(Cr@zily in love ?)

Written by: Authoress Ti Fe ??

SEASON 2 Episode 39

I woke up the next day looking at my side for Harry but he was nowhere to be found.

I stood up and walked to the living room, in search of him.
“Harry.” I called and I saw Piper and Bryan seated on the couch looking so sad.
“Piper, Bryan what is wrong?” I asked in fear but they didn’t reply me.
“Where Is Harry?” I asked fearfully and I saw tears roll down their faces.
“Talk to me! Where is Harry!” I yelled as tears began to roll down my face.

There was a knock on the door and Piper rushed to get it.
“Harry.” I called in tears and I saw mother come in looking so sad.
“Sarah.” She called and I felt like dying.
“Mother where is Harry? Talk to me! We still slept on the same bed last night.” I said walking up to her.

“Sarah please take it easy. You have a baby in you.” She said holding me.
“Let me go!” I yelled as I began to develop bad feelings.
“Take me to Harry! I want to see him now.” I yelled and she nodded.

“Come with me.” She said and I nodded, ignoring the fact that I was in pyjamas.
I was so so scared.
We all hopped into the car and mother began to drive.
“Please can somebody talk to me?” I asked but they all kept mute.
“What happened to my Harry!” I yelled and Piper held my hand tight.

“It is Fine Sarah, please consider the baby.” She pleaded and tears rolled down my eyes.
The car came to an halt in front of a mansion.
“Is he in there?” I asked and they nodded slowly.

I rushed down from the car and ran inside the compound heading for the door. The environment was so quite and I felt so so scared.

I opened the door, and to my surprise I saw petals of flower on the floor arranged in an heart form.
I ignored the decoration and walked in screaming Harry’s name.

“Harry!!!” I screamed in tears.
“I am here Sarah.” He said and I looked back to see him on his knees holding up a ring box.
He looked so handsome and I stared at him in tears.

“Sarah I am sorry for scaring you that way.” He pleaded and all I did was stare.
“Sarah the first time we met, it wasn’t pleasant. We went into a marriage because of money not love.” He said and I saw people began to walk out of the doors of the mansion.
“Sarah now we know true love and we are bounded by that love. I don’t want us to continue on the foundation of lies.”
“Will you be my wife in truth and nothing more but the truth?” He asked removing the ring from the box and pointing it to me.

It was still like a movie to me and I wasn’t able to say a word. All I did was smile.
“Say yes Sarah, we are waiting.” Piper and Bryan said grinning widely.

I went on my knees too right in front of him.
“Yes Harry. I will be your wife in truth and nothing but the truth.” I said stretching my fingers to him and he placed it on my finger.
“I love you.” He said smiling as he helped me up.
“I love you more Harry, more than you can ever think.” I replied planting a kss on his l!ps.

He returned the k!ss and while we kssed applause came from the people, also piper and Bryan.
Then I remembered I was deceived my all of them making me cry.
I then b!t his l!ps making me gr0an.
“Ouch.” He said disengaging.
“That is for planning all this and almost giving me an hypertension.”

“You made me wear a pyjamas out.” i said sadly looking at myself in shame.
“I wanted to surprise you. And the pyjamas isn’t looking bad either.” He said winking making me laugh.

“I can’t wait to grow up.” Piper said folding her and staring into Space.
“You are old already, get married.” Harry said making me laugh and she shot him a deadly look.

“If I had it my way I would marry right now. With Bryan, but i guess he isn’t ready.” She said shyly making me laugh more.

“I am ready.” Bryan replied and we all laughed our loud.
If only he knew the meaning of marriage.

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