Episode 6

Anita pov
The brightness of the sun shine through the window and found its way to my face and I woke up with pain in between my legs.

I wonder why am feeling so much pain in my thing

What happened?

I struggled to sit up but I could hardly do that, Geez why am I feeling so much pain.

I turned to the other side of the bed and saw Alexander sleeping next to me and then what happened yesterday came flashing into my mind and I could not but scream and that alone woke him up.

He looked at me with surprise and quickly stood up.

What the h’ll happen? He asked in surprise looking at his nked body and he quickly grab a towel from the bathroom door to cover himself.

I should be asking you that you son of a bch, you took my vrgnty. I yelled angrily tears already flowing down to my cheek and he just scoffed

He kept quiet for some seconds like he was just trying to remember what really happened.

You are the bch here, how dare you say such rubbish to me, did I just came from no where and fk you. I was drunk so don’t you dare accuse me.

You se..duce me and took advantage of me due to my drunken state. I said and he looked at me surprise

Really? I can still remember vividly how you told me to sleep with you when I asked you and how you were mo..aning like a wh’re. He said and I opened my mouth in shock

You animal. I shouted and bursted into tears.

You are the animal here because how could you give you body to me like a pro$titute, am I that handsome and attractive. He said angrily starring at me.

Stop, please just stop. I yelled crying

I betrayed my sister, I slept with her boyfriend. What have I done? I laid my face on the pillow crying.

Look here bch, we only met once and let us pretend we don’t know each other and we have met so suit yourself. He said and walked into the bathroom.

I looked around and saw my cloth on the floor, I picked it up and took my phone from the pocket and open it. I saw 20 missed call 7 from Tracy, 3 from Sandra, 2 from Elizabeth and 8 from my mom.

I was about to dial Tracy’s number when her call came in.

Hello. I said trying not to cry.

Where the h’ll are you? I have been searching and calling you but you are not picking. What happened? Tracy said with worriness in her voice.

I… I was feeling sleepy so I slept in one of the rooms in the hotel. I lied and I heard her sighed.

I know you were not a lover of night party, I know you hated just come down and let us go because it seems your parents are back. She said

What! How did you know. I asked getting scared

She called me and asked where you are which only means she is back expect Elizabeth told her. She said

Okay bye. I said and ended the call

I wish I never came to this party and this wouldn’thave happened.

The phone slipped out of my hand and I bursted into tears again.

The bathroom door opened and he walked in wearing the previous cloth he was wearing at the party.

He looked at me for some seconds before he walked of the room leaving me all alone.


Few minutes later

Tracy and Sandra ran to hug me immediately I came downstairs.

Where the heck have you been? You got us worried. Sandra said worriness seen clear in her face.

I looked at her and remembered what happened between me and her brother some hours ago and tears fell down from my eyes but I quickly clean it.

Are you okay? Tracy asked

Yes, am good. I said forcing out a smile

Are you sure, you don’t look bright. Sandra said

I said I am okay, is that too hard to understand. I yelled frustrated and walked out leaving them in shock.


Alexander pov
I sat on the sofa in the sitting room drinking with my friends around me, they have been asking me what was going on with me but I refused to tell me.

I won’t lie to you, I enjoyed that sx, it is the best one I have ever had in my life. The way she mo…ans, her scream it was so lovely and I felt like I should do it with her again.

I have had sx with my girlfriend countless times but she is not as sweet like her. I mean I never met her a vrgin but Anita she was a vi…

I have been trying to forget the scenes but it kept coming to my mind hunting me.

I don’t regret it but I just felt guilty because I cheated on my girlfriend. What if she finds out

I close my eyes and drink a full glass of vodka before feeling it up again.

Are you going to tell us what is going on with you because I don’t understand you anymore. Kim min-kyu said but I remain silent.

This is all because of Elizabeth, I mean if I was not angry I wouldn’t have gone drunk. I taught and rest my head on the table

Don’t deceive yourself, you wanted her at first sight. My inner mind said and I sighed.

The door opened and Sandra came in dropping her bag on the coach and rushed to me.

Oppa are you okay? Why are you drinking? She asked. I dropped the glass cup and she hugged me.

Thank you for the gift Oppa, you are the best. She said smiling and I laughed

She is the only one that manage to put a smile on my face.

I am so tired I didn’t have the chance to sleep all because of Anita. I hope she is okay. She said and my smile was wipe off immediately.

She has been acting strange and, she turned to look at me.

I saw you carrying her last night. She said and all my friends turned to look at me

What… Hmmm. She w..was feeling sleepy so I took her to one of the rooms. I said and Sandra nodded starring at me

Okay guys, I need to freshen up, see you around. She said and walked out while kim min-kyu kept looking at her and I laughed.

I knew he liked my sister so much and my sister liked him too but he was a playboy and have a babymama so I didn’t want her to get involved in any sht or get hurt.

I remembered Anita and I sighed.

I hope she is really okay because I could see then that she was really hurt.

I really don’t want Elizabeth to find out about this because I can’t not lose Elizabeth because of a random girl I met on my sister birthday’s party.


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