Solely Written by Rejoice U Jason

Chapter 54

“Damien.” She smiled at him.

“Oh my gosh, you’re finally awake!” Damien screamed.

“What am I doing here?” She asked.

“I’ll answer that question later darling,” He ran out. “Doctor! Nurses! Doctor! She’s awake!” He yelled.

They followed him inside immediately.

“Please excuse us.” The doctor said and he went outside, living them to attend to her. Then, he called Noel and told her, her scream on the phone almost made him deaf, he chuckled and hung up.

Few minutes later, the doctor came out, Damien rushed to him.

“How is she doing?” He asked.

“She is doing perfectly fine, but we’ll have her here for three days before discharging her.”

“Why doctor?”

“She seems fine but we need to watch her for three days.”

“Okay, no problem. Can I go see her now?”

“Sure!” The doctor smiled and left

Damien ran into the ward, she was already sitting down.

“How do you feel now?” He asked, hugging her.

“I’m feeling much better, thanks.” She smiled.

“I missed your smile badly.” He played with her hair.



“How long was I in coma?” She asked.

“A week and few days.” He answered.

“Whoa!” She gasped.

“What of Noel?” She asked, looking around.

“I called her few minutes ago, she is on her way.” Damien smiled.

Quinn held her head, remembering how the accident happened, she made sure she looked both side of the road before crossing but she was shocked when a car dashed out of no where and knocked her down. She had the feeling that the person who hit her did it on purpose.

“What’s wrong?” Damien asked, seeing her expression.

“It’s nothing, I’m just wondering how I got knocked over by a car.” She answered.

“Let’s forget about that one for now. The most important thing is that you’re alive for me.” He smiled.

She smiled too.

“So when am I going home?” Quinn asked.

“The doctor said, in three days time.” He replied.

“But, that’s too far, I wanna see my mother. I miss her so much.” Quinn pouted.

Damien smiled, his joy knew no bounds right now, he was happy his baby is finally alive and still remembers him. God knows how hard he’s restricting himself from kssing her right now.

“Don’t worry, they’ll come see you later okay?”

“Okay,” She nodded. “Thanks for being by my side, I love you.” She said.

“I love you more cupcake.” He said and she smiled.

Her stomach rumbled.

“It seems you’re hungry?” He said, more like a question.

“Yes, I’m really hungry.” She rubbed her tummy.

“I’ll be right back, let me get you something to eat.” He wanted to stand up but she held his wrist.

“Please don’t go, stay with me.” She said.

“Come on, I’m not going far okay? It’s just next door. I’ll be back before you can say boo!” He rubbed her cheek and she laughed.

“Okay.” She smiled.

He pecked her forehead before stepping out of the ward, he went to the nearby restaurant and got her jollof rice with apple juice.

He returned to the ward, she was there playing with the elm of the bed cover. He watched how cute she was doing that, he couldn’t comprehend whether she got cuter after the accident. He really missed her.

“Food is here!” He dropped it on the bed and sat down, facing her.

“Looks delicious! Oh boy!” She shrieked.

He laughed.

“I’m going to feed you okay?” He said.

“I have no problem with that, as long as I get to eat.” She smiled,

“Okay, now open wide.”

She obeyed and he started feeding her.

“Mmmm.” She mumbled.

“You like it?” He asked.

“Yeah, it’s delicious.” She smiled, taking another spoon from you.

“I’m glad.” He smiled.

“What about you? Aren’t you going to eat?” She asked.

“I’ll eat when you’re full. I like watching you eat.” He said.

“But, you look a bit skinny, you weren’t like this before. Did you stop eating?” She asked giving him a “Don’t you dare lie to me” look.

“Hehehe.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously.

“Wait till I lay my hands on you, get a spoon and start eating.” She ordered.

“I’ll eat don’t worry, it’s no big deal.” He smiled.

She was about talking but Noel ran in and hugged her tightly.

“Oh! Thank God you’re awake sweetie, I missed you so much.” Noel said, cleaning a tear from her eyes.

“I miss you too big sis.” Quinn smiled, hugging her back.

Noel pulled out of the hug and cupped her face.

“Hope you feel better now right?” She asked.

“Yes, I’m having a slight headache but I’m gonna be fine because I have loving people around me.” She smiled.

“You do not know the half of it, you should have seen Damien’s expression.” Noel teased.

“Miss Noel!” He called so she could stop but Noel pretended not to hear him.

“Tell me more.” Quinn laughed.

“He almost ran mad.” Noel said and Quinn laughed.

Snow, Miguel and Sapphire rushed in.

“I can’t believe this!” Snow shrieked and hugged her.

“Aren’t you guys supposed to be in school?” Damien asked.

“After you texted me about her waking up, I told Sapphire and Snow about it and they forced me to bring them here.” Miguel answered with a palm on his forehead.

“We couldn’t possibly wait to see her.” Sapphire said, hugging her next.

“We really missed you Quinn.” Miguel hugged her too.

“You guys are simply the best.” Quinn blew them ksses.

