Chapter 78

“Eww! Please close that mouth, it stinks. Don’t use your mouth odour to kll me because I tried to help you. Jeez! Did you even brush today?” Noel asked and didn’t wait for an answer before walking away.

Camille stood there in shock.

“My mouth stinks?” She asked herself while staring at Noel’s back.

The cashier held in her laughter.

Zara, who had gone out with the baby came back to see Camille in her shocked state.

“What happened here?” Zara asked.

Camille recovered from her shock.

“Where have you been?” Camille yelled at Zara.

The cashier snickered. She is transferring her anger on the nanny now.

“I went to stay in the car like you asked. When there wasn’t any sign of you, I decided to come check if everything was alright.” Zara said.

“Is that your job as a nanny?” Camille asked, transferring her aggression on the lady.

“No, but you’re the mother of the child I’m taking care of. It is mandatory that I look out for you too, that’s why we’re called nannies. If you aren’t fine, then the baby will be in danger and if the baby is in danger then I have failed.” Zara said.

“Gosh! What is wrong with you?” Camille asked.

“Nothing,ma.” Zara replied.

Camille glared daggers at the cashier before leaving. Whoever that lady was, she would make sure she deals with her. Is she trying to show that she is more richer than her? She was going to teach the fuçking lady a bitter lesson for insulting her in such manner. But, come to think of it, that lady looked quite familiar, where had she seen that face before? Also, the aura the lady emanated was very scary. All these questions bothered her as the driver took her home.


Noel walked around, looking at so many things she had missed. She stopped at a restaurant, it was her parent’s bakery, the one Gray’s father gave to them as a gift for her mum’s birthday.

She stood by the door and looked inside.

She saw her mother serving some customers while forcing a smile. She looked into the kitchen and saw her father coming out of it with an apron around his waist. She saw Quinn by the counter, attending to some customers there too.

Tears welled up in her eyes on seeing them. She was happy that nothing happened to them and that they were fine but they weren’t working with the zeal they had when she was still around and that made her heart ache.

She was still hovering in her cloud of thoughts when someone tapped her.

“Hey, aren’t you gonna go in? People are waiting outside.” The person said.

That was when she realized that she was at the door and blocking the entrance. She blinked the tears away and comported herself.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She said and turned, coming face to face with Scarlet. She was about to yell and hug her but remembered that she was Elena now and not Noel.

Scarlet on the other hand glanced at the person in front of her.

“Sorry, have we met before?” Scarlet asked.

“I don’t think so.” Noel answered.

“Oh, I must have mistaken you for someone else. You sound just like someone I know.” Scarlet smiled sadly.


“Yeah, let’s go sit down.” Scarlet said.

They walked over to a table and sat down.

Evie came to meet them.

“Hi Scarlet, who’s your new friend?” Evie asked, taking a closer look.

“I just met her here today. She hasn’t introduced herself to me yet.” Scarlet said.

“What’s your name dear?” Evie asked.

Noel was staring at her mother who couldn’t recognise her. She felt the urge to cry but held it in. Now isn’t a time to be weak, she needed to be strong. Looking at her mother, she could see that she had lost a lot of weight. Same thing goes for Scarlet and Quinn. She snapped out of her reverie when Scarlet tapped her.

“Are you okay?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes, I am.” She answered.

“I was asking what your name was.” Evie said.

“My name is Elena ma,Elena Wilson.” Noel answered.

“Wow, you’re really beautiful. You remind me of my daughter but she was more hyper active than you are.” Evie smiled.

Noel smiled too.

“What would you like to have?” Scarlet asked.

“Sausage would be fine.” Noel answered.

“Don’t bother about me, Mrs Pat. I’m good.” Scarlet said.

Evie modded and went to bring Noel’s order.

“You said your name is Elena right?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes. What about yours?” Noel asked.

“Mine is Scarlet. You know, you remind me of my best friend. You guys look almost alike but she was hyper active just like her mother says and very playful. She was also very beautiful and fun to be around.” Scarlet said.

“Why are you talking about her in past tense?” Noel asked.

“She died a year ago.” Scarlet said.

“Oh no! I’m sorry about that.”

“I didn’t even get to see her for the last time, she didn’t even wish me goodbye.” Scarlet said with teary eyes.

“Sorry about that.” Noel’s heart bIed, she felt like crying too. Is it still hurting them this much?

“I’m angry at myself for so many reasons.” Scarlet said.

“Care to share?” Noel asked.

Scarlet looked at her, contemplating within her if she could trust the lady or not.

“I know that we’re meeting for the first time but you can trust me.” Noel said.

“I’ll tell you next time, I don’t want to cry my eyes out now.” Scarlet said.

“No problem, just calm down, everything is gonna be fine.” Noel said.

“Here is your sausage, enjoy.” Evie smiled, dropped it and left.

Noel stared at the sausage before her and sighed.

“It’s like you’re new here right?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes, I just arrived from Los Angeles today.” She answered.

