[Married to the enemy]

Episode Twenty seven


‘i really need to pee Oppa!’..Baby soo whined..

I frowned while trying to light the torches…..

‘just a minute baby soo,I’m almost done’..I said but she burst into tears. .

‘i really have to go now!!!!!’..she said and I sighed….

‘ok fine let’s go’..

I carried her and gave instructions to the staff on how the bon fire should be lit…

we both went to the suite and when I opened the door I was shocked. .

Hae rah’s clothes were all over the place but she was nowhere to be found…

‘Hae rah?’..I called out but no response.

Baby soo rushed to the toilet to pee and a few moments later I heard her scream…..

I rushed to the bathroom and she pointed at the mirror…

There was a message written in blood …


I was so shocked that I almost felt faint for a moment…

I saw a note on the mirror and took it and it read:

?:Your dear wife has been kidnapped Playboy and you have absolutely 2 hours to transfer a 100 billion to my account that will be sent to your phone in two minutes or else she dies!!!!!

~~The terminator.

Oh my God!!!

Hae rah has been kidnapped!!!!…


I was unconscious for an hour or so and when I woke up it was dark…

I tried standing up but I realized that I was tied to a chair..

‘help me!!!..please anyone!!!’..I screamed and then I heard laughter from within the shadows…

‘no one’s going to hear you’…the voice was manly and deep. .

Then a man came out…

He had a huge scar from his left eye to his jaw..

He was horridly looking…

‘why didn’t cover your face like all kidnappers do??’..I asked..

‘Well I’ll kill you soon so this is the last face you’ll see before you die!!’..he screamed and I spat on him..

‘wait until Ji soo gets you’..I said and he burst into laughter …

‘that Playboy doesn’t know how to kill a cockroach, he’ll send me 100 billion and then I’ll kill him and you also but you first!!’….he replied and laughed away….

Oh God wherever ji is now I pray you save him…


‘what do you mean by after 24 hours?!!! wife has been kidnapped and you say you can’t do anything after 24 hours?!!!’..Ji soo barked in tears…

‘I’m sorry sir its the rules, you can’t report a missing case until after 24 hours’..the officer said and left…

‘Arrghhhhh!!!’. he screamed and threw the wine bottle across the room…

‘cool down bruh,we’ll find her’..I said trying to calm him down..

‘cool down?!!,I should cool down?!!..for crying out loud she could be in torture right now!!!..she needs me right now Chan… where will I get a hundred billion from?!!.. even the company isn’t in my name yet!!’..he paced around and sat down crying….

‘cool down Ji soo…I know why I’m saying this..right now my private squad are looking for her..she’ll be okay’..I said…

My mind is telling me that one person is behind this…

Yoo ra…

But how do I prove it?!!!…

Ten minutes later the phone ringed and ji soo picked the call and put it on loudspeaker….

?:Tick Tock!!! have an hour left playboy…

?:you bastard!!!!..where’s Hae rah!!!??

?:Oh she’s okay..for now at least..your time is running out so cut to the chase…

He hung up and ji soo slumped on the chair…

‘what do I do?!!’..he said in tears…

then an idea came to me…

‘i know someone that can help us’..


‘Can you track it Nancy?’..I asked my ex girlfriend who was an NCPD agent…

‘give me one reason why I should?’..she asked…

‘uhhh cause you’re still hot for me?’..I said in fear and she smiled…

‘follow me’..she said and we both followed her into a lab…

‘Now the kidnapper was stupid enough to call the hotels landline… its easy to track down’..she said and did some computer stuff…

‘Bingo!!’..she said after a minute…

‘I’ve got it..he’s in Shi boas Court..that place is a good hiding spot cause no one ever goes there within a 10 mile radius’..she said and handed ji soo and I guns…

‘go save your woman’..she said to Ji soo and we both left…

We are coming for you Hae rah…..



He was on a phone call with someone…

‘he’s not budging ma’am… yes…he didn’t send the cash…OK fine…I’ll just kill her!!’..he said to the caller…

Oh God is this how my life is going to end?!!!…

I can’t die now…

I’ll miss baby soo and Chan and Nam ji hung?!!!…

‘time’s up wifey’..he said raising a gun to my head…

‘please don’t do this!!’..I begged and he laughed…

‘she paid me good money to kill you’..,he said…


A she did this?!!..

he was about to pull the trigger when someone jumped on him….

It was JI SOO!!!!…

The kidnapper overpowered him and started punching him on the face…

ji soo kicked him on his groin and he groaned in pain…

‘wow Playboy to the rescue’..he said and gave him an uppercut…

blood oozed out from his mouth and I screamed…

‘leave him alone!!..kill me instead!!!’…I screamed and he picked the gun…

‘i intend to’..he said and pulled the trigger….

I closed my eyes and waited for the pain but I didn’t feel anything and when I opened my eyes I cried out in pain….

‘Ji soo!!!!’…

Another shot was heard and the man fell to the ground and Nam ji hung appeared with smoke from his gun…

He untied me and I rushed towards ji soo…

He took a bullet for me….

‘please baby…please hold on for me!’..I screamed and he grunted….

‘Hae rah…I love you’..he said and closed his eyes again….

‘No no no!!!! a hospital Nam!!!’,..

He just can’t die!!!

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