LOVE HAPPENS: Episode 41-The End of Season 1

•Love Happens•
Written by Authoress Kamara

Episode 49
I walked away holding my bag tightly. I cleaned my mouth with the back of my palm. I turned sideways and saw Xander.

Sh!t! He saw it.
I walked faster towards him but he turned walking away.

I sighed sitting on the floor resting my back on a locker.

I closed my eyes thinking.
What am i supposed to do?
I get this feeling whenever i’m with Xander but ..

Someone shook me roughly and i immediately opened my eyes seeing Jessy.

“Hey”. I say sadly. “Did you get the tickets”.

She shrugged. “He drove off before i got there”.

I nodded.

She sat on the floor beside me. “Are you okay?”.

“Yes”. Tears were forming in my eyes.

“Do you want a hug?”. She said softly.

I sniffed placing my head on her shoulder.

She patted my hair softly. “What happened?”.

“Axel kssed me and he saw it”.

She sat up immediately. “Wait!. Do you like him?”.

I scrunched up my face. “No. I don’t like Axel anymore”.

“No dumbs”. She hit my head slightly. “I’m talking about Xander”.

“I don’t know Jessy, it all seems sudden”. I confessed.

“Well … I think he likes you”.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”.

She faced me. “Okay. When i was coming back from the parking lot, i saw the way he walked towards his car, he looked angry and besides he didn’t even talk to Adrian”.

“If he likes me then why can’t he tell me?”. I ask curiously.

“I don’t know”. She said truthfully. “He has his reasons”.

I sighed. “Well it sucks”.

Jessy stood up. “I know what will cheer you up”.

“Ice-cream …?”. I ask hopefully.

“Nope”. She said.

She stretched out her hands towards me pulling me up. I stood taking my bag as we headed out of school.

I turned to Jessy. “Where to?”.

“How about you go with me to Golden Spade?”.

I groaned. “That will be boring”.

“Come on. Please”. She pleaded.

“Fine. When does you finish?”.

“This is just 3. I finish in about 6”.

“Okay. Lets go”. I agreed.

I brought my phone out of my pocket to call one of our drivers but i see Jessy by the roadside waving her hand.

I walked to her. “What are you doing?”.

“Flagging down a cab”. She responded.

“I have a driver”. I told her. “He can take us to Golden Spade faster”.

A cab stopped.

She dragged my hand and we both entered the cab.

“Golden Spade”. She said to the cab driver.

I glanced around it as the cab driver drove off.

“This is my first time in a cab”. I whispered to Jessy.

She nudged me. “Think off it as an adventurous ride”.

I scoffed. “Oh please”.

She glared at me and i apologized.

“So how is Golden Spade like?”. I ask.

She looked at me weirdly. “You’ve never been there?”.

I shook my head negatively. “Only heard of it”.

“Your Dad always hold his lunch meetings there”. She explained. “Most celebrities always eat there that’s why its a privilege to work there”.

“How many celebrities have you seen?”. I ask.

“A lot. I’ve seen Andrea Young__”.

I interrupted her. “Andrea Young? Cover of Teen Star magazine?”.

Jessy nodded. “Yep. She’s the one. Have you seen her?”.

I smirked. “What makes you think i’ve seen her”.

“Huh because you are the only daughter of Kendrick Powers and Sasha Powers”.

I smiled. “I’ve seen her. She was at Adrian’s beach party last year”.

She squealed. “Awesome”.

She turned to the driver. “Stop here”.

The driver stopped and we got out of the cab. Jessy gave him some money and he drove off.

I turned and saw a large building decorated beautifully. Wow! Golden Spade is really golden.
I sighted some Paparazzi at the door.

“Is this aways how it is?”. I ask Jessy.

“Yep”. She answered.

I unzipped my bag bringing out my face-cap putting it on. I sling my bag over my shoulder.

“Seriously. A face-cap”. She said sarcastically.

I shrugged. “Let’s go”.

She took me past the front door and we entered into the building.

Wow! It just keep getting better.

She pulled me towards the back part of Golden Spade.

A girl who looked in her early twenties stopped Jessy. “You are late”.

“I’m so sorry Quentin”. Jessy apologized to the girl.

‘Quentin’ eyed me. “Who is she?”.

“Her friend. Got a problem”. I replied rudely.

The girl immediately stomped off.

Jessy nudged me. “Why did you do that?”.

“She was being nosy”.

“Miss Hathaway”. I heard a voice behind me.

I turned to see Quentin with a middle-aged man who looked like the manager.

“Miss Hathaway, we do not condone you being rude to your superiors”.

“I’m so so sorry. Mr. West. It was a mistake”.

“Sorry Jessamyn. Things like this could get you fired”. Quentin said grinning wickedly.

Oh! She thinks she’s somebody.
I’ll show her.

I removed my face-cap turning towards the manager. “Hi”.

Quentin was stunned.

“Miss Ashley Powers. How lovely of you to dine at Golden Spade”. The manager said with all smiles.

“Well. My best-friend Jessy introduced me to this place”. I said.

The manager glanced at Jessy. “Oh. That’s right. Jessamyn. Our leading waitress”.

Quentin gasped. “That’s my job”.

“Not anymore”. The manager said. “Accompany Miss Ashley to the VVIP section”.

She groaned leading the way. I followed her admiring the restaurant. It seems so classy.

“We are here”. She said.

I nodded and looked at the entrance. VVIP was written in gold. Money is really something.
•Authoress Kamara
Xander passed us heading to his car not even sparing us a glance.

I turned to Adrian. “Is something wrong with him?”.

Adrian shrugged. “I’ll chat him up later”.

He kssed me. “Bye”. He said going into his car.

I waved as he drove off.

As soon as his car was out of sight. I hissed in disgust. I don’t even like Adrian a bit, i am just doing all this to get to Xander and i hope i achieve that.

I got into my own car and my driver took me home.

I flopped on my bed as soon as i got to my room.

I opened my phone entering gallery staring at Xander’s pictures.

I can’t get him out of my head. I wish he can just ask me out .. Maybe he likes me but he’s just drawing back because of Adrian.

What if i break up with Adrian?
I love Xander so much.
Even his name, Alexander, sounds so cute.

He’s so charming and his lips .. Can’t wait to taste them.

What do i do to get to Xander? I want us to be close. Not just close, i want to date him.

But that will be possible if Adrian is out of the way. And Ashley?

I’ve seen the way Xander looks at Ashley. He doesn’t look at any other girl like that.

I stared at his pictures on my phone. G0sh!! His dimples and the killer smile.

Kill me …
I have a feeling that Xander is crushing on me.
Why won’t he?
After all, i’m Sophie Burns. Queen of DaSilva High. Most popular girl in school and head cheerleader.

I want Xander. I want him and i must have him. I don’t care if Adrian gets hurt.

Like, Adrian is so boring. I want someone sweet and r0mantic like Xander.

Xander has the sweetest voice ever. Meanwhile Adrian doesn’t even smile like Xander and he doesn’t even dress like Xander.
Although they are best-friends. They are different.

Ugh! I don’t even like Adrian.

I love Xander.
He will soon be mine.

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