Episode 33

Please ignore errors; not properly edited

Anita pov

We got to the place and dmn the place was so huge and beautiful, it was like a club party because of the music heard from inside.

I was about to come down from the car but Alex drag me back

The red carpet is going on and we are next, I want the whole world to see that girl that has made me go insane. He said and I blush.

I was so nervous because the place we’re crowded and I am not used to crowded place.

I breath and out trying to calm down because I was so nervous.
I look outside the car and saw a couple entering into the hall but they look kind of familiar.

The next on our list is our young handsome business tycoon Alexander Huston. The voice yelled through the microphone making everyone scream and it became more crowded.

Baby you don’t have to feel nervous okay, am right here. Alex said holding my hands and I became calm

Alex steps out of the car and everybody scream in excitement as he walks towards my side and open the door for me.

Gosh I was so nervous, believe me when I say this could ki ll I will be dead by now.

He stretched out his hand towards me and I breath in and out before placing my hand on his stepping out of the car screams filled every corner of the place as I walked along side with my husband.

Oh my gosh, she is a goddess

Mr Alex really has eyes.

They really suit each other

She is an angel sent from God.

I smiled as I heard the comments from the crowd and I was happy.

Different camera click and light was shone on our face, it was more like a singer entering a stage.

I gave my best smile to the crowd and wave at them so I won’t look bad in any picture.

Excuse me couple please. A young woman yelled running towards us with a camera in her hand.

How can we help you? Alex asked a bit rude and I h it his hand playfully while he just rolled his eyes.

Please sir I won’t take more of your time, I just want to take a picture of you guys. He said and Alex smile

Okay then that is not a problem. He said and I look at him while he just smirk.

I was dmn nervous

You don’t have to be nervous all you have to do is follow my lead. He said and I nodded

Okay then go on. She said and pointed the camera at us

Alex turned me around and made me back him wrapping his hand around my waist with his head on my neck and I smile lightly at the camera and I felt the camera light flashed on our faces.

Wow! this is awesome please one more picture and you are gone. The woman said with a pleading look.

This style is going to be so ro mantic. Alex whispered huskily in my ear and I scoffed and looked at him.

He placed his feet on my leg and I almost fell down but he was quick enough to hold me, he wrapped his hand around my waist and kssed me making me gasped in surprise but I wrapped my hand around his neck and the camera click.

I stood up immediately and looked up only to see that the entire building was taking pictures of us.

Geez, they are so annoying

You guys are such a ro mantic couple. She said smiling at us and I laughed nervously.

We walked through the long passage and we saw lot of crowd drinking and dancing while others were rocking each other and gross it was so irritating.

I was still looking when Alex hold my hand and dragged me upstairs.

I taught it was a party so where are we going

We climb the long stairs and I almost fell because I was so weak but alex got hold of me.

What a lazy wife have I got. Alex said with a smirk and carried me in a bridal style while I rest my head on his chest.

We got through a passage and Alex open the first door, I gasped in surprise as I looked at the small crowd at the room.

There was a long table with chairs around it and I became more nervous when they noticed us.

Alex dropped me gently on the floor but I didn’t want him to leave me because I was really shy.

Mr Alex. A white man exclaimed and walked towards him stretching out his hand for a hand shake.

Nice meeting you again Mr Alex. He said and Alex chuckle.

Same here. Alex said and lead me towards another room making me wonder where we were going.

We got to another room and wow! this room was more beautiful than the others.

There was also a long table but the chairs were so beautiful, it has a can water at every desk and a board was placed at the room.

There were only few people there and I sighed in relief because I was no use to crowd.

Alex what is that other room we passed for? I asked and he chuckle.

They are here for the same thing but the richest stay here. He said and I nodded in understanding looking

Mr Alex. They all exclaimed and bowed down and I was surprised.

There were women among the men gisting and I felt like I should join them but my mind was telling me no.

I looked around and my eyes met with a pair of blue eyes looking at me and licking his lips and I became uncomfortable.

I turned to look at Alex but he was so deep in the conversation he was having with a man so I sat on a chair looking around to avoid meeting that pair of blue eyes.

Alex sat close to me after discussing and I rest my head on his chest while he stroke my hair, I turned to look at the boy with blue eyes and he was busy smirking.

Something is not right, my mind tells me that something is going to happen.

I took the water from the table and gulp it down since I was thirsty and all this while the boy was busy looking at me as I gulp down the water.

Who is that? A asked Alex and he struggled his shoulder

I don’t know. He replied and I gulped down with fear with the way he is looking at me.

I need to use the restroom. I said and he stood up from the chair.

Okay then let me show you. He said and I nodded as we both stood up from the chair.

Mr Alex please I want to talk to you and it is urgent. The boy said and I turned to look at him while he just have an ev’l smirk on his face.

