IT’S OKAY TO CRY: Episode 1-10

Episode 10.

Story by Miriam Edem (Miriam Eyen Efik)

Anastasia couldn’t breathe freely as she found it hard to believe what just happened in the sitting room,
“Mpho can’t do this to me, no he can’t do this to me, She kept saying and she heard a scream from her daughter which she ran down there and met them fighting for a pencil.

‘Its mine, give it to me, Faith, her last daughter struggled with her twin sister.
“Now give it to me, no body has it, Anastasia said getting it from them trying to control her anger.

“You’re still with your uniforms huh! She shouted on them and they began pulling it off while she left to scoop their food…………..

“That should be your wife right? The lady asked and Mpho nodded.
“Why? He asked.

“Why? I understand you don’t love her anymore but do you realize your baby is still very tender? She asked.
“Please stop it, I told you already I am married, I didn’t hide anything from you did I? Mpho asked back.

“Maybe you didn’t but I can’t do this anymore, she said and heard the children noises in the house.
“How many kids do you have? She asked while Mpho angrily looked at her and got up.

“You know what, safe me your questions and leave if you’re not interested anymore. What’s all this? Mpho angrily asked.
“Well I am leaving, I can’t do this please, she said and went in to pick her shirt but met Anastasia.

“Ermm, ermm…. Ermmm I am so sorry I… I.. Actually want to……….”are you picking your things or not? Mpho interrupted her and she ran in while Anastasia said nothing but entered her kids room.

“Mommy who is that? Grace asked.
“Why not go ask your father, she replied.

“Why is she behaving like she saw a ghost in a movie? Precious asked and Anastasia heaved.
“Please go ask your father, she replied.

“But daddy is angry with us, he has changed, Favour said.
“Yes, he no longer buys us things or Answers our greetings, Faith added.

“Oh girls please am so tired okay, just eat your food and let your father be. Now eat, Anastasia said holding Faith carrying her on her lap.
“But mommy have you heard from Aunty Dite? Grace asked.

“Oh just shut up and eat up! .Anastasia shouted and the room was quiet.
‘Mommy, baby is crying, Faith broke the silence and Anastasia angrily looked at her…………….

That night after putting the kids to bed, Anastasia left the room and met Mpho in the sitting room..
She looked at him for a while and approached him,

“You know I don’t bloody Care if you’re shamelessly sleeping around like a dog you are, but can you please be reasonable for once to take this act out of the sight of your kids, Anastasia said and Mpho smiled.

“Your kids can close their eyes if they want, after all what do I care? He asked.
“You might not care anymore because you’ve wiped away your brain with alcohol, but this rubbish is not fit for my children. Safe them this mess, Anastasia said.

“What mess? When I am surrounded with mess! Mpho shouted and Anastasia slapped him and suddenly withdrew afraid as Mpho got on his feet.
“I..I…I didn’t mean to please, Anastasia pleaded as his eyes sparked with anger.

“Did you just slapped me? Mpho asked going nearer to her while she kept going backwards.
“I didn’t mean to I swear, pleaseeeeee, Anastasia said almost in tears but Mpho bashed inside the room…………

Julia and her husband were spending the evening by the swimming pool and the maid approached them with a glass of juice,
“Thank you, Alfred said to her.
“Is the baby still sleeping Patra? Julia asked.

“Yes ma. Please ma sorry to ask, have you noticed anything strange with that woman? I mean the nanny, Patra asked.
“No and why? Julia asked.

“Its just that when you left to the hospital, she kind of had less attention for her baby, I mean her baby can cry helplessly and she will just watch her doing nothing. Her face carried anger and hatred, sorry to say, The Maid said and Julia scoffed.

“Will you stop messing around, Anastasia takes care of her kids very well and she can’t do that to a little baby like that. Which mother will abandon her child to take care of another? Julia asked.
“I’m sorry ma, maybe I was mistaken, am sorry, Patra said and slowly left.

“Its too early you know to start hearing complains, if what she said is true, then I think my baby is not safe, Alfred said.
“Honey common, Palesa was perfectly okay when I returned, in fact she helped me to……… Julia stopped not sure if Alfred will welcome the idea that another woman helped brea$tfeed his daughter.

“Yes you were saying something, Alfred broke through her thoughts.
“Anastasia was good, I watched the way she sang sweetly for Palesa and our daughter was so relaxed with her, Julia continued.

“But the maid wasn’t speaking for Palesa but her daughter, Alfred said.
“Actually when I came back, I noticed her little girl was crying though I didn’t met her crying but I found her on the cold tiles. She told me she loves the ground and if she’s not placed there she keeps crying, Julia replied.

“Anyway lets not jump into conclusion yet, but I hope she’s good, let’s drink, He said giving her the glass of juice as the discussion went another direction……………….

The next day Anastasia woke up and noticed Mpho already left the house, she heaved and called his number but he was not Picking up.
Hope gave a little cry and she looked at her,
“This is all your fault! Ever since you were born I have had no peace, now you want to take my marriage from me huh? Anastasia said and smiled.

“You know I and your mother were in the same high school, but she did something to me, something I will never forget even though she thinks I have forgotten. Palesa my daughter will be the beautiful flower in that palace, while you, you are going to stay here and receive this hurt with me. Don’t say I’m wicked, I am just revenging back in a cool way, I don’t know when all this will end, but sure the blow will be very severe! Anastasia said and left the bed to attend to her kids……..

Mpho arrived at the hospital and met his sister counting her rosary,
“So you haven’t stopped doing this huh? He asked after she was done.

“Why are you here this early? She asked.
“Is it bad? How are you feeling? He asked.

“Am good, and Hope? She asked.
“At least she slept with her today, he replied.

“I know something is wrong, you two fought again right? Dite asked.
“That woman sl@pped me, hey! she won’t see my face for good 2 weeks, Mpho said and Dite nodded.

“Well good for you both, my own is that the doctor said i can go home and continue with my drugs there, and I want to go, Dite said.
“No problem, he replied.

“And I am not going with you, I am going back to Hope, Dite added and Mpho looked at her.
“What is it with you and that girl? He asker.

“Nothing bro, I am missing her already, probably I love the way of motherhood and I am enjoying it with her. You can stay in your 2 weeks vacation but please I need to go back, She said.
“Fine I’ll give you some cash then to carry on till I get back, Mpho said with a frown.

“Thank you, i just hope she won’t sl@p me too, Dite said smiling.
“She won’t even dare, I would have skinned her alive, Mpho said.

“I just have to keep my distance then with my baby, Dite replied…………….


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