Olùdirañ Oluwatosin F.

Chapter 3

Next Morning**

Trinity woke up and glanced at the sleeping Lisa.

She shook her.
“Gaad,, Lisa you have an interview to attend”
Trinity yelled and she jumped outta bed.

“OMG,, OMG,,
She blabbed as she quickly pulled off her nightie,,
She ran to the bathroom.
Trinity laughed.

“You look funny right now”
Trinity said still a laughing.

“Stop laughing and help me out with breakfast”
Lisa yelled from the bathroom.

You still remembered food,, such a foodie”
Trinity scoffed and left for the kitchen.

“Tea and bread will do”
She muttered and switched the water dispensary Machine to hot.

She went to the refrigerator and got a cold loaf.
She set their breakfast and served it on the wooden table in the living room since they had no dinning room.

She sat down waiting for Lisa and also reminiscing on how she’s also gonna get a good paying job.

They hadn’t resign from Janell Coffee but they took two days off which she granted them.

Lisa rushed out of their room still fixing her earrings.

“Easy Babe”
Trinity Chuckled and they settled down for breakfast.

“I’m also thinking of working with Loran Beauty Concept Since they’re in need of a makeover artist”
Trinity said..
Lisa nodded with her mouth full

“Lisa,, you’re gonna choke,, The interview is not running away”
Trinity rolled her eyes.
Lisa gulped down her tea and sighed heavily.

“That’s a wise idea, Quickly apply”
Lisa Chirped and Trinity nodded.

“Thanks babe”
Trinity Smiled.

Lisa ran to their too and got her sandals,, and a Small purse.

“You’re gonna fall”
Trinity jibed and also drank her tea.
She ate little bread and returned the tea cups to the kitchen.

“Lisa, I’m gonna visit Shayne today,, he promised me a date”
Trinity beamed happily as she sat on the small couch in the living room.

Lisa joined her and wore her sandals.
“Why’re you obsessed with that guy?”
Lisa asked with crumpled face.

“Because I love him”
Trinity pouted.

“But he her head indicating ‘brain’

“I Love Shayne,, you don’t and can’t understand my love for him”
Trinity said and Lisa stared at her pathetically.

“love, Love, Love,, Don’t be fooled”
Lisa sIapped her arms lightly and stood up.

“Good luck baby”
Trinity said

“Thank You,, Miss Shayne”
Lisa teased.

Trinity mouthed.
Lisa left
Trinity danced to their room to dress up for her date with Shayne.


Raleigh’s Enterprise.

*Good morning sir
*Good morning sir.
The workers greeted as he walked to his office with Sam behind him.

He ignored them.
**Looking cute as always.
**Damn,, He’s too handsome.
**Sam is also hot.
**Boss is so hot!
They chattered.
The murmurs died down when he entered his office.

“Sam,, what about the interview”
He asked as he took his seat.

“Everything is set”
Sam replied and dropped his briefcase on his table.

“Get me Gianna”
He ordered calmly and Sam nodded with a slight bow.

He Left his office and luckily,he met Gianna on his way to her office.

“The boss wants you in his office”
Sam said and walked away.
She bit her lips and glanced back at him as he walked away.

“He’s too cold towards me, I wonder why”
Gianna shrugged and went to Reece’s office.

She rang the bell and Entered after she heard his endearing voice.
“Come in”

She bowed.

“What are my schedules for today?”
He asked,, his eyes on the laptop before him.

She opened the large book with her.
“You have dinner with…

“Cancel it”
He cut her off.

“You have an appointment with Kira Lorna by 11:00 am”

He motioned her to continue.
“You have a question mob with Mia’s Entertainment by 1:00 pm”

“and lastly, You’re to Advertise The Baek’s Silky Smoothening Cream”
She said and closed the book with her.

“have they paid?”
He asked calmly.

“Yes sir,,they paid just yesterday”

“You can go”
She left the office and retired to her office.

She stared at her system computer.
“Sam,,I do love you but I hated the way you talks to me,,cold shouldering me”
She muttered and palmed her face.

“Gianna,, Stop thinking about love and focus on your future”
Her mind yelled.

“Yh,,it’s also part of my future”
She muttered.


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