JUST TWO MONTHS: Chapter 31-40

?Just Two Months ?

Chapter 38

? Daniel’s P.o.v?
We got to Kylie’s house and we saw Police cars and ambulance,i became so scared, then i saw paramedics rolling four beds into their bus.
Mason and i ran to see the bodies,it was Kylie,Nina,Kris and their mom,they were covered in bruises.
“Oh my goodness, what happened?”Mason asked after seeing Nina. “They were br.utally beaten by a man and the older woman was r@ped”One of the medics said.
“Who is the man?”I asked. “Their father”He said and left.

We followed the ambulance to the hospital, meanwhile,my parents were already at the hospital.
“Goodness, what the hell happened?”Paris asked almost crying. “I don’t know” I said pacing back and forth.
Mason was so tensed and worried,he really loves Nina.
The doctor,we all stood up to hear what he has to say. “Doc,how are they?”My mom asked.
“Well,they are fine but the girl named Kylie is still in a critical condition,the whip used on her was so hard,she was bl.eeding so much when she was brought here”He said.
What kind of father does this to his own children,he’s so wicked.
“I hope they all get well soon”My dad said.

The next day, Nina,Kris and Kylie’s mom were awake and Alright,only Kylie was still unconscious.
We were watching over her when the police arrived. “We are the state police and we are here to collect the statement of Kris,Nina and Cecilia Blair.
“That’s us”Nina said. “Okay,we understand that the man who did this to you is your husband”One of the police man said.

“Yes,he is,he is a very terrible husband and father”Kylie’s mom said.

“We are also going to need Kylie’s statement on this issue”

“She’s still unconscious”Mason said while holding Nina’s hand.

“So ma’am,tell us everything your husband did to you and your children?”

“Patrick went cr@zy when he lost his job,he would come home drunk and beat i and my children up,he would blame us for his misfortune,it became a habit for him to beat us. We once tried to escape but he caught us and he r@ped me,he always r@ped me and then beat me afterwards,it was so terrible”Kylie’s mom said crying,my mom went to hug her.

“My father is terrible,he’s a m0nster”Kris said with so much hatred.
While we were still talking, Kylie woke up,i quickly went to her as she was trying to figure out where she was
“You are in the hospital”I said and she nodded

“Kylie,we need you to tell us what happened when your father took you upstairs?”

“He..he used a wh!p on me several times,he beat me with it so hard,he also tried to..tried to r@pe me”She said and everyone was shocked

“He tried to rape you?”The police man asked still shocked.
“Yes,he tried to do it”She said and i left so much anger. How wicked can this man be.

“It’s not the first time he tried to r@pe me”Kylie said. “What,they were other times?”Kylie’s mom asked.
“Yes,mom,when i was 15,he tried to do it twice”Kylie said crying. “Me too,he also tried to r@pe me but Kylie came to save me”Nina said soberly.
“My goodness,why didn’t you say anything,why?”Kylie’s mom said crying.
“He threatened to kill you”Nina said crying. “That’s why you never wanted to alone with him”Kylie’s mom said.
“Yes,mom,we are sorry”Kylie said and they hugged.

? Mason’s P.o.v?
They have gone through alot especially Kylie and Nina, they are so strong.
After taking the statement,the policemen left and the doctor asked us to let Kylie rest.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”I asked Nina. “I didn’t wang you to pity me”She said.
“Pity you?Nina, that man almost killed you”I said while she hugged me.
“Am sorry i kept it from you”She said melting my heart,i hugged her tighter.
“I love you so much,Nina”I said. “I love you too”She said and pecked my cheek.

? Daniel’s P.o.v?
I watched over Kylie as she slept,she looked so beautiful and peaceful. I started c@ressing hee hair.
Kylie,you have been through alot and i still went ahead to break your precious heart,am so sorry. I will make it up to you,i will spoil you with love and care even if you try to push me away

I will give you the finest things of life,you will have everything you want and more, Money won’t have any value in your eyes. I love you.

I kssed her forehead softly, suddenly Austin walked in holding a bouquet of roses.
“Um..hey”He said,i just nodded.
“You don’t have to be cold to me, Kylie’s all yours”He said smiling.
“You gave up?”i asked smirking. “No,i realized the truth”He said smiling at me while i smiled back.

“Austin?”Kylie said as she woke up. They hugged each other so tight.
“I heard the horrible thing that happened to you,am so sorry”He said while Kylie smiled.
“It’s okay,at least he is far away from us now”She said.
“Yeah, now,you will have time to spend with Daniel over here”Austin said while Kylie seemed confused.
“Isn’t he supposed to be married?”She asked glaring at me. ‘i will leave him to do the explanation”Austin said,he gave Kylie the roses and left.

?? Kylie’s P.o.v??
Why is Daniel smiling at me like and idi0t? Why is he even here,he should be with his $lutty wife.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me what happened?”He asked holding my hands.
“Am i supposed to?”i ask making me giggle. “I didn’t get married to Chantel”He said making me confused.
“Why?”I asked and he came closer. He told me everything that happened at the wedding,how ev!l Chantel is.

“She has no womb?”i asked surprised. “Yeah, she’s a hoe”Daniel said and i nodded in agreement.
“I never took alcoholic drink that night and Kylie what i wantee to tell you that night at the balcony was that you and i have a really good connection and we…”
I didn’t let him finish before i kssed him,he responded and we were kssing intensely. Oh,god i have missed those l!ps. I pulled from the kss,our foreheads were still touching.
“I love you, je.rkface”I said making us chuckle. “I love you too,cr@zy p$ycho”He said and we started kssing again.

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