MEANT TO BE: Chapter 41-50

(being Elva)

Chapter 44

Zeemah writes?

?Elva’s POV?


Mig !!!

Miguel !!!!

Fleur and i screamed rushing to him .
He’s loosing blood.
“Call the ambulance !!” I screamed in tears.

Fleur took out her phone..
*Ben bring the ambulance to my house now!* She yelled over the the phone before turning to Mig.
Her cheeks already soaked in tears.

She began pressing his chest but suddenly stopped when she saw Daisy was about to run out.
She stood up and grabbed her back sending her two kicks in her stomach.

Daisy fell hard on the floor and Fleur pounced on her beating her angrily.
“Mig please hold on” I said in tears holding his hand.

“El-va i lo-ve y-ou” He whispered in a weak voice and a smile appeared on my face amidst tears.

“Please hold on, the ambulance is on it’s way” I cried.
“I’-m i-n pa-in-s” He said and i cried more.
He gripped my hand tight and i saw a tear roll down his cheek.

“Mig please.. you are strong,hold on please” I said.
“I do-n’t th-ink i c-an, i ca-n’t..I’m s-orr-y” He said gasping for breathe..I held his hand tight,my tears not stopping.

He went still, cold and numb.
My whole body turned numb too as i stared at him.
He’s not breathing..
He’s not moving!

“Mig!! Fleur come do something” I screamed shaking him in tears.
Fleur came rushing to me.
“Mig” She called, slowly dropping to the floor.
“Mig you promised to protect me, don’t leave me” She cried dragging his hand ..” Mig wake up” Fleur cried checking his pulse but he laid still.
Isn’t it so hard to survive a gunshot on the chest and it wasn’t even one bullet that penetrated his chest, but two!

I cleaned my tears and stood up,Daisy is still laying weak on the floor.
I kicked her continuously, hitting her wherever i could lay my hand on with tears streaming my face.

I heard the police siren and rushed out of the house.
I saw the ambulance also…Good !! They arrived at the same time.

“Come in..come in,why are you so late” I screamed rushing back into the house.
They followed me.

“There is the criminal” I said pointing to Daisy on the floor..
The cops rushed to her,forced her to stand on her feet. Then handcuffed her before dragging her outside.

Ben rushed in with a stretcher together with two nurses.
“Please save him” I said as they laid him on the stretcher.
We followed them as they carried him out.

Daisy is led to the police van,they pushed her in and drove off.
We entered the ambulance with Mig.
I knelt beside him taking his hand in mine as they drove away.

Ben quickly placed an oxygen mask on his nose and checked his pulse.
“I hope he survives it..the bullets penetrated deeply, just near his heart” Ben sighed.
“He will…Drive faster” Fleur yelled and the driver increased his speed.
Thank goodness the hospital isn’t so far from the house.

“Mig just open your eyes and look at me” I whispered in his ears and turned to kiss him on the lips.
The lips that normally respond to mine is now still and cold.
I touched his face, trying to open his eyes.
“Elva stop” Ben said and i nodded not letting go of Mig’s hand.

Fleur is crying silently beside him, with her nose running.
Ben passed her a tissue and she collected it and blowed her nose into it.

The ambulance stopped, Ben opened the door and rushed out.
“Emergency!” He shouted and more doctors rushed out including Doc . Steph.

Mig was wheeled towards the emergency ward,Fleur and i trailing behind them.
They opened the door to the emergency ward and wheeled him in.
They stopped us from going in.

“I want to fucking treat my brother myself !…let me in” Fleur yelled.
“No…we can’t , Nurse Fleur you know it’s against the rules” Ben said.
“I don’t care about any rule right now..I want to treat my brother myself” She insisted.
“Nurse Fleur this isn’t allowed…step back, let’s treat your brother,he’s loosing more blood” Ben said but she insisted.

They pushed her out of the way and quickly locked the door.
Fleur kept banging the door till i had to hold her.
“Fleur…they have their reason for that,stay calm..Mig is a survivor he’s gonna survive this” I assured even though i badly need someone to assure me as well.

“My brother must come out of this ward alive!” She yelled through the door.

I took her hand and we both walked to the reception..we paced to and fro in tears.
“Nurse Fleur,Elva what’s wrong” One of the nurses asked but we just kept mute.

“You know that cute guy…Nurse Fleur’s brother..he was shot and right now he’s in the emergency ward” The second nurse said.

“OMG…so sad”

Fleur’s phone rang thrice before she answered.
“I’m not coming to the station without knowing my brother’s welfare..lock her up for now” She said quickly dropping the phone back into her pocket.

I snifled and one of the nurses passed me some roll of tissue paper,i collected it with a ‘thanks’
I wiped my tears ,more kept flowing,the tissue was soaked in few seconds.

The first nurse looked at me with pity while the other one passed me another roll of tissue paper.
I collected it,cleaning my unstoppable tears.

Mig said he loves me … He have to wake up to hear me say I love him more.
My heart is in pain right now…I’m not myself.

I feel sick, hurt,sad!

He’s the only one who can clear my pains away.
Once he’s conscious..I know i will get better immediately.
“What if i don’t get the chance to tell him i love him more” I thought and cried harder.

My head mouth felt sour. I felt dizzy that i had to quickly rest on a wall.
Fleur continued pacing to and fro.. her face is the correct definition of ‘sad’.

I’ve never seen her look this sad,i would have denied it if i was told this is Fleur.

She looked at me and walked towards me ,I noticed how red her eyeballs are. I know mine will be redder.

I pulled her into a hug and she cried on my shoulder.
We comforted each other but it was of no use because none of us could stop crying.

“Nurse Fleur” We heard and turned to see Ben in a surgeon outfit.
“How’s my brother?”
” How’s Mig?”
“I’m sorry but he….”
“But what?” Fleur interrupted.
“He what?” I asked praying hard my worst fear isn’t about to be confirmed.

“He…” Ben was saying but has not finished talking before Fleur pounced on him.
People rushed to pull her from him.

“Now tell me… how’s my brother?” She screamed.
“I’m sorry but he’s..he’s dead” Ben said.

My head spinned,my body seemed to stop moving,my eyes were blinded with tears.


That was the last thing i heard before darkness enveloped me.

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