MENDED WINGS : Episode 11 – The End

Mended Wings

Episode 19

Ella sighed, the umpteenth time. Thoughts filled her head. She
took a bottle, labelled poison, from the cabinet and poured its contentinto a cup, tears flowing freely from her eyes.
Joel walked into the kitchen to get a drink and saw Ella. He
glanced at the labelled small bottle. “What is that?” he said.
Ella took the cup and raised it to her lips. “What’s your business with what it is? I’m going to kill myself and rid you of me. It’s not as if you wanted me here anyway.”
“Is that why you want to kill yourself?”
“Yes. It’s better to be dead than to live in this hell of a house.”
“I hope you know you’re buying yourself a ticket to hell.”
“Who are you to judge? Are you God? You are the hell’ candidate we have here. Not me.”
“Have you forgotten that whosoever takes his or her own life willbe judged? The life we live is of God and not our own. Who are we to take it?”
She hissed and lowered the cup. “Mr Preacher, how sweet
preaching is on your lips! How I wish you did one-tenth of the thingsyou preach. Preach to yourself first before attempting me.”He smiled. “I’m saying this for your own good. If a preacher preaches genuine word of God, whether or not he does it, if anyone obeys the word, such person will be saved, even if the preacher perishes.
So why should you hang your own safety on another’s? Will taking genuine prescription from a sick doctor make you sick? Whether he treats himself or not, you’ll still be healed if you followed the prescription. Once the word is genuine, it will stand.”
“Excuse me. I don’t need your sermon. You can fool everyone,
but you can’t fool me. You are a son of the devil.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that suicide is an abomination unto the Lord. By doing it, you could secure a furnished apartment for yourself in the pit of hell. Mind you, it isn’t just your life you’re about to take, you’d be murdering the baby inside of you. Double crime.”
“Baby conceived out of pain and sorrow. Baby who has no father.It’s not even a baby yet?”
“It will be and I will father it. But if you take its life, you’ll rot in
hell.”“The Bible tells us to judge not that we may not be judged.”“I’m not judging you. I’m stating facts.”
“Just get out of my sight.”
“Do as you wish. But remember, it has been appointed for a man to die once after which is judgement.”
“Get out,” she screamed.

Joel walked out of the kitchen, praying in his mind that Ella would change her mind. He couldn’t afford to have to tell people why his wife committed suicide if she did. What would he say? How would he say it? But he could show people the video he recorded while she was r@ped.
He could tell anyone who cared to ask that she was promiscuous and ended her life because he caught her in the act several times. People would believe him. He was too respected to be doubted, and not withhow he treated her with so much affection and respect publicly that people praised him. He discarded his thoughts and sat on the sofa, his eyes fixed on the television. Ella wept. Although she was having a hard time, it was not comparable to the description of the agony in hell. Joel was right. Even if he were a devil’s agent, he had talked right. Perhaps it was Godreaching out to her through him, she thought. She dropped the cup and poured its content into the sink.
“Lord, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I know I’m not worthy to callon You but I believe You are merciful and gracious. Please give me away out of this mess,” she said. She fell on her knees and wept. “Lord,please forgive me, have mercy on me, and please give me another chance.” She prayed on, weeping Joel sat behind the wheels, driving, with Ella in the front passenger’s seat beside him. They had travelled for a program in another state and were returning home.
Ella sat, facing the side window, her elbow against the glass and her palm supporting her chin. She stared absent mindedly at the fast moving cars and grass at the side of the road, her heart as heavy asalways. She’d been praying and asking for God’s mercy but she still feltheaviness on her heart. So long had she been disconnected from Godthat heaviness of heart had become the norm.Nothing weighed her down more than her marriage and the newlife that was in her womb. Wonderfully well had she pretended in thepublic and suffered in the house. Confidence, charisma, andcheerfulness were words that had lost meaning and expression in her life. No wonder she was replaced in every post she had previously held in the church. The only special thing she did in church occasionally, as a minister, was moderate collection of offering. The so-called ministry she had wanted to guard by marrying Joel had slipped through her hands.
She was worthless to herself, always depending on Joel for provision,useless in her ministry, maid in her home and restricted from her family.Tears began to form in her eyes, gradually sliding down her flatcheeks. If only God could mend her broken wings, she’d fly high for theLord, she thought. If only God could forgive and restore her, she’d live
for God. If only God could show her mercy, she wouldn’t disobey Himever again. If only…The deafening sound produced by the burst tyre interrupted Ella’s rumination. “Jesus. Jesus,” Ella kept shouting, as the vehicle lost control.
Joel pulled the brake and the vehicle began to somersault beforecolliding with another vehicle, starting a fire

Our God is a merciful God,will Ella survive this is accident?let’s find out in d last episode.

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