Chapter 43

Snow and Quinn turned back to meet the guys stretching out roses to them.

“Oh my gosh! This is… Wow!” Quinn said, taking hers.

“I don’t know what to say.” Snow said.

“Say you love me too if you really do.” Miguel smiled.

“Yes, I love you too.” Snow said and hugged him.

“I love you.” Quinn hugged Damien.

“This is the best night of my life.” Damien hugged her tightly.

“Same here dude.” Miguel said.

They returned to the party and danced to their hearts content.

Sapphire ran to them.

“Hey girls, meet Cole, my new boyfriend.” She smiled.

“Hey Cole, nice to meet you.” Quinn said.

“Nice to meet you Cole.” Snow said.

“Nice meeting you girls too.” He smiled.

The girls left the guys and went to the punch stand.

“Hey Sapp, how did it happen?” Quinn asked.

“Well, it’s a long story but I like him and he likes me too. He asked me out and I accepted.” Sapphire answered.

“I’m so happy for you.” Quinn hugged her.

“Thank you.” Sapphire smiled.

“I’m happy for you too Sapphire.” Snow hugged her, much to her surprise.

Snow pulled away from the hug and studied her expression.

“Why do you look surprised?” Snow asked.

“I didn’t know you would hug me or even be nice to me.” Sapphire answered.

“Forget about my recent behaviors. I was being dramatic.” Snow chuckled.

“So… We’re cool?”

“We’re cool.” Snow replied.

“I’m so happy you girls are back together.” Quinn squealed.

“Same here.” Sapphire said.

“What about Hayley and Maya? Haven’t seen them since we got here.” Snow said.

“Oh they’re grounded.” Sapphire said.

“What did they do?” Quinn asked.

“A video tape of them making out with boys got to their parents so they’re being pvnished.” Sapphire answered.

“Ewww! Why would they do that?” Snow asked in disgust.

“I don’t know. I was shocked when my parents told me about it.” Sapphire said.

“Thank God you left them, else, they would have put you in trouble as well.” Snow chimed in.

“Yeah you’re right, I’m glad I met you girls.” Sapphire hugged them.

“Let’s go dance!” Quinn said and they proceeded to the dance floor.





“Teresa, I’ve warned you and I’ll keep warning you, stay away from Camille. That lady is a she devil.” Silvia said, facing Teresa who was dressing up to meet Camille.

“I am not a coward Silvia. Trust me, I will be fine.” Teresa said, combing her hair.

“I know you aren’t a coward and I don’t want you to prove that. I’m only worried.”

“You don’t have to worry about me. You need to be worried about Camille.” Teresa smirked, dropped the comb and picked up her lip gloss.

“I know what I’m saying Teresa. Camille might ki!l you if she finds out that you double-crossed her.” Silvia said.

“She won’t find out and before she does, I will end her.” Teresa replied and applied the lip gloss on her lips.

She checked herself out in the mirror before standing up.

“Please, give this a second thought.” Silvia tried to persuade her once more.

“It’s too late to go back dear.” Teresa replied and stepped out.

Silvia sighed.

What is she gonna do now?




Ryan just finished putting on his clothes. He wanted to go to his company for once. Since his father handed it over to him for him to look after, he hasn’t been serious.

He picked up his phone and her thoughts came into his head again. Why is it that he can’t get her off his mind ever since they met. His minds drifts off to her most of the time and he couldn’t comprehend why.

Her beautiful face and the way she talks to him makes him yearn for her. He shakes his head to wave the thoughts away but it didn’t work.

Suddenly, he heard a sharp knock on the door.

“Who could that be by this time of the day?” He grumbled and walked towards the door.

Opening it, he saw Liam standing with a big smile on his face. He hissed and was about closing the door but Liam held it and came in.

“Hey, I never asked you to come in.” Ryan said.

Liam chuckled and sat down.

“I didn’t ask you to sit either.”

“Ryan Cooper, calm down and let’s talk like matured men.” Liam smirked.

“I’ve told you I’m not interested in whatever you want me to do for you.” Ryan said.

“Just sit down.” Liam was calm.

Ryan sighed and sat down. There was no point jumping into conclusions anyway. He would sit and listen to whatever this a$s.hole want to say.

“What do you want?” Ryan asked impatiently.

“Calm down Ryan. Don’t rush things.”

“As you can see, I’m dressed up for work so go straight to the point.” Ryan said.

“Okay. I need your help.” Liam said.

“With what?” Ryan asked, looking at him with suspicion.

“I want you to destroy Gray’s business.”

“Here we go again,” Ryan rolled his eyes “Was there water in my mouth when I told you I wasn’t going to do that?”

“Ryan, I am here for something serious. I don’t care about whatever you think. You need to do as I’ve said or there will be consequences.” Liam said in a more serious tone.

“What the butt are you talking about?”

“Destroy Gray’s business. He is succeeding more than he should.” Liam said.

“How is his success your business? He is way smarter than you.” Ryan said.

Liam shut him a dangerous glare making him shudder a little.

