•Love Happens•
Written by Authoress Kamara
Season 2
Episode 4
“And thats how i knew she was totally jealous of me”. Sophie kept on talking.

My mind was on what Axel said.
Could it be true? If it was true; then Sophie cheated on me.

“Adrian”. Sophie called jolting me out of my thoughts.

I turn to her. “Yeah?”.

“Are you even listening to me?”. She asked exasperatedly.

“Sorry. I was just__”.

She cut off. “Why are we in this restaurant if you don’t pay attention to what i’m saying?”.

“What’s going on between you and Axel?”. I asked immediately.

“Excuse me?”.

“Sophie. I said_”.

“I heard what you said”. She interrupted me. “Why are you insinuating such?”.

“I’m just trying to be a good boyfriend here”. I told her.

“Oh really? By accusing me of sleeping around with Axel?”.

“Who mentioned anything about sleeping with him”.

She scoffed. “Well it looks like you were gonna”.

I sighed.

“Why are you getting worked up over this? I do not have anything to do with Axel. I even hate his guts”. She said.

“When you are out with other girls, i don’t say anything”. She added.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “When have I even been with other girls?”.

“Lily James and Audrey Harper”. She replied.

I sighed. “They are my best-friends”.

“Best-friends? Really? With your ex-girlfriend?”.

“What Audrey and I had was before”. I explained. “Besides, i’m dating you now”.

I tried to take her hand but she refused.

“Sophie, you are making this hard for me”.

“I’m making this hard for you? Well then, stop being friends with her”.

“Sophie”. I warned.

“I’m okay with you being friends with Xander and that J.R, also maybe Lily but not Audrey”.

“Sophie for fcksake, Audrey and I are just friends”.

“Then choose. Audrey or I?”.

“You can possibly tell me to choose”.

“Adrian choose. Me or Audrey?”.
•Authoress Kamara Library•
I came back and saw a waiter standing too close to Ashley. My Ashley.

“So what’s your name?”. I heard him say.

“Her name’s touch her again and i’ll have to break your face”. I growled.

“I’m sorry. I was just being friendly”. The waiter said innocently.

I grabbed my wallet and paid him. Then i took Ashley’s hand and walked out of the restaurant.

We got into the car.

“That guy is a dog”. I said starting the engine.

“Stop being jealous”.

“I’m not jealous”. I said driving out of the parking lot.

“He gave me his number”. She said simply.

I screeched the car to a halt. “How dare he?”.

She busted into laughing.

“Whats so funny?”. I asked driving again.

“You are so cute when you act all jealous”.

“Oh forgive me for loving my girl-friend too much”. I said sarcastically.

“Just stop by and lets get some chocolate to calm you down”.

I drove the car and parked it by the tarmac. We got down and I intertwined our fingers together.

“Oh. Protective much?”. She teased me.

I groaned. “You are so annoying”.

“Well you are the one who wants to date me”.

We entered the place and went to the counter.

“Hi, can i get two scoops of chocolate in a cone?”. I asked.

“Sure”. The guy behind the counter said and made my order.

“And what will you have, cutie?”. The guy said and eyed Ashley up and down.

“Yeah, what do you want, babe?”. I asked slinging my arm around her shoulder.

The cashier glared at me shortly before turning to her.

“I’ll have the same thing he’s having”. Ashley said.

I kss her lightly on the cheek. “Couple goals”. I told the cashier.

He frowned giving us our order.

We went back to the car and i drove her home. I walked her to the front porch.

“I like this type of Xander”. Ashley said. “Caring, sweet, kind and loving”.

I smiled. “Well you are in luck, you will be seeing him everytime”.

I leaned in to kss her but she stepped backwards.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What?”.

“Adrian”. She whispered.

“He’s not in. His car is not in the driveway”.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pressed my lips against hers kssing her intimately. After a while, i pulled away.

“Feels so good to do that”. I muttered.

“She kssed me on the cheek. “Bye Boyfriend”. She said heading into the house.

I smiled at her retreating figure.
•Authoress Kamara Library
I woke up with a smile on my face. I had slept off immediately Xander dropped me off. I was so tired.

I heard a ‘ding’ on my phone. I picked it up from my bedside table and checked it.

A message from an unknown number. I clicked on it.

^^Good Morning. Hope you slept well, looking forward to see you in school. I love you^^

I smiled knowing the message was from Xander. I quickly saved his number as ‘Bae’. Newsflash, i’m dating Xander.

I sat up on my bed removing the covers and got down from the bed. I went straight to the bathroom.

I came out later feeling refreshed drying my body with a smaller towel. I rubbed lotion on my body before i went straight for my wardrobe. I searched for what to wear before I finally settled on something.

I wore a red crop top, black skater skirt and red and white nick roshes. Damn, i look good. I took my black backpack and rushed downstairs.

I went straight to the dining room and met them eating.

“Good morning. Family”. I said cheerfully dropping my backpack.

“Morning Baby”. My Mum replied enthusiastically. “Help yourself to bacon and eggs”.

I smiled dishing some on my plate. “Dad, how long are you staying?”.

“Two weeks. If everything works out perfectly in the office”.

“I want a car”. I said.

Dad looked at me. “You want a car?”.

I nodded. “Dad please. Adrian and I are the same age, he has a car but i don’t”.

“I’m older than you”. Adrian said.

“With 13 minutes”. I retorted.

“Baby. You can’t drive”. My mum replied sweetly.

“I’ll learn. Please”. I flapped my lashes pouting.

My Dad sighed. “Fine. When i’m less busy, you will take driving lessons”.

“Yes!!”. I pumped my fist in the air.

My Mum chuckled. “But you will still be riding with Ian for now”.

Adrian stood up abruptly. “I have to go”.

He took his bag and went out.

“Bye Mum. Bye Dad”. I said taking my backpack walking out.

I met Adrian in the driveway entering the car. I opened the car-door getting inside. Immediately, Adrian drove out and the gates closed back automatically.

He kept on looking at his phone smirking as he drove.

I snatched the phone.

“What the h*ell”. He muttered.

“Drive us to school, then i’ll give you this phone”.

He sighed eyes focused on the road.

I glanced at the phone i was holding. This isn’t Adrian’s phone, its for Axel. What is Adrian doing with Axel phone?

The car screeched to an halt in the school parking-lot. I got out of the car and he took the phone back.

“What are you doing with Axel’s phone?”. I asked curiously.

He placed his fingers on my lips. “Shhh … Someone might hear you”.

I bit his finger.

“Ouch .. Why did you do that?”. He asked.

“What’s going on?”.

He pressed something on the phone smiling. “For revenge”.

He quickly ran into the school building.

I sighed going into the school building walking through the hallways.

I noticed people looking at their phones. Some were in groups watching videos. I shrugged it off.

I sighted Jessy at her locker.

“Hey Jessy”.

She turned to me. “Have you seen it?”.

“Seen what?”.

She sighed. “Check the school blog”.

I took my phone and immediately went to the school blog. I clicked on it and scrolled to the gossip board. There was a video there.

I clicked on it and it started playing.

“What the fck”.

“Thats the trending topic”. Jessy said watching it.

It was a video of Kathryn m0aning and screaming in b.ed. She was straddling a guy who seemed to be Axel but his face was blurry. She was totally n@ked in the vide0.

“This was the revenge Adrian was talking about”. I whispered.

She widened her eyes. “Adrian did this?”. She whispered.

I nodded.
Who do you think Adrian chose? Audrey or His relationship with Sophie?
Ashley and Xander are dating .. Yay
So Adrian finally had his revenge … Was his revenge too much?
What is gonna happen to Kathryn?

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