NICKLAUS THE MASTER: Chapter 81 to 90


Chapter 81.

Written by: Racheal Dennis

Anastasia’s pov ?

Nicklaus’s penthouse… Outside LA…

The next morning…

NICKLAUS THE MASTER: Chapter 71 to 80.

I woke up feeling numb all over, it’s as if I took a sleeping pill last night.. that’s making me feel groggy.

With a soft groan, I massage my stiff neck gently.. then my free hand fell on my stomach and I rubbed it fondly.

Last night, I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn’t realized when I fell asleep.

I’m truly pregnant! A tiny human is growing inside me, a smile tug the corner of my lips.

Had it being I was already married to Klaus, aunt would be so delighted to hear this news.. but now…

Well, let’s forget about that for now, until all this is over, I should take care of myself and my unborn child… I’ll abort it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care for it now that it’s still in me.

A tired yawn leaves my mouth, it’s so early and I’m already getting tired… Maybe I should go bath, I believe I’ll be strong after taking a bath.

I lazily hopped out of bed, I lose my balance and land on my stomach in a loud thud…

A frightened gasp left my mouth loudly, I quickly sit up and look down if I’m bleeding… I wanna abort the baby but I can’t don’t want this kind of ab©rtion.

The door burst open and Matilda barged in, she rushed towards me when she saw me on the floor.

“Tasia, are you ok? I heard a crash!” She said in a very worried tone.

I pass her a small smile.

“I’m fine, but check.. am I bleeding anywhere?” I asked.

She frowned in confusion at my question, then I pointed down at my stomach and she quickly understand.

She looked down and shook her head sideways, she got up and helped me up.

“Phew!” I breath in relief.

“Were you worried about the baby?” She asked.

“Yeah, I thought I’d have a miscarriage because I kinda have a pretty hard fall” I replied.

Matilda smiled at me and shake her head.

“I remembered you said you wanna abort the baby last night.. why are you being protective of it now?”

“Yeah… but it’s not right if I lose it this way”

“Hmm” she hummed as if she doesn’t believe me.

“Since it’s still inside my womb, it’s my duty to protect and keep it safe” I said.

She chuckled.

“You won’t be able to abort it, you’ll soon grow find of it”

I scoffed. “I will abort it, I don’t wanna be a mama yet and beside, my aunt… ”

“No, let’s forget about your aunt for now… I wanna ask you a serious question and I need a honest answer from you”

I nod.. I sat on my bed and she sat next to me.. she took my hands in her.

“Let’s say, your aunt wouldn’t get angry if she finds out you’re pre.gnant.. would you have had this abortion thought?” She asked.

I stayed silent and think about it for a very briefly moment..I didn’t even think.

“If aunt wouldn’t be angry, I don’t think abortion would have crossed my mind.. I’m thinking of abortion partly because I’m scared of what’s she’s gonna do”

Matilda nod.

“So.. does this mean, you’re scared of your aunt?”

“No, I’m not scared of her.. I just don’t want her have hypertension when she hears the news of my pregnancy… ”

I withdrew my hands from Matilda’s and rubbed my stomach…I smiled as I recall aunt’s gospels which she calls advice.

“… you know, since I started staying wity aunt Bell, she’s being teaching and guiding me in the way of the lord… ”

My smiled widened.. when I remembered how she’d normally drag Tilda and I to church everytime we visit her.. she doesn’t care if we’re tired or not.

“… she’d say, in all things set God as your priority. You know, aunt would have loved it if I ended up being a nun… ”

Matilda laughed at that statement, she nodded in agreement.

“… that’s why she have always wanted me to get married before I get pregnant, I even promised her once that I would get married as a vrgin.. but I couldn’t even keep that promise and now I’m pregnant. Now you tell me…how can I face her? How should I tell her I’m pregnant when she’s thinking I’m still a vrgin? Do you think she’ll survive such news?”

“Yeah… I feel ya, I understand ya plight! Aunt Bell is like a mother to you and there’s no daughter that would love to fail her mother”

I nod.. she finally understand what I mean.