“Awwwn! We aren’t compared to Damien, Quinn.” Miguel said.

“Yeah! You should have seen him!” Snow said.

“Come on! Why is everyone saying that?” Damien pouted.

“Because it’s true lover boy.” Sapphire snapped her fingers dramatically.

“He went ¢ràzy when the doctor said you were dead.” Snow laughed.

“What! I died?” Quinn was shocked.

“Yeah, then he took a gun and threatened to kll the doctor, then burn the hospital down if he didn’t revive you.” Miguel said.

“Whoa!” Quinn exclaimed.

“The doctor got scared and had to shock you back to life.” Snow added.

“Wait… I didn’t know all these. When did it happen?” Noel asked.

“Well, after the doctor informed everyone that Quinn died, you fainted remember?” Miguel faced her.

“Yeah.” Noel answered.

“You were taken to another ward where the doctor attended to you, that was when Damien turned the hospital upside down.” Miguel laughed.

“You really did all that for my sister?” Noel sniffed.

“I did what I thought was right, I wasn’t even in my senses.” Damien confessed.

“Thank you so much.” Noel hugged him.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled.

“I love you,” Quinn blew him a kiss.

“It’s obvious he loves you more.” Sapphire said.

“Let him say it himself you party pooper!” Snow poked Sapphire’s forehead playfully and they laughed.

“Ouch!” Sapphire pouted.

“I missed you all alot.” Quinn smiled.

“We missed you too.” They chorused.

“Group hug?” She spread her arms.

“Group hug!” They exclaimed and hugged each other.

Noel smiled, wiping tears from her eyes. She was glad to see that Quinn is surrounded by loving and caring friends. She had nothing to worry about any longer.





Gray just finished discussing with Mr Harry, they were planning on merging their businesses and were doing the paperwork.

“So, how are you planning on proposing to our future bride?”Harry winked.

Gray laughed.

“I am planning on taking her out this week, I think Saturday night will be cool.” Gray said.

“That’s four days from now, isn’t it too far?” Harry pouted.

“Well, I want her to be prepared.” Gray smirked.

“I get you champion.” Harry laughed.

Just then, Noel entered.

“Speak of the d’vil!” Harry chuckled.

“Good afternoon Mr Harry.” She smiled.

“Afternoon, I was just asking about you.” He returned the smile.

“Oh, that’s nice.” She went to sit down beside Gray.

“I guess I’ll be on my way now.” Harry said and stood up.

“Oh my, did I send you away?” She asked.

“No dear, I was about leaving anyways.” He said.

“Okay, thanks for coming.” She smiled.

“You’re welcome, see you around.”

“See you too.” Gray said and they shook hands before he left.

Noel turned to face him.

“I see you two are getting along?” She smiled.

“Yeah, he has really helped me alot.” Gray said.

“That’s cool then, Quinn has woken up.”

“Wow! That’s tremendous news! I’ll definitely go and see her after work today. I’m sure Damien is over the moon right now.” Gray smiled.

“Yes, he is really happy.”

“That’s what we call true love, thesame love I have for you.” He said.

“I have that same love for you too.” She smiled.

“So, dinner, Saturday night?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She smiled.

“Thanks, I love you.”

“I love you more.” She pecked his cheek and stood up.

“Where are you going to?” He pouted.

“The grocery store, I’ll be right back.” She ran out.

Gray sighed and continued what he was doing.



Noel walked along the road looking for a cab but wasn’t lucky to get one so she decided to trek. She had purposely ran out of the company so Gray won’t order a chauffeur for her.

A car stopped beside her and she recognized it right away.

“Camille!” She clenched her fists.

“Why are you frowning? Aren’t you happy to see me?” Camille smirked.

“Stop asking me stúpid and obvious questions.” Noel said.

“That was rude but I’ll wave it off. Get in!” She ordered.

Noel sighed and entered the car.

“What do you want?” Noel asked immediately she entered the car.

“What I want? Didn’t I make it clear to you earlier?” Camille asked.

“Did you? I would like you to refresh my memory.” Noel said.

“Okay then, does stop seeing Gray ring a bell?” Camille asked.

“No it doesn’t, it isn’t a human being to ring a bell.” Noel answered.

“That was an idiomatic expression dúmmy!” Camille snapped.

“Here we go again, the kettle calling pot black.” Noel said.

“You’re so ànnoying Noella.” Camille put her palm on her forehead.

“I’m glad you noticed.” Noel eyed her.

“Let’s get to business then, you know Quinn is dead and your mother might be next if you flaunt my orders this time around.” Camille said shamelessly.

“I wonder how you sleep at night Camille, you’re a she d’vil, you deserve to die!” Noel snapped.

“Thanks for the compliments but I am not in the mood to batter words with you now, are you ready to do what I want or you want your precious momma dead?” Camille mocked her.

Noel sighed, she would make sure she deals mercilessly with Camille.

“What do you want?” Noel asked.

“Good question, Gray is soon going to propose to you.” Camille said.

“So?” Noel rolled her eyes.

“Reject his proposal!”

“What!” Noel faced her abruptly.


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