LIFE, ABOVE ALL : Episode 1 – 10


Episode 10

“So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never because the dance with the devil might last you forever.”


I grabbed my bag and blew kisses to Thoko.
‘I will see you on Sunday my darling, take care of yourself,’ I said
‘Take care of yourself too, I love you.’
‘And I love you even more,’ I said before I walked out of the room.
Then i walked down the passage to my brother’s room I knocked softly at his door.
‘Come in,’ he called out.
I pushed the door open and walked in Ganizani was lying on his bed.
‘I am leaving,’ I said
He sat upright and looked at me then he took a deep breath,’ Finally,’ he said
‘I am still not comfortable about this,’ he said
I sighed, ‘come on, it’s just a sleep over and nothing else.’
‘I don’t even know why dad agreed to this, I have a bad feeling about all this.’
I shot him a deadly stare, ‘Don’t start please.’
‘Fine, have a great weekend and please take good care of yourself.’
I smiled, ‘I will. See you on Sunday.’
‘Sure,’ he said.
I walked out of his room and closed the door behind my back.
Celine was lying on the couch in the living room typing on her phone. Without one word passed between us, I made my way out of the house.
Harry’s car was parked in front of our gate.
Kennedy yanked open the car door, ‘Get in,’ he said
I slid into my seat and closed the door.
‘Hey you,’ Harry and Ivy said in unison
‘Hey,’ I responded.
Harry started the engine and drove off.
Ken reached over and held my hand, ‘You look beautiful,’ he said
‘Thank you,’ I responded.
I don’t even know what he meant by beautiful because I wasn’t wearing anything fancy.
‘How was school?’ he asked
‘School was okay.’
‘Studying hard for your exams?’
He didn’t ask me any more questions after that, we drove in silence. A half an hour later we pulled up in front of Harry’s house.
We all stepped out of the car and walked into the house. This time around, the house was clean and neat.
‘Feel at home girl,’ Ivy said
‘Thank you,’ I sat down and removed my phone from my pocket.
Ivy and Ken disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with some bottles of beer which they placed on the table.
‘Girl come and help me carry the glasses,’ Ivy said
I placed my phone on the table and followed her. Once in the kitchen she pulled me to her.
‘Ken likes you,’ she whispered
‘He thinks you are cute.’
I gave her a questioning look, ‘Meaning?’
‘He would like to you better.’
She cut me short, ‘Ken is a nice guy do you know how many girls droll over him?’
I kept quiet.
‘Grab this chance with both hands.’
‘I don’t know a thing about relationships,’ I said
She smiled,’ don’t worry about that, you will learn as time goes by. Just be open and ask where you are not clear.’
‘That’s my girl.’
We grabbed the glasses and walked back into the living room. Ivy uncapped the bottle and poured in all the cups.
Harry grabbed a glass and downed it in a gulp then he replaced his glass on the table so Ivy could refill it.
Ken grabbed his glass and after taking a sip he looked at me.
‘That’s yours,’ he said pointing at the glass on the table.
‘I don’t drink.’
‘What do you mean you don’t drink?’ He asked
Ivy laughed, ‘It means she has never had alcohol.’
‘Wow!’ he exclaimed, ‘Not even a drop, like even just a little out of curiosity.
‘Nop,’ I shook my head.
‘Such a baby,’ Harry burst out laughing
‘Baby don’t be a bully, Tiya isn’t as exposed as we are,’ Ivy said
‘You wanna try?’ Ken asked
I shook my head.
‘C’mon! Just try one glass and if it doesn’t work for you then let it go.’
‘Ya just one glass,’ Ivy said, ‘You won’t regret it.’
I grabbed the glass and smelled the drink first.
Everyone laughed.
I took a sip from the wine, then I instantly started coughing and spluttering as the liquid burned my throat.
‘This burns,’ I said in a dry voice.
‘You will get used to it,’ Ivy said
‘We should get her something sweet next time,’ Harry suggested
‘Ya,’ Ken said
‘So what do you guys wanna do?’ Harry asked
‘How about we play some truth or dare?’ Ken suggested
Ivy and Harry squealed with delight.
‘Are you okay with this?’ Ken asked
‘Yes,’ I managed a smile
‘Then let’s do this,’ Ivy screamed.
We all sat down on the floor, i was sitting next to Ken while Ivy and Harry were sitting on the other side across from us.
‘Who wants to start?’ Ken asked
‘Me,’ Ivy said
‘Truth or dare,’ he asked
‘Truth,’ she answered almost immediately.
‘How many guys have you had sex with?’ Ken asked
Ivy stared at him thoughtfully before she opened her mouth and answered, ‘Three.’
Shocked, my eyes widened and my mouth gapped open.
When I got my first period just a few months before mother died, she sat me down with me and said, ‘Tiya, you are now a woman,’ Then she told me all about premarital s*x and teenage pregnancy.
‘Earth to Tiya,’ Ivy clicked her fingers in my face. ‘Why did you look like you have seen a ghost?’ she asked
‘Nothing,’ I shook my head.
‘Spit it out,’ Harry said
‘Well I am just surprised that she has been having s*x.’
They laughed.
‘Are you a v!rgin?’ Ken asked
They laughed even some more, I felt out of place. They made it look like being a virgin was some sort of a case.
I angrily took another sip from my wine after a few minutes. I felt the liquid down my throat, its warmth spreading out of my stomach.
‘I don’t want to play again,’ I stood up.
‘You can’t be serious.’
‘I am serious,’ I snapped at Harry
He raised his hands up in surrender.
‘I will just go outside for some fresh air,’ I said and walked for the door before anyone could respond.
Maybe I made a mistake coming over, I felt like I didn’t belong in this crew because they were all experienced in different stuff.
Ken followed me outside, ‘Hey,’ he whispered wrapping his hands around me.
‘You are done mocking me?’
‘We weren’t mocking you.’
‘I see.’
‘We were all just shocked about your revelation. You are really a v!rgin?’
‘You wanna stay out here or we should back inside and do something different?’ he asked
‘Something different like what?’
‘Anything, I could teach you one or two things.’
‘You are sure?’
He looked at me with a grin there was a twinkle in his eyes.
‘Come let’s go,’ he held my hand and we walked back inside.

To be continued

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