MENDED WINGS : Episode 1 – 10

Mended Wings

Episode 9

Joel Mason opened the door to his apartment and held the door
open for Ella. He closed the door behind them and walked into the living room. He pressed the switch boxes of the light bulbs and air conditioner.
“You’re welcome to Mason’s home. Please make yourself
comfortable,” Joel said to Ella who was busy whirling her head around, scrutinizing the whole place.
The living room was big, with adjoining study and dining.
Furniture, of perfect match for the painting of the room and the
curtains, were arranged in style, adorning the room. A mini rug, lying underneath a glass table holding a small waterfall pot in the centre of the
space enclosed by the sofas, took her attention. It was her favourite colour and it was beautiful. Everything in the room was in the right place, adding to the overall beauty, including a few pictures and
paintings hung on the wall.
The house got a five-star rating from her. It was the kind of house she’d dreamed to live in.
“This is awesome,” she said after a brief silence, “and I must say, you’re meticulous. Your house backs up your looks, unlike many men who look good and always dress well but would need two weeks to clean their houses before a visitor could be allowed. This is commendable.”
“Thank you. I am flattered.”
And you have a great taste. This place speaks volume about you.”
“Really.” He smiled and sat on the opposite sofa. I’m glad you like it.”
“I sure do.” She nodded. “Do you stay alone in this place?”
“Yes, until I’m married.”
“How do you get food and stuffs?”
“In the market of course.”
“I mean cooked food. You eat out most times, right?”
“No. I cook. Only on days when I’m either too tired or very late outside do I visit eateries.”
“Are you serious? What type of food can you cook?”
“Various types. Rice in many forms, beans, yam, stew, different types of soup, local food, name it.”
She burst out laughing. “I’m surprised. I wasn’t expecting a
positive answer. Did you cook in the United Kingdom too?”
“Why not? I was born and bred here in the country. I travelled to the UK about seven years ago. Cooking is something I’m used to. I have three siblings and only the youngest is a female. We were raised to do
everything possible.”
“That’s fantastic. How cool of your parents.”
He stole a smile. “What should I offer you?”
“I don’t have n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the house. I have food, juice, non?alcoholic wine and so on. Place an order.”
She laughed. “Look at you. You want to display your cooking
prowess already. Anyway, I’ll be fine with a cup of juice. Thank you: As your lordship pleases.” He left and returned with a tray
containing a goblet and a container of juice. He placed it on a small table, moved the table to Ella, and served her a drink.
“Thank you, she said, smiling.
“The pleasure is all mine.” They continued the banter, hopping
from one topic to another.
“There are so many broken homes here and there. Even pastors
and church elders are caught in the web,” Joel said.
“That was why I said it’s better to marry at forty and have a lasting marriage than to marry at twenty-four and divorce at forty. Marriage is sacred and is expected to last for a lifetime. For me, divorce is not an
“Hmm. What if it were an abusive marriage?”
“No matter the condition, divorce is not an option for me.”
“You’re right. Jesus tells us in The Bible that except for s*xual
immorality, no one is expected to divorce his or her partner. Even in cases of s*xual immorality, one is supposed to forgive. If God could
forgive our sins, we’re rid of reasons not to forgive others. But in cases of physical vi0lence, both may separate temporarily, pray and review
their relationship, then come together again.”
“I agree with you. That’s why it’s important to get it right. Once one gets it right, you can look forward to joy unending. Issues will definitely arise, even in a wonderful marriage, but both parties must work toward resolution rather than divorce. Praying before marriage
cannot be over emphasized. Thanks to God, who is faithful, when we go to Him in prayers, He directs us.”He does. But we must be willing to obey.”
“Take me for instance, I have prayed and I know who I’m led to
marry, but it’s left for me to obey.”
Ella’s eyes widened. “Really. Thank God for direction.”
“Have you informed the senior pastor and the lucky sister?”
“Well, not yet. I’m actually taking my time to observe the sister.”
“Until when do you intend to observe her? What if someone else speaks to her before you do?”
He laughed and shook his head.
“What’s funny? This is an era where ten brothers in the church
claim to be led to marry one sister. So many people getting it all wrong.”
“I laughed because I’m confident she’s going to be my wife.”
“How could you be so sure?”
“That’s because I trust my conviction.”
“Wow. I like that statement. That’s good.”
“Sister Ella, have you been praying too?”
“I have never stopped praying.”
“Any conviction yet?”
She smiled and rubbed her eyes. “I believe things will fall into
place soon,” she said, hoping her eyes would not disclose how much she wanted to tell him he was the one she wanted.
He sat straight in his chair and looked intently into her eyes.
“Sister Ella, what if I told you that you knew the sister who would be my wife?” Her heart thumped against her ribcage. Someone she knew. Could
it be someone in the choir or one of the female youth ministers? Why was it someone she knew and not herself? “Really,” she managed and
forced a smile.
“Yes, you know her very well.”
Perhaps Sister Rachael or Sister Joy, she thought. After all, those two had always been flaunting themselves at him a lot. Two pr0stitutes
in church clothing, she mused. Disgust welled up her throat. “Who could that be?” She said after a brief silence.
“Hmm.” He searched her eyes. “It’s you, Sister Ella. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you’ll permit me. I want to share all I have with you and grow with you. It’s you I have gotten heaven’s
consent to marry.”
Ella froze in her seat. She couldn’t describe the feeling that overwhelmed her. Was it happiness, surprise or something else? She opened her mouth but words stuck to her throat. She swallowed and heaved a sigh, blinking and chewing on her lips.
“I understand how surprising this may be for you. I’m not
expecting an immediate answer. Take all the time you need to pray about it. Let me know when you have an answer then we will know what step to take,” Joel said, disrupting the awkward silence.
Ella nodded. “I will,” she said. She would rather not say much
before her emotion sneaked out of her voice. “I should be on my way home now. My aunt would be expecting me.”
“Oh. That’s true. I’ve taken much of your time. Thank you for
coming.” “It’s a pleasure.” She rose up and strolled to the door, Joel following closely behind.
“Let me drop you home. After all, I brought you here.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I intend getting some stuffs along the way. Thanks for your hospitality.”
“You’re welcome, although, I wish I could do better. Please let me know when you get home. I’ll also call you.”
“Alright. Have a nice evening.”
“You too, thanks,” he said and stood at the gate, watching her as she walked away. He smiled, turned around, and walked in.

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