After her rounds to check on her patients, she made her way to Fiyin’s office on the 4th floor, she just had to see him. It had been a very long weekend as she had been on call Friday and Saturday but he hadn’t been around either day as he had a meeting in Abuja and had left on Wednesday. After the appalling way her parents had raked at her yesterday over Femi, all she needed was Fiyin’s smile and embrace.
She walked to the door that had Chief Medical Director written on it, strode in past his staring secretary, Ozioma, a complete village girl in her opinion and went directly to his door. She opened the door after hearing his deep throated “come in” to her knock.

Peeking her head in,
Tiwa: “Hi, Dr Arowolo, how do you do?” She asked and was instantly gratified when he smiled broadly at her.

Fiyin: “Tiwa!! Just the person I wanted to see…” he enthused, standing to his 6 feet 2 height and walking around his big desk to embrace her “…how are you?” He asked her.

“I’m fine, even better now that I’m seeing you.” He nodded in satisfaction at her answer. He had to agree she looked good, she was always beautiful, even without makeup.

“I missed you.” She said emotionally. He smiled at her, “I missed you too…” and turned back to his seat, “…sit down and tell me what you have been up to.”

“Nothing, I just wanted to see you.”
So they sat and talked for a while. He told her of his trip to Abuja, of seeing his father, who was currently the Nation’s minister for Health and of his daughter, Amanda’s progress in the new school she was in. She left only after her pager beeped that she was needed somewhere else.


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