?Married To A Billionaire?
(The Billionaire Wife)

Episode 18

????Written by Authoress Quinny ????

?Elizabeth pov?
“Michael, what is the meaning of this?” Mrs Greene exclaims.

Everyone turned their attention to him. Giving him serious glares. I could see the anger rising in his dad’s eyes. From that look, I knew he was surely getting the talk after this.

Charles had the look like he was already expecting something like this.

“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kss the bride.”

Oh no, I actually forgot about this part and I really don’t wanna embarrass myself.

At first, I was in a shock but I soon started responding as his lips moved gently against mine. It was like my body had its mind on it own. It felt so right yet so wrong.

“Good thing we practised this.” He whispered in my ear. It sounds as if he was trying to mock me.

My cheeks must have been bright red right now. I have never been more embarrassed.

After our kss, everyone was clapping there hands, for the corner of my eye I saw Michael looking at me with a smirk on his face.

Not long after everyone was already in the hall while I was taking my time putting on a simple dress. I didn’t feel like going, the thought of me having to face all those people made me sick.

Once again I was lost in thoughts starring at the wind before Mary rudely interrupted me.

“So, how does it feel to be finally called Mrs Greene?”

“I always preferred Jane.”

“Who wouldn’t wanna marry that guy, he’s hot. If you didn’t marry him someone else was. You can tell that he likes you, by the way, he pulled you close to him and kssed you. You should consider yourself lucky, guys like him are hard to find. Anyways, you better hurry up with that dress. The guests are starting to worry.”she said.

After putting on my dress, Mary and I made our way to the hall.

Michael was making his ‘big speech.’

“I grow up with the both of them, I remember Charles used to keep a jar of chocolate just for her.”


“Ladies and gentleman it’s time for their first dance as a couple.”


“You two better hurry up because you have a flight to catch.”

“A flight to where?” I asked in confusion. My mom always does things without my concern.

“To your honeymoon.”

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