MY LIFE AT THIRTY : Episode 1 – 10

? EPISODE 10 ?

By Princess ?

My dad promised to buy phone for her too and
that she should understand that buying my
phone was actually important that he wouldn’t
have thought of it had it been am close by.
The mention of bank account opened my mind
to the fact that i actually needed to have an
account, atleast i have a part time work which
am doing and earning little money from, i can
start saving my money into my account too.

I left Offa very early on Sunday morning around past 6 immediately after Subhi prayer, i was so eager to go and show Ismaeel the
phone his parent bought for him. I headed straight to the hostel, the load was a heavy
one that i had to call cab from Gaa Akanbi Junction by Roemich school to take me
straight down to zanrab arond 7:30am. The
cab charged me for a full passenger but i
wouldn’t mind to paying the whole amount. I
got down in front of our gate, packed everything by the door one after the other….I
opened the net to the door and realized the
door was not locked, i entered the room with
“salam aleikum waramotullahi (peace be unto
this house) and what i saw was alarming…
lying down on our bed was a lady in her night
gown pressing a phone….
I stepped outside the room, look the outside
very well to be sure i didn’t mistake another
person’s room for our room…”yes, this is our
room now”, i walked down to the entrance of
Ezekiel’s room, definitely that was not our
room..i entered back again to confirm what
was inside the room if they are still as i left
them…”yes, its still the same room but they
were so many rearrangement”, i came outside
again with another thought “ahn..ahn, is it that
brother Ismaeel moved out our stuff or rented
the house to someone else? That is not
possible now, this is just a week now”. I
entered the room back again and i heard
Lady: Good morning, i guess you should be
brother Abdulrahman
Me: “looking surprise”…Yes, who are you
Lady: my name is Ebun
Me: Ebun……
Ebun: have heard so much about you brother
Abdulrahman, Ismaeel is coming back soon, he
just stepped out now to buy bathing soap, he
will soon be here
Now it was certain that i was actually in my
room and not other person’s room. All my
questions have been answered and i couldn’t
wait for Ismaeel to come so that i ca ask him
some question because on my mind, i was so
sure the lady slept over in the room, on our
bed and what is the tendency that they didn’t
have made love….what am i even saying? Why wouldn’t they have had s*x i thought to myself. I couldn’t withstand the sight of the lady and i had to move out of the room.

To Be Continued

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