NICKLAUS THE MASTER: Chapter 31 to 40


Chapter 40

Written by: Racheal Dennis

Matilda’s pov ?

I stand by the door of my kitchen, my hands placed on my waist…my mouth opens and closes.

I stare speechlessly at the thick smoke coming from the microwave.

My eyes move to Marcus, he’s standing in a corner coughing lightly and blowing smoke off his face.

“D-darling, it’s… it’s…”

He swallowed his explanation as I throw him a fierce glare, my brows knit tightly together in a deep frown.

“You. Want. To. Set. My. Apartment. On. Fire?!” I growled lowly.

He shakes his head, his eyes goes back to the microwave and he rub his ear.

“I just wanted to heat up the food and…” He trails off and turns to me.

His smile wipes off his face when he sees me raising my eyebrow at him… demanding a clear explanation.

“… I shouldn’t have used a steel bowl” he said his shoulders slumps down sadly.

“Why do you always s¢rew up your chances? Why is it that every time I’m warming up to you, you’ll end up s¢rewing things up?!”

First, it was at the mall, we were shopping happily… when he brought up the issue of him kssing 288 girls.

Now it’s my microwave, he just broke it!

“Every sane man knows not to put a steel bowl in a microwave, what…”

My phone suddenly beeps and cuts me off, I check it and see an message from… Marc law firm?!

I open the message, it’s good news.. I got the job, then I remembered who the CEO is.. I lift my head and show him my phone.

“Do you know anything about this?”

He stares at it briefly.


“And don’t lie to me, I hate lies!” I told him.

He sighs.

“Yes, I told Miss Lee to call you”

“Why? Didn’t you already chased me out for not having a complete results?”

He laughs nervously, scratching his neck slowly.

“Just accept it as an apology gift from me!”

Apology gift?!

My eyes leaves him and goes back to my microwave, it’s completely damage, I don’t think it’ll function well if I repair it.

Now I’ll have to get a new one, I would have asked him to pay for it…but he’s my boss now, keeping this job is better than fighting for a new microwave.

I plaster a smile on my face and turn to him.

“You’re my boss now and I don’t wanna fight with my boss, you can leave now please!”

“Huh? I should leave?”

I nod with my smile still plastered on.

“But it’s late, are you heartlessly chasing me out at this late hour?”

I check my phone, it’s just 8:13pm… I showed it to him.

“You’re not a girl that some hooligans will attack and rape, you’re safe and good to go home!”

“What if I get robbed?”

“Mr Aurelius, I simply can’t let a man who is not my husband, neither my boyfriend… spend a night in my apartment!”

“But… ”

I grab his hand and drag him to the living room.

“The door is right there, sir!”

He stares at me briefly, then take a deep breath and sigh.

“Fine! I’ll see you at the firm tomorrow!” He said and I nod.

He walks towards the door and opens it, he steps out but before shutting it.. he turns to me.

“Good night, love… and don’t forget to dream about my handsome face!”

I huffed.

“In your dreams!” I said.

He laughs and shut the door, I look through the window and see him get into a car and drives off.

I walk back to one of the couches and falls on it, my first month salary will go into different units… Microwave just added!


Anastasia’s pov ?

Next morning… 6am…




My eyes snaps open when the sound is becoming really annoying.

I sit up and reach for the alarm clock… I quickly turn it off and groan. I had set an alarm last night to help me wake up early.

Sleeping nked is the most comfortable way to sleep…ever!

“Who wants some breakfast in bed?” Klaus asked as he walks in.

My eyes scan his body, he’s just having a towel hanging dangerously low around his waist.

Dmn those abs…strong muscles…and I just noticed something… Klaus is damn hairy!

God! He’s just my ideal man, I insanely love hairy men!

“Or do you prefer me for breakfast?” He asked when he notice me ogling over him.

I blush and squirm as I feel a tingling sensation in my golden valley…which is something new.

I have been having this sensation since last night, after our wild s£x! Ah!

“Which one do you prefer?” He asked again.

I was so engross in my thoughts, that I didn’t realize he’s ready standing in front of me.

“Me for breakfast?” He points at himself and winks at me.

I smiled.

“Or you’ll have the actual breakfast?” He stretches out the plate of omelette he’s holding.

My tongue pushes out and subconsciously licks my dry lips.

“Choose wisely!” He said.

“Hmm, the first offer is tempting.. seducing if that word is allowed but….” I trail off.

Klaus drops the omelette on the bedside table, he climbs onto the bed and leans closer to me.. he stares at my lips.

“But what?” He asked in a hoarse voice.


He raised an eyebrow, urging me to speak up… I simply bite my lower lip and contemplated more.

“Having me for breakfast is so-o-o satisfying, you know?” He said in a convincing tone.

I laughed.

“You’re reminding me of someone right now!” I said.



He frowns.


I hum in reply, he tilts his head, he release a short laugh.

“Ok.. I know I don’t go to church, but I know Lucifer was the bad guy from the bible…so, how did I remind you of him?”

I put my hands on his shoulders and look into his eyes.

“You’re trying to make me choose you.. just like how Lucifer deceived into eating the forbidden fruit!”

He laughs richly, he leans closer and push a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Then… I don’t mind being Lucifer, after all, we’ve eaten the forbidden fruit yesterday… ”

My mind flashes back to yesterday, I can clearly see us fking… my cheeks flame up.

“… I see you remember, how about we continue from where we stop?”


“But today is my first day at work and I don’t wanna be late… ”


He cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips, he smiles.

“Your fiancee is the boss, so what are you scared of.. no one will dare to scold you for coming late!”

Hmm, this man is really good with his words, he’s slowly making me fall into his trap.



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