MY LIFE AT THIRTY : Episode 61 – The End

? EPISODE 66 ?

Final Episode

By Princess ?

I told them about my landlady that relocated abroad with pregnancy who was not sure if it was mine or her husband’s. I told them I dated her for good 7 years and aborted four pregnancies for her before she travelled abroad with her family.
I told them how i was a S£x addict, how i used to have S£x with series of ladies without using protectio. I didn’t know who infected me with the disease and how many people I had infected through S£x. I didn’t know how long it had been on my body because when the symptoms were still fresh in my body in form of headache and tiredness i always think it was due to the nature of my job and resulted to self medication of paracetamol and anti malaria drugs, not knowing that what was wrong with me was beyond that.

How i wish i could get a second chance to correct all my mistakes as i would never do this again. And this would serve as a big lesson to people like me that are engaging in this kind of activities. If God should give me a second chance, i would use my experience to preach the gospel of God to people. Please help me seek forgiveness from God and the spirit of Nimat to forgive me, it wasn’t intentional.

My parents busted into tears and for the first time in my 30 years of existence in life, I saw my father shedding serious tears and crying like a baby.


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