“I won’t repeat myself, if you don’t do what I want, then I’m going to show this video of you and Krysten to the whole world.”

“What video are you talking about?” Ryan asked, he isn’t comfortable with where this is going.

“This.” Liam brought his phone out and showed Ryan a sx tape of him and Krysten. Their faces were clear and people would easily recognize him.

If this video should get leaked out, he would be done, his family, done! and even his business.

It was there it all became clear.

He had been set up!




“So, today is the day right?” Teresa asked.

“Yes it is. You’ll come to his office and beg.” Camille said.

“Okay. But, you haven’t told me what made you so mad that day.” Teresa was curious.

“That’s none of your business. Get out of my house.” Camille said.

“If you say so.” Teresa sighed and stood up.

She exchanged looks with Julie and left.



“Are you sure about this?” Julie asked Teresa.

“Of course I’m sure. The po!son will surely do alot of damage to her and eventually kll her.” Teresa said.

“But I’m scared.”

“You can’t be scared because there is no going back. I thought you said you hated her.”

“Yes I did and I still hate her for making out with my boyfriend.” Julie said.

“Good! You want revenge, I want Gray so we hate her and the only way for you to have your revenge and for me to have Gray is for us to kll her.” Teresa said.

“Yes, you’re right. I’m supposed to put it in her food right?”


“Okay. I will call you when it’s done.” Julie said.

“No problem.” Teresa said and left.

“Camille, your end is near.” Julie smirked.



“Um… Ma, aren’t you going to eat before leaving?” Julie asked.

“No. Let me go and come back first.” Camille stood up and walked away.

Julie cursed under her breath.





“You look more ravishing and beautiful everyday my love.” Austin said, immediately Scarlet entered the office.

Scarlet blushed.

“You keep showering me with praises everyday.”

“You deseve it and more darling.” He winked and stood up to meet her.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“Coming to meet my beloved of course.” He said, coming closer.

“Stay back mister.” She replied, taking a step back.

“Nope.” He pulled her to himself and captured her lips instantly.

Scarlet was shocked for a second before snapping out of it and kssing him back.

They broke the kss to catch their breaths.

Austin held her jaw up, looking her in the eyes.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you more.” She replied.




Gray was feeding Noel some cornflakes.

“How does it taste?” He asked.

“Splendid. You prepared a wonderful breakfast for me. I love it.” She said, taking more from him.

“I’m glad you like it. Waiting for the day you’ll taste my home made dishes, I’m sure you’re gonna bite your tongue.” He said and she laughed.

“I’m coming to your house for that very soon.” She said.

“Can’t wait,” he suddenly had an idea. “There’s something on your face.”

“Really? Where?” She asked.

“Bring your face closer let me remove it for you.” He said.


She brought her face closer and he kssed her.

“You pe.rvert!” She pinched his cheek.

“I love you.”

She blushed.

She was about to talk when Camille entered.

Seeing them like that angered her to the extreme but she maintained her cool. She remembered when Gray normally fed her like that. He wouldn’t let a morning pass by without feeding her his delicious cornflakes.

Now, that ev!l Noel has taken him way from her.

She controlled her emotions and went to sit down.

“Good morning Mr and Mrs.” She greeted, giving them a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“Morning Camille.” Gray answered, putting a spoonful of cornflakes in Noel’s mouth.

“Mmmm.” Noel mumbled.

“You know, I really missed when you use to feed me like this.” She said.

“Yeah.” Gray replied and continued feeding Noel.

Camille sighed.

Just then, Teresa entered.

“Who let her in here? Raymond!” Gray called.

Raymond ran in.

“I’m so sorry sir. She ran in before I could stop her.” Raymond said.

“What about Camille?” Gray asked.

“You said I should let her come whenever she wants.”

“Okay, you may go.” Gray said and Raymond left.

Teresa ran and knelt before Gray’s table.

“I’m really sorry for everything sir. I was such a fool for trying to accuse Noel wrongly. Please forgive me and hire me back.” She begged.

“That’s not possible.” Gray said, still feeding Noel who just watched them with keen interest.

“Sir please, even if it’s to wash the toilet, I’ll do it. I will do anything, please sir.” Teresa begged.

“Gray, please pity her. I don’t know whatever she has done but I know you have a good heart. Forgive her please.” Camille chimed in.

Gray was about to talk but Teresa burst into tears. In as much as he didn’t want to accept her back, he couldn’t stand her tears. The only person who can handle this situation is Noel.

“It’s okay please stand up.” Gray said calmly.

Teresa stood up and sniffed.

“I have forgiven you.”

“Thank you so much. Thank you.” Teresa wiped her face immediately.

Camille smiled. Their plan is finally falling into place.

“But, I won’t be the one to decide your fate. Noel will. She will be the one to tell me whether to employ you or not so your fate is in her hands. Whatever Noel tells me to do to you is what I’m gonna do.” Gray said and faced Noel.

Teresa and Camille exchanged looks.

Noel adjusted her suit and cleared her throat.


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