When I come back we can talk. Alex said

No please I really want to talk to you now am sure your wife can find the rest room herself. He said and Alex turned to look at me and I nodded in agreement.

I walked out of the room and I entered through a long passage with different room, I looked at the top of small bulding and saw ” girls rest room.”

I entered inside and realized before watching my face, I turned in ho rror when I felt a movement behind me but I didn’t see anythinng.

I turned to the sink again and wash my face looking at myself in the mirror I saw that same boy behind me.

I turned around in fear and saw him leaning on the door looking at me with a smirk on his ugly face.

Can’t you read, am sure you know this is ladies rest room. I said shakily and his smirk widened.

You look so hot and felt like eating you raw. He said ignoring my question and I scoffs

You are sick in the head. I said and made to walk past him but he dragged me back trapping me in his arms inhaling my body.

Wow! what a nice body. He said and immediately kssed my neck while I struggled to get out of his grip which I did and I sIapped him really hard.

If you must know I am married so I will advise you to go find some wh’re to have sx with and not me. I said and made to walk out but he dragged me back again.

Let me go. I screamed pushing him with all my power bit he didn’t burg.

It is time I make this easy. He said and I felt something sharp on my stomach and I felt weak

He just injected me.

Alex. I called weakly and he smirk

No no no Alex won’t be able to save you now. He said and I slowly passed out.


Alexander pov

Where the h’ll is Anita. I thought as I walk to the restroom but I didn’t find her.

I became scared because he told me few minutes ago that she was going to the rest room so where is she. I thought looking at the restroom.

I was about to walk out when my eyes caught something familiar it was the same necklace I bought for Anita.

I put it in my pocket and look around and saw a syringe on the floor.

Anita. I whispered and quickly ran out of the restroom

It seems like she is had been kidnapped.

No no please not again, I don’t want her to suffer anymore.

If I have know I would have followed her but all thanks to that useless boy who said he had something to tell me but yet he only wanted to be friends with me.

Is it that crazy

Mr Alex where are you going? The men asked as I ran out like a mad person but I was not in the mood for some useless question.

The party is about to start. Someone yelled after me but I don’t give a dmn about any fking party.

I ran out of the hall and I look around but couldn’t find anita.

Tears were already seen in my eyes as I ran my hands through my hair fustartedly but suddenly I saw someone carrying a girl on his shoulder.

Oh my goodness Anita. I ran towards them but he was quick enough to enter into the van and zoom off. I look at the corner and saw a door open, it was an exit door in the restroom.

I should have known

I quickly ran towards my car and saw the driver sleeping.

I pu shed him out of the car and he fell down but I was not in the mood for aplogise.

I started the car and zoom off driving restlessly as I chase the car.

I was nearly close to the car when I felt a bu llet h it my left hand and I scream in pain but I didn’t stop.

People were running out of the road due to the way we were both driving but I don’t care.

I saw him bringing the g un out from his widow and I quickly drove to the other side making the bvllet hit a coming vehicle.

Too bad.

He drove through a lonely road and I followed him, he stopped at an uncompleted building and I did the same but as I was about to come out he shot again but it but the glass door.

I looked at him and saw it was that same boy.

He tried to shoot again but bvllets were not coming out which means the gvn was empty.

I held my hand in pain and walked towards him ready to fight but he bursted into laughter as I walked towards him with bIeeding hand.

My clothes was soak with bIood but I don’t give a dmn about it, all I want is for him to hand over my wife to me.

You want to come and fight me? He laughs mockily and I chuckle in pain.

Hand over my wife to me and I will go easy on you. I said groaning in pain and be laughs

Let see about that. He said and pun¢hed me making me fall weakly on the floor.

Come on stand up you weakly. He yelled mockily and I groan in pain before standing up.

He was about to pun€h me again but I was quick to get hold of his hand and I twisted it while he yelped in pain.

He tried to blow me with the other hand but I got hold of it and head him making him lay weakly on the ground.

I was so much in pain but I really don’t care

I quickly moved to the car and opened the back of the car only to see my darling wife inside.

I quickly carried her and drop her gently on my car before zooming off.


Anita pov

I opened my eyes and look at the familiar surrounding, I gasped as I remembered what happened and I shivered in fear as I look around.

How did I get home?

Honey you are awake. Alex said weakly coming towards me with a plate of food but I stood up when I saw his hand bandage.

Alex what happened to you? I cried out and he smiled and placed the food on the table.

Alex talk to me. I demanded and he sighed

Anita I was shot when I tried saving you. He said and tears fell down from my eyes as I look at the man who is ready to risk his life in order to save me.

Alex thank you so much, you have always be there for me anytime my life is in danger you saved me, you are my hero. I said crying and he hug me

You are my part of me Anita and so I will save you with everything in me. He said and I cry and hug him.


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