Chapter 09

“Do you know you’re cute when you are annoyed?” She said flashing a smile at him

“Seriously” He rolled his eyes

“See? Now you’re rolling your eyes but you told me not to roll mine. That’s unfair” She pouted

“Do you know you’re ugly when you pout?” Gray asked

“I’m not ugly. I’m an Angel sent from above”

“To frustrate me right?” Gray asked

“Yes” Noel replied and he face palmed

“Get back to work” He ordered

She pouted and continued her work.

Soon, Raymond entered the office and smiled at Noel. Gray didn’t fail to notice that

“What do you want?” Gray asked feeling a bit annoyed with the way Raymond stared at Noel

“Mr Harry is here. Says he wants to see you” Raymond said

“Let him in” Gray said


“Hi Raymond” Noel waved

“Hey Noel. We’ll talk later” He said

“Okey dokey” She smiled and he left

Gray was annoyed. Must she smile at him like that? She only annoys me and never smiled at me. Gray complained inwardly and wondered why he is annoyed

Mr Harry walked in looking all handsome. He was 2 years older than Gray and also a fIirt. He took steady strides to Gray’s desk and sat down. He and Gray were never friends.

Though he was amongst the top five business men,Gray was richer than him, Gray’s company was also having more sales than his so he was jealous and has been looking for ways to jeopardize Gray’s business.

“Good morning Mr Gray” Mr Harry smirked

“Get to the point Harry” Gray snapped

“You haven’t changed. Still that grumpy and sassy young man huh?” Harry asked

Noel looked at him after hearing those words and glared at him. How dare he call her Gray grumpy and sassy? She is the only one that can call him that. She thought and marked his face. He is in her blacklist already

“Look Harry,I know you’re a lazy dork whose a$s can’t sit in a place but if coming to my office to annoy me is all you know how to do then get the h’ll outta here” Gray said and Harry laughed

“Temper…Temper Gray. Calm down. I’m here for peace”

“Then get to the point” Gray said

“Fine” He looked up and saw Noel. He was enchanted by her beauty and started drooling. She was cute

Gray noticed that Harry was looking at Noel and anger boiled inside him. He felt like putting his hands into Harry’s eyes and sIapping him across the face

“Noel” Gray called and she faced him

“Yes boss” She smiled

“Can you get me a cup of tea?” Gray asked

“By this time?” She asked

“No complaints. Go get me one and let it be extra hot” He said

“Okay” She stood up and walked out of the office

Harry’s eyes followed her till she was out of sight

“Are you done?” Gray asked looking at him with irritation

Harry composed himself and cleared his throat

“Who is she?” Harry asked

“None of your business” Gray answered

“She is the most hottest lady I’ve ever seen. Plus she is so adorable. Look at her kssable lips” Harry said and Gray clenched his fist tightly

“Aren’t you here for business Mr Harry?”

“Why are you getting annoyed suddenly? She is just your assistant. Can I take her with me?” Harry asked

“No. She works here and not for you” Gray snapped

“Just for a night. A cute damsel like her will be good in bed” Harry smirked

“Don’t you vomit such gibberish in my presence again” Gray threatened

“Why are you offended by it? Do you perhaps like her?” Harry asked and Gray stiffened

Did he?

“No. She is just an employee” Gray answered sternly

“Then let me borrow her for a night” Harry asked

“Get out of my office Harry” Gray said pointing to the door

“I haven’t told you what I’m here for”

“I don’t care anymore”

Harry stood up with a smirk

“Fine. I’ll go but I’m coming back for her” Harry said

“Leave” Gray snapped

Harry laughed and walked out. Gray ruffled his hair not knowing what was wrong with him. Why does it annoy him to see other guys drooling when they see her? He doesn’t have feelings for her but why does it annoy him to see her smiling at other guys?

He sighed and remembered that Noel has not gotten back from making the tea. Worse, Mr Harry was heading same way and they might meet. He stood up and scurried into his elevator


Noel was done making tea and turned to leave when Teresa stopped her.

