Chapter 17

Unknown pov

Seems my studying last night pays now… We are able to finish quickly… Arnold beamed

Absolutely…. I think it was a good idea that you decided to study all by yourself, it made the teaching easier for me to do… Dean replied zipping his bag.

Obviously…. Maybe I should start studying by myself whenever at night.. At least with that I will understand everything you are teaching me better. Arnold suggested

That will be great.. .. you also have a sister that can enlighten you better if I am not able to explain properly… Dean replied

That should be a joke… Amelia would never accept to teach me.. Arnold rejected

Why? Isn’t she your sister? With what I saw today. I cant doubt how good she can be in teachings.. Dean stated

I’m aware that she’s smart and can teach properly also. But she will never surrender herself for things like that… The only thing she offered herself to do is protecting her diary….. Arnold joked

Diary? Is she taking that as a priority? Dean confusingly asked

I can’t give the full explanation on that… All I know is that Amelia cares alot about her diary… She spends more time with her diary than even us her siblings.. Arnold answered

I’m speechless… What you just explained. Only introverts practices it. Is she an introvert? He asked

She has never been one.. she just cares so much about her diary. Why am I telling you this? Cause I don’t want you to reduce your length of teaching me, because you think Amelia can do that better. Arnold warned

I completely forgot that we were discussing about that… I was just kidding too .. I only pray not to bump into her while leaving. Dean joked

The angry glare that she gave us then was still making me frightened… He said laughing afterwards

It was your plan to tease her that way. I can’t say if she will spare you. Because she will never spare me. Arnold shrugged

This is funny!! Anyways I think I should start going now. I should get some rest at home since we are rounding everything up early… Dean said walking out of the room

Yes… I will go through the notes…. Arnold yelled behind him.



Amelia furiously ruffles her hair as she tried understanding what she was reading…. Why is this particular topic so difficult….

She went through different definitions. Getting tired of checking all the textbook.. what should she do??? She Ranted



Dean was walking down the stairs when he sighted Amelia by the dinning table. His worst fear finally came through. How will he leave now without her seeing him?

He stood still watching how she was talking to herself. where as she looked upset…. It seems she was struggling with whatever she was reading…



Amelia came up with another definition which she thought would suit the explanation. Just then she realized it wasn’t strong enough to defend her queries…

Giving up on everything she hissed, wanting to close the book when Dean stopped her by placing his hand on the note.

Seeing it was Dean she tried ignoring him. She was still very upset with him and Arnold. She can’t do anything to Dean but she will definitely reach Arnold a lesson. Now what’s Dean looking for here?

Excuse me… Why did you place your hand here? She asked frowning

I saw how you were struggling with this. So I thought of helping you with it. Maybe you will understand if we do it together…Dean replied politely. That’s his trick

I understood everything and I don’t think I need help, don’t you think you need to go home and rest?…. She snapped

I needed to rest but I can do that later. Can I at least help you with this? He begged

I really was planning on not getting upset with you for what you and Arnold did. But now that you can’t stop troubling me. It seems I will have to let my anger into action.

Actually I also was planning on leaving without bumping into you. Everything we did then wasn’t to tease you… Dean confessed

Obviously it was.. I saw how you were grinning together with Arnold. Amelia insisted

That was because I actually was impressed you could explain properly like that…. It wasn’t to tease you I promise. I hope you won’t be upset anymore? Dean asked

It’s not necessary…. I meant I am not upset anymore. Amelia stated simply

So that means you will allow me to help you with this? At least that will confirm it that you ain’t upset with me again… Dean requested while she nodded her head

How many definitions have you used to describe it? Did you use this? Dean asked pointing at a definition

Almost three definitions now, that was the last one I used… She sluggishly replied

It must have been confusing that was why you didn’t get it… You know when it comes to this Topic. It has a lot of definition. One just need to examine them all and memorize the standard one… Dean explained going through the definitions.

I have tried all of them. They ain’t meeting up with my taste, I put my hope in the last one but it didn’t work… Amelia adamently replied

Maybe i know what might be wrong. Let’s go to the internet. We should be able to get clue from there.. are you with your phone?

Yes.. you can have it…. Amelia said and gave the phone to him..

He was surprised when he saw how clean and unbroken the screen is. He could remember seeing the screen broken when he bumped into her… Why is the phone so new? Could it be that he didn’t actually break it..

What’s wrong? Why were you surprised? Amelia who saw him staring at the phone asked.

