MISTAKENLY HIS: Episode 11-The End

? Mistakenly His

(Kidnapped by a Mafia)

Episode 13

? Charlotte ?

I sat down as he instructed not wanting to get him more angry.
Did he seriously protected me from his friends?

It’s really surprising how he did that, I thought I was just some kinda means of getting money!

He looked so pissed that I couldn’t look at him twice. Very scary !

” What will you love to take ma’am and Sir?” The waiter asked.

I don’t attend parties, this is actually my first and I am already getting tired !

The noise, almost everyone was smoking and drinking and the music was breaking my eardrum!

How the h.ell are they enjoying this?

” What will you love to take?” Ice pick asked calmly!

Wow! He can be this calm?

” Uhmm, water will do ” I replied

” Just water? You can order anything else that’s not alcoholic ” he said.

Well! When has he be this kind and considerate?

” I…I am.okay with it ” I stammered!

” Okay! And you give me juice ”

I choked on my spit as I heard that, juice?

Wait! Ice pick ordering for juice? Goodness, this is a dream!

” Are you okay?” He asked

I blinked nervously and nodded while the waiter left to bring our order!

” Ah! You came Ice pick ” a handsome man said coming towards us.

He look huge like ice pick but I think Ice pick is more handsome just that he’s too cold!

Although, not for today! He’s been protective all day!

” Yeah, Happ birthday Javan ” he said!

Oh! It’s actually a birthday party and the host is this guy!

” Thank you and ….wow! Is she one of them?”

One of them? How? This is the exact thing those men said outside!

What does that mean?
I glanced at Ice pick and the man who’s busy staring at me!

He was practically undr.essing me with his eyes. I feel so naked under his gaze!
What sort of look is this?

I became uncomfortable! My eyes went to Ice pick again!

His eyes were red, his knuckles turned red from the pressure he was giving it on the table.

With a very cold expression, it was like he wanted to murder someone right now!

He’s angry with the way this Javan guy is staring at me!

He might kill him if I don’t do something!

I jumped up in fear! I knew this was going to happen!

He punched the Javan guy in the jaw! Oh my God!

The guy fell on the floor and he proceeded to beat the h.ell out of him again but I mustered some courage and held his hand!

He’s gonna cause a scene here and to worsen it all, this guy organized the party!
” I… Ice pick please ” I said shivering in fear. I don’t want him to transfer the aggression on me.

He gaze met mine and I could see it soften!

He glanced at the guy then at me and sat down back!

” Really Ice pick? You punched me because of her?” The guy asked

” I will do that again if you stare at her one more time ”

” That’s not how we….”

” She’s Charlotte, not a wh0re that you will fk ” he yelled!

” Wow! Ice pick, seriously?” He scoffed!

” She’s mine Javan! She’s fking mine and I don’t share her with anybody so if you want to maintain our friendship, fking stay away from her ”




?? Chelsea ??

I woke up feeling weak and tired! My head hurts ! Ouch!

I looked around my environ to see I was in the hospital!
How did I end up here?

I tired recalling everything that happened and it came back like a movie scene!

The Gabriel’s family discovered that I wasn’t their daughter, then I hit my head and passed out!

They brought me to the hospital? I thought they were gonna get me arrested for impersonating Charlotte.

” Oh my goodness! She’s awake Gabriel ” Mrs Clara said coming in and I quickly bowed in shame .

Wait! She hugged me! No! It’s not a dream!

” We are really sorry for everything baby, I am sorry I haven’t been there for you all this years ” she said in tears .
Okay! What’s she talking about?

I am the one to apologize right?
Mr Gabriel came to me and sat down beside me!

He took my hand in his while I stared in confusion!

” How are you feeling?” He asked

” Uhhm…I …I am fine , I…I..”

” Don’t say anything further okay? I understand ! We are the one to apologize for not been there for you ” he said.

Been there for me? How? Is it their responsibility?

” Can you tell us your name? We can’t just start calling you any name ” he said!

” C… Chelsea ”

” Chelsea ! That’s great , you will be discharged now so when we get home, you freshen up, eat, have a nap then we talk ”

Huh? Home? Meaning they are taking me back to their house? Are they not mad at me?

” Yes Chelsea, c’mon let’s leave ” Mrs Clara said as she support me from the bed!
Seriously? Why are they taking me back?


” We are really sorry Chelsea, know that it wasn’t our fault but the doctor. We won’t be that heartless to throw the child we’ve always wanted away ”

Wait! This is a joke! No ! A prank to get me arrested!

How can they tell me all this and say that I am their child? Charlotte’s twin to be precised !

” You are joking right?” I asked blinking rapidly!

I don’t get the joke!

” Of course we are not Chelsea, you are our daughter! Our princess Chelsea. I don’t know but I believe you had a rough life but I promise you that from today, you are never going to lack anything. You are my daughter and of course you don’t have to lack ” he said!

Their daughter? H..how? I am a rich man’s daughter all this while and I suffered to grow up in the street?

My father happened to be the richest man in Seattle?

Why was the doctor so heartless? If I set my eyes on him, I am gonna kill him!
He made me who I am today!

Fine! I now have the family that I have always wanted but what about my past?

Forgotten that I am a wanted criminal?

” Please forgive us Chelsea, I promise to be the best mother and your father too”

” And I the best brother you can ever imagine ” Neo said coming out of know where as he sat beside me.

Now I understand why I so much look like Charlotte! We are actually blood sisters!

We are twins! The Gabriel twins! I just couldn’t stop feeling guilty!

How’s she doing there in the hands of the most dangerous man in the city?

She’s suffering for my crime! I feel so guilty!.

” I…. I have forgiven you ” I muttered absent mindedly

That’s the least of my problems right now! My problem is my sister!

What do I do?

” Thank you so much baby ”

They gave me a family hug!
Tears welled up my eyes! I ought to be happy but not with my past hunting me!

Not with the fact that my sister is in hostage because of me! Because we are identical!

I stood up and took her picture from where it was hung on the wall!

I couldn’t hold back the tear anymore!
It poured down on her pictures!

” you don’t have to cry over her Chelsea,we will bring her back ” My new Dad said while the rest nodded!

Only if they knew I am responsible for what she’s going through!

Mum wanted to say something but dad’s phone interrupted!

” He’s the one ” he whispered in fright! The one? Who’s the one?

He hastily picked up the call and placed it on speaker!

” Well, Hello Mr Gabriel”

W…what? That voice! That’s Ice pick!

My body became stiff and cool immediately.
My hands became sweaty! I wanted to pee on my body!

” H.. hello! ” Dad replied

” I can see you are not ready to get back your daughter Mr Gabriel ” he said over the phone!

Dad sighed !

” Of course I want my daughter back , just send your account details right away and I will double the amount you asked for ” Dad said and mum’s eyes widened!

Ice pick chuckled loudly! His voice enough is scary!

I don’t want him to hurt my sister anymore!

” I don’t want the money anymore Mr Gabriel, I want something else ”

Huh? Something else? Something like?

” Just mention, don’t just hurt my princess anymore I beg you ” Dad pleaded.

Now I know how they get to know I wasn’t Charlotte! I am glad that made me found my real parent!

” I will only release Charlotte on one condition” he said!

” Which is ?” Dad asked!

” If only you release Chelsea to me”


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