“Wow, okay. Maybe, I can show you around San Diego whenever you’re free.” Scarlet said.

“Sure! I’ll bring my friends along as well.” Noel said.

“Okay,what do you say about tomorrow afternoon?” Scarlet asked.

“I won’t be able to meet up, I have an interview tomorrow afternoon.” Noel said.

“Where?” Scarlet asked.

“It’s in a company called Gray Gerald Enterprises.” Noel answered simply.

“Seriously! I work there. What post are you getting interviewed for?” Scarlet asked.

“The CEO’s personal assistant, I guess.”

“Wow! That’s a very nice post. My late friend was the CEO’S personal assistant as well, she was also his fiancee and they were already engaged before her de..ath.” Scarlet said.

“That’s so sad.”

“It is. Please, if you get the job by any chance, try and endure working with him. He’s been through a lot and might be rude and bossy sometimes. He is heartbroken and I’m not sure how long it’s gonna last so please, endure and try your best not to anger him.” Scarlet said.

“Let me get the job first.” Noel said and stood up.

“You’re leaving?” Scarlet said.

“Yes,” She drops a tip. “Tell the owner that her sausage was great. See you around.”

“But, I don have your number yet.”


They exchanged contacts and bade themselves goodbye before Noel left.

“She’s gone already?” Evie asked after collecting the money Scarlet came to give her.

“Yeah, she is nice though.” Scarlet said.

“She is.” Evie smiled.


Noel sighed in relief after she left the bakery/restaurant. She left because if she had stayed much longer and listened to what Scarlet was saying, she would be forced to reveal her identity.

She decided to head home since it was already getting dark. She knew Annabella would be all over Lucas by now. A Jeep drove past her and stopped, she recognized it right away, it was one of Gray’s cars. She gasped and hid.

The door at the back opened and Gray stepped out with Austin. He looked around but saw no one.

“I could swear that I saw Noel just now.” Gray said, still looking around.

“That isn’t Noel, Gray. It could be someone that has same stature as her. Noel is dead, remember?” Austin asked.

“I know but I can’t be mistaken. That was Noel, I’m sure of it.” Gray said.

“It’s already a year, Gray. Stop all these, you’re hallucinating again.” Austin said.

Gray sighed. “I guess you’re right.” He looked ahead one more time before entering the car with Austin following him.

The window wound up and they drove into Gray’s house.

Noel came out of her hiding spot and looked at his gate.

She couldn’t see his face very well but she knew that wasn’t happy. She sighed and returned home.




Immediately she opened the door and came in, Annabella ran to meet her.

“Where have you been?” She asked.

“Strolling.” Noel answered and plopped down on the couch.

“I almost had a heart attack. Lucas, over there, refused to tell me where you went to.” Annabella said, glaring at Lucas.

“Yeah, because if I do, you would go out and look for her. Meanwhile, you don’t even know your way around here.” Lucas said.

“He’s right.” Noel said.

“Yeah but you should have taken me with you.” She pouted.

“We’ll go together next time. By the way, I ran into the wtch today.” Noel said.

“What happened between you two? Tell me that you tore her cIothes and deaIt mercilessly with her.”

“Anna!” Noel and Lucas exclaimed at the same time and laughed.

“Well, I didn’t tear her clothes but I left her with something to think about.” Noel said.

“What’s that?” Anna asked.

Noel told them all that transpired between her and Camille and they started laughing.

“Serves her right.” Lucas said.

“I’m certain that she would go home and brush her teeth with a sponge today.” Annabella said.

They laughed again.

Noel told them how she met Scarlet and made friends with her again. She also told them of how she almost bumped into Gray.

“Speaking of Gray, your interview is tomorrow. Are you ready?” Lucas asked.

“Yes, I can’t wait to see him again.” She smiled.

“Lover girl.” Anna teased, earning laughter from them.




It was almost time for the interview. Lucas drove Noel into the company.

“You can do this.” He gave her a thumbs up and she smiled.

“Go and make us proud. We’re expecting good news.” Anna said.

“Just be yourself and everything will work out.” Lucas said.

“Thanks guys.” She blew them a kiss and got down from the car.

She stared at the building before her, sighed and entered.

Immediately the employees saw her, they all started murmuring.

“Who’s the new hottie?”

“I think she is part of those getting interviewed for the personal assistant post.”

“So, is that why she has to dye her hair? She isn’t going to get this job. The boss hates nonsense.”

“I agree with you. She thinks she can se..duce him like this? Pfft! She need lessons.”

Noel ignored them and entered the elevator. She came out and saw so many people at the reception, waiting to be interviewed. She saw Raymond and smiled, the guy hasn’t changed a bit.

She sat down, ignoring the envious looks the ladies were giving her. Her name was called later and she walked up to the door. She sighed before opening it. She entered inside with her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

She saw him looking at some files, gulped down nothing and walked up to him.

“Good afternoon sir.” She greeted.

Gray looked up and their eyes met.


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