MY EVER BUSY MOTHER: Episode 1 – The End

By Nikki Bella Henry ??
Episode 7

?Miriam ?

I was still on the bed even when it was already morning.

I tried forcing my self up from the bed but I couldn’t, my whole body was on fire and pains it was as if I was doing countless numbers of press up at night.

I turned calling on my mom but no response was heard

“Oh God! Is she out already or is she still in bed? “I asked my self and gave in all my effort.

I stood up staggering to and fro the room not knowing exactly what to do or where to go.

?Mrs Maria ?
Day by day I am mocked by my friends for not bringing up my daughter in a godly manner, I hate that word when ever some one said to me.

Is it my fault that my daughter got pregnant, is it her fault?

Rappe is rappe nothing we can do about it, if they think they are so successful they should mind their own family problems and stop poke nosing already like I am so sick and tired of the eyes that stares at me anytime am out

I am not going to sit back and watch this, is either I take Miriam to stay with my mom in the Village or I traveled coming back once she puts to bed.

But no need of taking her there, let me just travel that’s the best thing to do after all she can take care of her self and she will feel comfortable here with every needed things available.

? miriam?
I search and called on my mom several times but she didn’t answer not talking about being in the house, this means only one thing, my mom has traveled again and this time she is not planning on coming back so soon because she packed almost every thing.

I can’t just wait to put to bed at least by then I will take care of my self not looking at someone’s face for assistance or depending on someone.

6 months later

I was doing laundry at the backyard since there is no light to use the machine I decided using my hands after all I am not paralyzed.

I washed almost all my clothes, I proceeded in rinsing them but unfortunately for me an unbearable pain came from my abdomen that I yelled out in pain calling everyone’s name but no one came to my rescue. I started bleeding heavily I tried standing but I couldn’t I screamed out praying to God to take my life already because I was losing my breath already.

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