MISTAKENLY HIS: Episode 11-The End

? Mistakenly His

(Kidnapped by a Ma.fia)

Episode 14

?? Chelsea ??

W..what? I staggered back ward as I heard that!
My head began spinning, my heart clenched in fear!

He wants me before he can release my sister?

Everyone’s eyes widened as their attention landed on me.

” You know that’s never gonna be possible young man, I can’t do that. I can’t give you my daughter to release my daughter, what difference does it make?” Dad yelled annoyingly!

” Well then, daughter will stay with me forever Mr Gabriel. Good bye ” he said and hung up!

” Hello, hello ” Dad said but he was already out of the phone.

” What sort of request is that? I am never going to agree to that ” Dad said and mum nodded.

Meaning my sister will be there with him while I keep enjoying my life here?

My conscience will never let me! I can’t continue to let her suffer for what she knows nothing about.

Indeed, karma is real! When I thought I was going to be happy, my past came paying me a visit.

I have to rescue her even if it means dying. Ice pick is dangerous, I know that.

Charlotte doesn’t deserve everything she’s going through for being my twin .



? Jace ?

Fking fk!

What the h.ell is wrong with me? I can’t explain what’s going on anymore!

I can’t believe I chose Charlotte over the money that will make me rich forever!

I brought the condition because I don’t want to ever let her go!

I don’t want Charlotte out of my sight and the only way to make that happen is to ask for Chelsea in return of which I know will never be possible.

Even if they release Chelsea to me, I am not gonna hurt her. For being my Charlotte’s twin changed it all and seeing from how it all happened, I think she ended up in the street just like me.

We do similar things for a living , it wasn’t her fault though!

I am so excited about that! I fking love that!

I found myself lately thinking about her! I know we are not in the same class.

She’s too innocent while I am the opposite.

Her innocence attracted me to her, she’s so pure hearted!

For the last few days now, I stopped smoking when she’s near, I stopped drinking too.

I think I am beginning to like her! In just a month, she changed me so much!

I am so soft hearted when it comes to her.

I know keeping her here is selfish but I don’t have any option.

I just don’t want her to be away from me.
If she leaves, that’s the end if it, I will loose her forever!

I raised my head to see her standing in front of me!

Huh? When did she come in?

” I..uh. I..”

” Speak up Charlotte, you want something?” I asked !

Seeing her this way, it calms me, her touch has this feeling it creates in me !

I almost melted at the party yesterday when she touched me. She’s just so unique.

” I… I uhm ice pick …”

” Jace, call me Jace ”

” Huh?”



? Unknown ?

” Are you stupid?” I slapped him! Just a simple task he can’t just do!

” I am sorry Dad, I am trying my best ”

” Don’t Dad me if you can’t get Charlotte to date you. Did you know what that means? We will be close to the family and become wealthy too, I need that treasure Gabriel have Ryan! The treasurer worth thousand pesos ”

I yelled!
That treasure is what I want, when he becomes close to Charlotte, he can go to their house and get me the treasure .

” But Dad”

” Like I said Ryan, make friends with her and get me that treasure then we are rich forever! Don’t you get it?” I snapped!

I could have done that myself but Gabriel and I aren’t friends!

He’s occupying my position! I am the one that ought to be the richest man in Seattle not him!

I will render him penniless and become the richest!

Charlotte love being independent alot that was why I asked Ryan to give her the job so he can get close to her.

If I can get that treasure! I am rich! Definitely!

” I know Dad, I will try my best! ”

” You better do ”

I can’t wait to have that tittle as the richest man in Seattle. That treasure means a lot to him. It will break him if he find out that it’s missing that will bring down his performance at work then I will take away all his partners.

His company will have no option than to crumble!


?? Chelsea ??

” I think I have an idea ” Neo chipped in. My eyes snapped at him.

” What’s the idea?” Mum asked

” We need to set him up ”

Huh? Is he seriously kidding me? Did he think ice pick is just all this kidnappers?

” That’s not a good idea at all, we all might lost our lives in the process. I know who kidnapped her and he’s not someone to mess with, he’s very smart and dangerous Dad ”

” You know him?” He queried

I bowed my head in embarrassment fidgeting with the tip of my dress.

” Y…yes, I do. I am sorry Dad please forgive me ” I said in tears .

They need to know the truth.

” Sorry? For what?” Mum asked

” H..he, kidnapped Charlotte instead of me! “.

” I grew up in the street where I have to steal to survive, I am the unknown lady that steals, wanted by all the forces ”

” I… I… stole from Ice pick a month ago, he combed everywhere for me but unfortunately kidnapped Charlotte instead of me. I am sorry ”

I said as tears flows down freely! I can’t keep this in me! I had to meet it out to them. They are my family right?

” What?”

” Chelsea?”

” Chelsea?”

They all stared widely at me! I wanted to say something else when my phone beeped!

A message from Boss!

” Hey Chelsea, I can see you want all your family wiped out! Did you think you can leave just like that? Be back to the building by 5 if you don’t want me to break in there Chelsea. You know what that means ”

The phone fell from my hand and Neo quickly supported me!

I thought this was all! Dad took my phone checking the message!

I don’t need to hide anything from them anymore.

I can’t let him hurt any of my family! I . going to bring back Charlotte tonight, then I will return back to him if that will make my family safe. I lost them once but not anymore ”

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