LOVE HAPPENS: Episode 41-The End of Season 1

•Love Happens
Written by Authoress Kamara

Episode 44

I stared at Xander. He looks so cute with his adorable oceanic blue eyes.

I noticed he wasn’t staring at my face, he was actually staring at my lips.

I widened my eyes in realization.
Xander wants to kss me.

He cupped my cheeks kssing me.
I hesitated before returning the kss.

I guess we were so caught up in it we didn’t hear the sound of approaching footsteps.

“What’s going on here?”.

We pulled apart from each other guiltily.

“Uhh Mum”. I racked my brain trying to search for a lie.

She raised an eyebrow. “Would you care to explain?”.

I nudged Xander.

He cleared his throat heading to my Mum. “Guess what fine dishes are seating on your table this morning?”. He said dragging my Mum to the dining room.

I hope he comes up with a good lie. If not, Mum is gonna pester me about this. I followed them to the dining room to find a row of exotic dishes placed on the dining table.

Mum smiled inhaling the aroma. “This smells so good”.

Xander smirked.
He sure does know how to cook.

“Okay. I’ll go take my bath, then i will come down for breakfast”. Mum said going back to the living room.

I sighed inwardly. She forgot about it, thankfully.

I quickly sat at the table opening one of the plates. “And what do we have here?”.

“Chicken pie, homemade bacons …”. He kept on listing everything on his fingers.

I dug in the bacon shoving it into my mouth savoring the taste. “G0sh. This smells so good”.

I stopped and saw Xander watching me.

“What?”. I ask confused.

“I don’t like girls who eat too much”. He said.

I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me to it.

“Or girls who talk too much”. He added smirking.

I frowned immediately.

“Or girls who frown”.

I folded my arms. “Now you are just annoying”.

“You were annoying too last night”. He pointed out.

“Fine. Sorry, how’s that?”.

He shook his head negatively. “That won’t do”.

I placed my head on my chin. “Then what?”.

“A kss”. He stated.

“Oh wow. Then what was that back then”.

He flashed me a smile. “I kssed you back then but now you have to kss me”.

I raised an eyebrow. “Is there any difference?”.

“I get to taste your lips twice”.

My lips twitched into laughter.

•Authoress Kamara•

I woke up with excitement of having my best friend around in the house. Rolling off the duvet, i got out of my bed.

I headed to Ashley’s room.

I came back to my room minutes later after i had troubled Ashley. I went to the bathroom to do the morning stuff of brushing my teeth ….

After that, i walked out, back to my room. I slide my feet into my house slippers drying off my body.

I got dressed, picked my phone and walked out. I walked to Xander’s room. I knocked twice but no reply, i pushed the door open going inside.

I glanced around.
No sign of Xander.
He must be downstairs.

His room is just like mine, spacious and well furnished like any other room in this house.

I walked out of his room going back to my room. I took my backpack by the door slinging it over my shoulder and walked out.

I went downstairs to the living room dropping my bag on the couch. I walked to the dining room and met Ashley laughing wholeheartedly.

“What’s so funny, sis”. I asked amusedly.

She looked at Xander for a split second and continued laughing. I smiled amused. Then i noticed the plates of exotic dish placed on the table.

I looked at Xander. “Don’t tell me you are gonna finish them all”.

“Nope. Its for your Mum and maybe for your Dad also”. He said heading out of the dining room.

I followed him. “Are you gonna ride with me or you taking your own car?”.

“My car is at the body shop”. He replied. “I’ll ride with you guys”.

“Ashley. I’m off”. I yelled loud enough for her to hear.

Xander and I walked out to the driveway where there was a long line of cars.

“So which one should we ride?”.

He shrugged. “Anyone. Not really interested in impressing people this morning”.

I went over to a red car unlocking it.

Ashley came by. “‘I’m riding front seat”. She said.

“Not possible”. Xander replied getting into the front seat of the car.

She groaned. “Fine.”. She said getting into the car.

I went over to the driver’s seat getting it locking the car door. I turned the car on starting the engine.

I rolled my eyes as Adrian and Xander kept talking about sports.

“How do you know so much about sports when you are not even on any sports team in school?”. I asked Xander.

Xander grinned. “I wouldn’t want to beat Ian”.

“I can beat you at any sport which makes me captain of the top most sport teams in school”. Adrian bragged.

I felt relief as Adrian pulled into the school parking lot.

“Finally”. I muttered getting out.

I was going to the school buildings but Adrian drew me back.

I sighed. “What?”.

“No boy should cone close to you”.

I nodded. “Can I go?”.

“Don’t interact with any guy in school, don’t flirt with anyone …”. He kept on listing stupid rules which i knew i wasn’t gonna follow.

“And if i do see you a boy perving on you, i’m gonna beat him up”. He concluded.

Wait! What?
Isn’t that on the extreme angle?

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