MARRIED TO A CELEBRITY : Episode 1 – The End

?All I want is his love??

By Rachel Fadipe ??

?Chapter Nine?

?Sharon pov?

“Let’s just get a divorce” Joe said.

“I feel disgusted seeing you here” he said.

“I just want you to leave” he said while tear rolled down my face.

“She is going nowhere” my mother-in-law said as she entered.

She came closer to us and picked the picture on the ground. She seems shocked but she adjusted herself.

“She is going nowhere,” she repeated.

“But mom, she cheated on me” Joe said.

“Is she the only one cheating here?” She asked while Joe cleared his throat.

“She is going nowhere, my daughter go inside” she said to me.

“Don’t you dare, I don’t want to see you here when I come back” he said and left the house angrily.

What am going to do? Why is it that everytime I think things are going smooth. Something always find a way destroy it.

All I ever wanted was Joe’s love, to just be with him, but why do everything always go sideways.

?Chris pov?

I feel so happy, I know that my plan is working perfectly.

Sharon is going to be mine and mine only.

I heard a knock on my door, I went to the door opened it and received a slap.

“I told to make Joe jealous not destroy her home” Joe’s mom shouted at me.

“With all due respect ma, yes you gave me a job to execute but I found something better than your money and that is Sharon, am sorry but her home is none of my business, if you will excuse me” I said and locked my door.

Sharon is going to be mine.

Joe pov?

I feel hurt, how could she?” Do I have to say it before she understands my feelings.

I just feel devesated, hurt, and sad.

I must make her regret her actions, I must make her pay.

There is only one way.

Make her paid by making her jealous, I know she likes me.

?Sharon pov?

I ran out as I heard Joe’s car hoot, he got out of his car.

He came down with a lady, “let’s go babe” he said and hit her bvtt.

“What are you doing with a slvt?” I asked vexed.

“A slvt? a slvt calling another a slvt. You don’t have the right to call her one” he said while I land him a slap.

“Fvck you, fvck this marriage, I will give you what you want. Let’s divorce, just as you wish, just want you to know I never cheated on you” I said and went upstairs.

I went to the wardrobe and packed my stuffs, am leaving for good.

I will never come back to him.

Love hurts, now I know I will never get him to love me. All I want is his love but all I got is nothing.

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