“Hello you job snatcher” Teresa snapped

“Hello Miss Tete” Noel laughed

“Don’t ever call me that again”

“Really? But you called me a job snatcher” Noel said

“I don’t care. Just know that I will get my job back”

“I’m waiting to see you try”

“Do you know that you’re very annoying?” Teresa asked

“I like it that way. It gives me an upper hand against people like you” Noel sassed back

“I hate you Noel”

“And I love you Teresa” Noel smiled

Noel was about leaving but Teresa dragged her and poured the tea splashing some on her body

Noel glared at Teresa and wanted to talk when she saw some one in front of her. She looked up and saw that it was that guy in Gray’s office.

“Is this what employees like you do?” Harry asked facing Teresa who flinched in fear

“I’m..I’m…sorry Mr Harry” Teresa knew she was done for

“Why would you do such a wicked thing?” Harry asked

“I’m really sorry sir”

“Go and make the tea you spilled” He ordered Teresa

Teresa was about to leave

“Stop…Apologize to this lady first” Harry said

“But sir_”

“Apologize now!!!”

“I’m sorry” Teresa muttered

“So she can hear you”

“I’m sorry Noel” Teresa said and left to make the tea

Harry turned to Noel

“Are you okay?” He asked

“Yes I’m fine. Thanks” She smiled. Maybe he wasn’t that bad after all. She removed him from her blacklist for now

“Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked

“No I’m fine”

“What’s your name?”

“Noel sir” She replied

“Noel!!!” Gray called

“Thanks again” She smiled and went to meet Gray at the elevator

Harry smiled and left

Gray looked at her

“Are you okay?” He asked worriedly

“Yeah I’m fine. I spilled tea on myself. Clumsy me” She laughed nervously

She didn’t want him to know Teresa spilled the tea on her. If she said that,Gray might fire Teresa and she won’t be able to have her revenge

“Okay. Let’s go” He entered his elevator

She was about using the staff elevator

“Where are you going?” He asked

“To use the staff elevator. This is yours” She pointed to the one he was in

“Get in” He said


“Its an order”

She sighed and entered then the door closed

The employees who were watching opened their mouth in shock

?Did you see that?

?Yes I did. Mr Gray just allowed her into his personal elevator

?Does that mean he likes her?

?Mr Gray will never like a low life like her. Maybe he’s going to pvnish her later

?But no one in this office except Mr Austin is allowed in there

?Could he be interested in her?

?Hell No. Over my body will that happen

?Oh please,he won’t even glance at you so forget it

?Watch how I’ll make that lady’s stay in this office miserable

?Silvia,I prefer you leave the lady alone if you don’t wanna loose your job

Silvia hissed and walked to her desk

Gray made Noel wipe her body with a towel and sent her home to have her bath. He was the type that likes when things are neat and looking at her stained clothes will make him uncomfortable.

Aftetr Noel left,Teresa knocked on the office door to deliver the tea but Gray sent her away.

Gray sighed as he thought about his life. Austin had gone out and is on his way back. Gray took his car keys and headed home.



Gray parked his car and entered into the house. He went to his wine shelf and took an alcoholic wine in his hand. He started gulping them down from bottle to bottle till he was drunk. His maid tried stopping him but she couldn’t so she phoned Austin who arrived immediately and rushed into the house.

Austin dragged the fifth bottle from Gray

“Stop all these. Do you wanna kll yourself?” Austin snapped

“She left me Austin. Camille left me” Gray mumbled drunkenly

“I thought we’ve been through with this. Forget about her and move on Gray. She doesn’t deserve your love anymore

“It hurts so bad. I loved her with all my heart. I adored her but she broke my heart”

“You have to forget about her. She is gone and I don’t think she’s coming back. So take her away from your heart and let someone else in” Austin said

“Who can fill the space Camille left in my heart?”

“Noel can. Give her a chance”

“Noel” Gray chuckled “She’s just gonna leave me like Camille did. Do you want me to fall in love with her then she’ll break my heart too?” Gray asked

“I understand your plight but come on dude. It’s been two years. Two good years. Forget about Camille. Noel is the right lady for you. Give her a chance to heal your broken heart” Austin drew him close

“I don’t wanna love anymore. I’m scared of getting heartbroken again”


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