? My prince charming ?

? She’s feisty he’s hot ?

?? Written by Lois ??

Episode 13

?Maddie ?
I dance happily swaying my ass
Knowing fully well that my plan will eventually work today

Just then I sighted my brother coming in to the room
He’s my step brother actually

And I have a strong evidence against him making him do all my bidding

He’s a bad boy though
And I’ve got him wrapped on my finger?

“Jeremy” I called lcking my fnger se.ductively

“What happened this time” he replied grumpily

“How about we do a quckie” I said smacking my lips

“But it’s wrong” he said



“Ion give a fk darling now do yourself good by removing your dam tr.ousers and get to work ion wanna be late for school” I said with authority

He’s got no choice
Tho he’s older than me with two months
I still control him…

“Oh that was good!!” I smiled in sati$faction after we were done.

Even though he won’t admit it he loves doing me

I stood up and went to the bathroom to clean up before heading to school

? Jeremy ?

Though I know she’s blackmailing me to do her bidding but on the inside I want all she’s asking of me

I could fk her a day without getting tired
She’s a btch no doubt

I called the guys that will be doing the k1dnap to make sure everything is set

I won’t mind dealing the lady giving my sister an hard time

I prepared hurridely packing all my things
If there is one thing Harry dislikes
It’s being late


School was going well today
I received lesser glares today
And Maddie was smiling sheeplessly at Harry and I

Harry look disgusted at her sight
And u couldn’t help but chuckle

What a btch

I was about to text Harry since we weren’t allowed to discuss when a teacher is in class

It’s not as I’d be punished though
Duh my boyfriend owns the damn school
But I am trying to be a good girl ?

But then a message pooped up
It’s from an unknown number

? Don’t forget I’ve got my eyes on you
Enjoy your relationship while it lasts ?

It says and I shivered
Ion know if I should tell Harry about this
But who the h.ell is trying to get to me

I shrugged it off and faced the board though my mind was wondering away

? Kelly ?

I sighted my sis far away and ran over to her

“Tee girl” I called but she didn’t answer
She looks bothered ?

“Earth to you tia” I yelled and she snapped out of her thoughts

“What were you thinking”
“Nothing important”
“You could just tell me he handled you quite well” I said and Her face flushed in embarrassment

“Go$h kel ya so dirty I wonder how you got to be my sister” she said with an eye roll

I was about to say something when her phone rang so she left me standing

What a great sister


I signed facing my book after Tiana he left for the hospital

Someone call saying her attention is needed by her mom

But I have a feeling something is wrong some where

Why can’t her mom call her herself

I was about going when Maddie approach me

Btch ?

“Hey” she said smiling
“What do you want”

“Just wanna say hi that’s all”

I hissed and walked pass her
Good riddance


I rushed out of the school
In great speed the least I want now is mom shouting angrily at me for coming late

Then I saw a cab coming
Right timing

“Bright hospital”

I didn’t even wait to Know if he was going before entering

I am in a hurry

Just then I noticed we were taking another route

Excuse me you are going the wrong way

The passenger in front turned back that was when I noticed that both him and the driver are wearing masks

“Please drop me I am no longer going”

“Sorry hun not happening” was all I heard before I blacked out

I can see he sprayed something

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