“But you don’t have to see yourself as a failure, you didn’t fail her.. after all, you didn’t get pregnant for some random guy, the child you’re carrying is your fiance’s”

“I know but…”

She hushed me.

“You and Mr Statham can get married before your baby bump starts showing.. then aunt won’t scold you too much if she later finds out you’re pregnant before marriage”

Matilda is speaking as if she doesn’t know my aunt, the aunt I know will still preach.

“You can just get married to Mr Statham tomorrow before Claudia arrives at the wedding hall” she said.

I frown slightly.

“Tomorrow is the wedding?!”

“Uh.. yeah, but that’s not what we’re talking about now…”

Did I forget about tomorrow being the wedding? Or they didn’t tell me about it?

“…right now, we’re thinking of ways to make your aunt less angry when she finds out about your PR£MARITAL PR£GNANCY!”

She emphasize on the word *premarital pre.gnancy*… she’s mocking aunt, I guess.

I smacked her head for that and she simply showed me a funny face, well, her plan is good but…

“I don’t think Klaus and Marcus have that in their plan” I said.

“What?” She asked.

“I don’t think Klaus and Marcus planned to let Klaus and I get married before Claudia arrives.. if we tell them about it now, it’ll just mess up their plans” I said.

Matilda think about it and nod.

“You finally said something reasonable” she said.

“Shut up!” I pulled her ear and she winced.


She pushed my hand away and glared at me, now it’s my turn to make a funny face at her.

She rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, I know of another to escape aunt’s preaching” Matilda said.

“What way?” I asked.

“How about we shift the blame to Mr Statham.. we can let him take the fall, after all, he’s the cause of this and he should be responsible for it”

Hmm.. now that’s a good plan.

“What should we do?”

“Well, we’ll simply let Mr Statham tell aunt about the pregnancy.. that way, he’ll be the one to receive the preaching and beatings”

I smirked, yeah, this is very good! Klaus and I are in this together, he should also suffer for it.

My hands rubbed my stomach as if I’m actually touching my baby.

“Baby, you’re safe now, Mama’s boy gonna temper with you.. ok?”

I smiled, I wonder if it can even hear what I’m saying.

“Mama’s gonna try to be a good mama to you.. ok?”

If Klaus can face aunt, then I can manage to take my baby bump back to school.. there’s nothing to be ashamed of!

“Finally, I can rest easy now!” Matilda said and fell back onto my bed.

I turned to her.

“Thank you, Tilda”

Instead of replying me, her stomach growled instead…she sat up and chuckled.

“Tasia, you might wanna check the time” she said.

My eyes locate the wall clock and I gasped.


“Yeah… Can we eat first, I’m starving”

I frown.

“Why haven’t you had breakfast yet?”

“I have, I just have a large appetite this morning” she replied and grin.

I rolled my eyeballs. “Glutton!”

“Well, get up and keep moving before this glutton eat you”

I got up and head towards my bathroom.

“Nah! I wanna freshen up first, I haven’t bath since yesterday afternoon… I smell like shit right now”

“Go$h! Now I know where that smell was coming from”

I had already grabbed the door handle, but her statement made me stop on abruptly.

“Look who’s talking, I bet you didn’t bath all through yesterday.. we’re birds of a feather, baby”

She scoffed.

“I’m just trying to save water, you know?”

Now it’s my turn to scoff. “Excuses! You’re just being a dirty girly”

“Shut up and hurry up, I’m starving”

“Go take a bath first, I wonder what Marcus would think of you if he finds out you don’t take your baths for two days”

She laughed loudly.

“Baby, we both share the same dirty secret…you can’t tell on me cause I’m gonna tell on you too!” She said with a smirk.

Ok, she got me there…I didn’t say another word, I simply eyed her sinisterly before storming into the bathroom and shut the door in a very loud bang.

“You can break the door for all I care!” I heard her shout.

“Shut up, dirty girly!” I yelled.

Authoress’ pov ?