I’m sorry…. I was just impressed at how clean your phone is looking. It looks extremely like it’s new… Dean stammered

Because it’s new… I just got a new phone since my recent phone broke… Amelia answered

It must have been painful when it broke right? He further asked

Quite painful… A stranger broke it and ran away.. She shared

Why would someone do things like that? You should have followed him. He replied sternly

I wasn’t in my right Sense. Probably because I was shocked. He fell my phone and left before I could speak. I can’t even remember what is face looks like. Amelia explained trying to remember the face of the unknown guy once again.

That was a weird coincidence…. Didn’t you feel sad when you saw your broken phone? You must have been angry at the stranger.. He muttered

I didn’t realize that it broke until I got home…. I have been mad at the stranger and I won’t stop being mad at him untill he apologizes very well to me… She concluded

You sounded so confident about what you said.. you can’t even recognize him right?

I can’t recognize him now. But I will remember what he’s like one day… Let’s quit the talks…. Have you been able to get an answer from the internet? She Requested

I will search through it now… Dean answered nervously. Hearing everything he just discussed with Amelia made him slightly worried. What if she recognize his face one day. Oh h’ll!!!

I guess I have gotten the perfect definition.. you should check this out… He proffered returning the phone back to her.

Wow!!! I’m being flattered…. Thanks for offering to help me with this … She beamed..

Dean helped in everything she wanted to study before leaving.



Thinking of receiving breeze from outside and calming his head down at his usual place…

Dean walked to the compound with his both hands in his hoodie pocket… The breeze was blowing towards him and he liked it.

He removed his hoodie cap, making the fresh air to make its way direct into his hair lines.

He stood still in the spot with his eyes closed thinking about some personal issues.

Just then he saw Tiana sitting alone on the sofa nearby.

Why is she outside by this time! She should have gone to bed. He thought and went closer to her.

I was surprised when I saw you sitting here alone… What’s wrong? He asked sitting beside her

When did you come back? I checked the room in search for you but you were not there. She asked looking at him

I already told you about lessoning someone Tiana. I visit there once I am back from school… Dean replied

I guess it was my bad luck then…. I have to stay at home alone, or probably Wondering around the garden by myself… She said sadly

Ain’t you obsessed with cartoon like you used to? You used to like it very much when we were young right? Dean Teased

I’m happy….. At least you can still remember what I used to love when we were young? She beamed with a smile

I guess they are memories that can’t be forgotten… That should be the reason why I can still remember them. Are you still a lover of cartoons? He asked again ignoring how she was glaring at him.

Probably not. I stopped following up at the age of thirteen, when it became annoying to me. I don’t find it interesting anymore. I guess that should be maturity right? She asked

I really can’t say… Nevertheless people seems to get tired of things over time…. Dean shrugged

Maybe you are right, why are you outside? Did you come to search for me? She suddenly asked

I was feeling bored inside. I’m just here to get Cool breeze…. He answered ruffling his hair.

Since you are here. And I am here too. I think we should play a game then.. that should help right? She suggested

No problem.. what’s the content of the game? Dean reluctantly asked. He’s not really interested in the talk.

I don’t have any in mind.. except for Truth or Dare… Should we try that? She asked and Dean nodded his head.

I’m starting it… Truth or Dare? She requested

Truth…. What’s your question? Dean choose

If you are to spend a night with someone? Who would that be? She stated her question. Although Dean was a bit nervous, but he gave an answer anyways.

The girl I love…. Truth or Dare? He asked

Truth….. She choose. Dean kept mute for awhile before tapping a question

Have you encountered a self embarrassing moment before? What was it all about? Dean threw his question

I have had one… I was in the lecture room with my friends that day. A male bvlly was chasing someone and coincidentally they bumped into me. I released my hand angrily forgotten that I had my ice cream with me.

The Ice cream poured on me in return. Making Everyone to make fun of my stained dress… I can’t ever forget about that incident.

That wasn’t fair…. I’m choosing Dare now. Dean stated.

Tiana stared surprisingly at him and seeing that as an opportunity. She demanded for what she has always wanted.

I am giving you a Dare to take me along with you to where you are lessoning….. She requested Making Dean to flinch.

That wasn’t supposed to be brought up in here. I can’t allow you to go with me. Dean refused

Well that’s what I want . It’s a request and you must fulfill it…. She answered

I will do something about it… Can we stop this game now? I’m not interested anymore… Dean said and started leaving with Tiana fastly walking after him…


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