed something so important just to make me happy, right now i feel so worthless of this love. Sun shine, i just want you to know that I love you and i will always do. I promise to always be with you even in death. Wherever you go- I go, You love- I love, You hate- I hate, You fight- I fight, You cry- I cry, but if you leave- I will never leave you, because with you is where i belong honey. I Love you from the sky back to earth and much more”
Jordan stopped to talk and he kissed me passionately. At that moment I felt nothing but love without regret for my action.
The loud ringing of my phone,interupted my kiss with Jordan. I slowly picked my phone and checked the caller I.D, it was Mi mom. My heart skipped a bit as i accepted the call. Mi mom informed me that she would be coming home lately that night and dinner should be anything i felt like eating,she also said i should eat and sleep without waiting for her. I was relieved that My foster parents were not home. Elderly people they say do have their ways of detecting when you have sex. Jordan pulled me into his arms again and i had to fight the urge of making love with him again. I slowly stood up and made use of Jordan’s bathroom to cleanup, during which i discovered my private was alittle sore and painful but i could still manage to walk. After dressing up Jordan combed and packed my hair for me in a bid to show his love for me, though he was not really good at it, it felt romantically good.I had a long kiss with Jordan before making for the door. Jordan would pull me back and kiss me at interval as we walked to my car.Though we had shared lots of kisses but we could not get enough of each other.
I got home tired, the pain i felt in between my legs increased and i was lost on what to do.The only person i could confide in to get tips was khole,without minding the distance i place a call through to her.
Without a long pleasantry,i told khole about what went down between Jordan and I and i informed her that i needed her help on what to use to relief the pain.Khole could not stop screaming “What?!!” when i told her, she asked me if i was sure i was doing the right thing a million times before telling me to check her wardrobe for some pills. I told khole not to worry about me and ended the call. I got the pills from khole’s wardrobe immediately and took two of it with a cup of milk, after which i retired to my bed.The following day was the opening of the overhead bridge by the president, i had to sleep well, to wake up energetic for work.
“Holy crap!” I screamed immediately i opened my eyes. The time was 9:00am and i was suppose to be at work at 7:00am.I rushed to the bathroom to take my bath. The pain in between my legs had reduced thanks to khole. I hurriedly wore a jump suit on a flat shoe and left my room without makeup. I met my foster parent at the dinning room having breakfast. Mom urged me to have my breakfast but i declined and rushed into my car.
“Nancy is this your 7:00am?” Mr.larry shouted immediately he sighted me. He was outside already with my crew. I quickly apologised to my boss and the crew, after which we left in an official bus.”The president won’t be coming, his son is representing him, you are to write an official report on the event” Mr.larry briefed me on our way.
We got to the venue of the event lately.The program was scheduled for 10:00am Different broadcasting agents were scattered everywhere, waiting for the event to unfold.
Shortly after, sound of siren filled the air and the arrival of big cars followed.Force men filled everywhere as they ushered the president son, Governors, commissioners and other important politicians in.All this while i was bussy writing report.
The national anthem was presented by the police band, after which the president son was invited to give an opening speech.I did not bother to look at him at first but his voice sounded familiar.I raised my head in a bid to see the president son and i got the shock of my life. How can i ever forget him? How can i ever forget those beautiful dimples? How can i ever forget a lost buddy? I could not believe my eyes. I was in a state of shock and i had to cover my mouth with my hand in order not no scream out his name.As fate will have it, he looked at me and stopped his speech half way.He smiled at me and i felt my heart sinked.

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