Statham enterprise…

*I still find it hard to believe, Miss Claudia will be our Mrs Statham!*
*Our lives in Statham enterprise will be he..ll*
*I wish someone would just wake me up from this nightmare!*
*Mr Statham isn’t in his right senses, can’t he see how evil miss Claudia is?*

These are the murmuring Claudia could hear, as she stepped foot into Statham enterprise… she tried her possible best to ignore them.

She headed straight for the elevator, the workers all give her nasty glare as she walks by.


Nicklaus’s phone rings, he reached for it and saw Marcus’s calling.. he quickly received the call.


“Good morning to you too, brother Nicky” Marcus said.

Nicklaus grunts and rolled his eyes at Marcus’s playfulness.

“Can’t you just talk about business without any ounce of playfulness?”

“Nah! My best friend is an iceberg and I’m playful… we’re a perfect match made in heaven!”

Nicklaus growled lowly, which made Marcus laughed.

“Calm down, Nicky.. let’s get down to business!”

He paused and cleared his throat, unknown to him, Nicklaus’s impatiently waiting for him to speak.

Or maybe he knew Nicklaus’s impatient, so he was just trying to infuriate him.

“Are you gonna speak?! Or I should hang up?!”

“What an impatient ba$tatd! Anyway, I have taken care of the security as you ordered…my boys will replace Benjamin’s men”

Nicklaus nod.

“Good! You and my father-in-law should come in later in disguise, we’ll expose…. ”

A knock on the door cut Nicklaus off, he narrowed his eyes and glare at the door…he seem to know who’s behind the door.

“Marcus, we should leave our talk for later.. Claudia’s here!”

“Ok!” Marcus replied and they both hang up at once.

Nicklaus dropped his phone on the table and leaned on the table, he holds his head as if he’s tired.

“Come in!” he said.

The door pushed open and Claudia walked in…she rushed to Nicklaus when she saw him groaning.

“Nicky, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” She asked.

Nicklaus pushed her away from him gently.

“I’m fine, I’m just tired.. but what are you doing here?”

She sighed in relief and sat on the edge of the table, she placed her hand on Nicklaus’s head and play with his hair.

“I miss you and I wanna see you”

“I gave you a off today because we’re not supposed to see each other before the wedding.. didn’t your mom tell you it’s a bad omen?”

She rolled her eyeballs.

“I don’t believe in superstitions!”

“But I do!”

“Nicky… ”

“Go home, you should be resting or doing some other stuff to make your beauty glow more for our wedding tomorrow”

“But… ”

Nicklaus planted his lips on hers, he kssed her softly and briefly.

“Go home and rest, you’ll spend the whole of tomorrow staying by my side”

Claudia smiled and nod, she hopped off the table.

“Ok…I think I should go try on my wedding dress”

Nicklaus nod, he couldn’t wait for her to leave.. she pecked him once more then head out.

Immediately she’s out, Nicklaus rushed to the bathroom in his office and wash his mouth thoroughly.

*Holy sh*t! I can’t believe I’m f**king doing this!* He scolded himself.

Just then his phone ring and he rushed to get it, he check the caller’s ID and saw it’s Anastasia.

He grit his teeth as he’s tempted to answer the call, he wanted to hear her voice so badly.. but Mr Lopez’s warning rings in his ears.

To overcome the temptation, he quickly blocked her number.

*I’m sorry, Nina… I can’t afford any mistakes now!*

Anastasia’s pov ?

Nicklaus’s penthouse… Outside LA… 7:15pm…

I stared at my phone for the hundredth time, there are still no missed calls or texts from Klaus.

I have been trying to reach him since morning but to no avail.. which is making me kinda sad right now.

Well, the day passed in a blur, I spent the day playing with Tilda.. we watched movies.. sang songs.. shopped inside the penthouse.

By shopping, I mean, I raided the fridge.. right now, I don’t think there’s a single item left in that fridge.

A sigh left my mouth and I fall back on my bed.. tomorrow is the big day.

I pray everything goes smoothly according to Klaus’s plan, I don’t know what would happen to me if there’s any mistake…and Klaus get married to Claudia.

“Baby, pray for your dada.. his plan should work!” I said to my baby.

My eyes close, I wonder if I’ll be able to get any sleep tonight!

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