Episode 30

Aunty Fanny still couldn’t believe what the inspector had just told her after hanging up the phone, how could someone she had seen just few days ago be found dead? She could not fathom who could have wanted him dead and why. Jeff was such a lovable man, he was friends with everyone; he never interfered with people’s private affairs and was one to always mind his own business; why anyone would do this to him was beyond her.She thought of all the people she knew who related with him on a day to day basis or he at least hung out with, for her, there was no reason why Lola or Lara would do such.

Lola was just a young undergraduate whohad no one else to care for her but her sister and Jeff had been nothing but accommodating to her although they didn’t see eye to eye sometimes, he had even helped to pay for her school fees andupkeep many times so it didn’t make sense to her that Lola would be responsible.Lara being a suspect was out of the question; she had no reason to murder herhusband, especially not in such a cruel manner? it was absurd besides even if for some bizarre reason that could have been possible,there was no way Lara could have been a suspect because she was not even in the country. “Poor woman!” she thought, “I wonder how she’ll take the news”, her mind went back to a few years ago when she had just met Lara for the first time, Jeff had just introduced her as the woman he wanted to marry, he had wanted her and her husband to stand in as his parents since his own parents were late.

Lara had been such a timid girl who was well behaved also, for her Jeff getting married was a bold step because he wasn’t one to be seen around women, as amatter of fact it had been a huge surprise to everyone when he started dating Lara, before then the only person he was usually seen around with was Franklin and one or two other male friends.

Even when Aunty Fanny had to have emergency surgery as a result of Appendicitis, it was Franklin who accompanied Jeff to the hospital to see her.Appendicitis is a painful swelling of the appendix, a small tube attached to a part of the large intestine called colon where faeces are formed.

The appendix is located on the lower right side of the abdomen and does not serve any specific purpose. The cause of appendicitis is not quite clear, however, it is taught to be due to blockage of the entrance of the appendix, usually due to faeces causing painful swelling, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

The treatment for appendicitis is surgery to remove the swollen append Franklin! Franklin! Franklin! That name kept ringing in her head, something in her mind kept telling her he knew something about Jeff’s death.

Franklin had been envious of him for a long time even when he started dating Lara; apparently he had made advances to Lara in the past before she met Jeff but she rejected them.

Jeff and Lara met a few months later only for her to discover that they were friends, Jeff didn’t know about Franklin’s earlier proposal to her until much later in their relationship when Franklin started acting funny and Lara had to explain his behaviour to Jeff who decided to have a heart to heart talk with Franklin and ask for his forgiveness for the sake of their friendship.

Franklin had assured him then that he held no grudges and even offered to be his best man at the wedding. Had it not been for her closeness to Jeff, Aunty Fanny may not have known all these things. Jeff was like a son to Aunty Fanny, she had been the one taking care of him since his parents died when he was a teenager.She finally snapped herself out of her thoughts and went to the guest room to meet Lola where she had fallen asleep beside Jojo. Lola had barely slept all night because she had been too afraid to sleep,she was afraid that if Deji had killed Jeff he might come after her too.


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