By Kamara B. Blake
💋Chloe Houston💋
I stirred due to an annoying beeping sound that I’ve been hearing all these while. I sigh and flip open my eyelids slowly. Where am I?
I realized something like mask was placed on my face, I was using it to breathe. I made to remove it with my hand when I heard his voice.
I turned sideways to see Lucas staring at me, I slowly sat up as I tried to remove the oxygen mask.
“What the hell are you doing? Put that back on”.
“Relax”. I replied weakly. “I’m fine”.
“Are you sure?”.
I sat up. “I think I am”.
“How you feeling? No pains, nothing?”.
“Lucas, I got shot in my abdomen not my heart. Stop making me feel like I died”.
He sighed and rested on his seat. His eyes looked red, like he was angry, something like that though.
“What about you? Are you okay?”. I asked softly.
“Lauren and her friend tried to kill you last night while you were unconscious”.
“Typical bitches”. I muttered under my breath.
He stared at me keenly. “You sure you are good because the gunshot made you bleed pretty badly”.
“Well it won’t be the first”. I mumbled.
“Nothing”. I hastily said.
“I’m just glad you are okay”.
He took my hand and held it in his kissing it softly. I smiled liking the feel of his lips on my palm.
“So did you find who wanted Brianna dead or what?”.
“The same person. Lauren”.
“Obviously. How’s Brie? Is she okay? What about her baby?”.
He looked at me making me uncomfortable the more. Why is he staring at me like that? I didn’t say anything weird or did I?
“Whats wrong?”. I spoke up. “Why are you staring at me that way? Am not dead or am I?”.
“No”. He shook his head. “I’m surprised, you just woke up and the first thing you do is to ask of Brianna”.
“So?”. I shrugged. “She’s my best friend”.
“Chloe, in case you’ve forgotten, you got shot by a bullet not a play toy and you almost died due to excessive bleeding”.
“I don’t get why you are making a deal out of it. Its not like I’m the first person to ever get shot or what”.
“Are you sure you okay because sometimes you act like you are not afraid of anything”.
“Thats because I’m not”.
“And thats what is freaking me out”. He replied. “Chloe, you don’t need to act all fierce to prove a point”.
I sighed. “Okay fine, Lucas. I was scared for Brie, I didn’t want anything to happen to her so I did what I could”.
“You didn’t even think of yourself? What if you died because of that?”.
“Then I would have liked that”.
“People fear death, Chloe. I get that Brie is your best friend but I know a part of you took that bullet because you__”.
“Lucas, please”. I cut him off. “I’m really weak right now”.
“I’ll just go meet the doctor”. He stood up and left.
I sighed watching the door close. I hate to admit it but he’s right. Well yeah, I got shot instead of Brie but I know no one is willing to do that.
I rested back on the pillow. Getting shot is what I’m used to, maybe thats why I didn’t think before doing it.
I touched my abdomen and winced. Okay, this is painful but its worth it because if it was Brianna who got shot, I’m sure she probably wouldn’t survive it.
💦Lauren Hills💦
I crossed my arms standing as I watched the cop behind the desk. Gosh!! Just being in the station creeps me out.
I walked towards the cop. “You are making a big mistake here”.
“Please, Miss. Go sit over there”.
“Why am I here? Huh?”.
He ignored me attending to whatever he was doing. Fucking sicko, I huffed angrily and walked back to where Emilia sat.
“What are you fussing about?”.
I paced around angrily. “I shouldn’t be here at all”.
“You shouldn’t be here? Lauren, the both of us are not supposed to be here”.
I turn to face her. “Really? Emilia, you are the one who hired those thugs if I remember correctly”.
“So what now? You are going to turn me in?”.
I ignored her as I looked around. How dare they arrest me? I know its all the work of Brianna but how did she do that?
I face Emilia. “I thought you said we got this covered so how come we are here”.
“Shh”. She shushed me. “Remember, we are not in jail yet, we were only called here for questioning so keep your voice down”.
I sat beside her. “Answer me, come on”.
“I don’t know, its probably the last thug that got caught by Lucas. He ratted us out”.
“Fuck!!”. I clenched my fists. “We should have done away with him in the first place”.
“Really? Lauren, you tried to kill Chloe and look at what happened”.
“How am I supposed to know that Lucas would find out?”. I snapped at her.
“But he did. Seriously? How can you do that?”. She whispered. “After the shoot out, you seriously went to go kill Chloe?”.
“I had to. She’s a pest that needs to be out of my way and you know that too well”.
“Well lets just hope that we don’t get charged to court”.
“I can’t be arrested, Emilia”. I looked around. “Its just not good for me”.
“Just relax”. She soothed me. “Act like they made a mistake, act like you don’t know what they are talking about”.
“I’ll try. Did you call your Dad up?”.
“Yeah, I did. In an hour, he’ll send his boys to come pick me up, Emilia can’t be in any fucking jail”.
“So thats why you are this calm since we got here”.
“What about you?”. She asked. “Did you get your Dad to come here? You have to or else Lucas is going to gain on us”.
“I did. Trust me, he’ll get me out of here”.
I looked up to see my Mum walk towards me. When did she get here? I called Dad not her?.
I faked tears. “Mum”.
“I came here as soon as I got the call, why are you here? Darling, what happened?”.
“Ma’am”. Emilia stood up. “According to the cops, Lucas Knights accused of trying to kill Brianna but we didn’t”.
Mum frowned immediately. “That girl. She is always a bad luck in my family, how dare she try to pin that against you both?”.
“Mum”. I faked a bout of tears. “I didn’t even know that someone wanted her killed, I didn’t hire any hoodlums”.
“Darling, your Dad and I are getting you out of here, understand?”.
Almost immediately, a group of men walked into the station, they all wore black and they looked like bodyguards.
Emilia smiled. “I guess we are not staying here after all”.
💋Chloe Houston💋
“So when will I be discharged?”. I asked him.
“Really? Thats what you are thinking about right now?”.
“What? I hate hospitals, its only normal that I want to get back to my apartment”.
He ignored me and brought the small table close. He uncovered the bowls revealing different types of fruits in it.
“Ugh. Why fruits?”.
“Thats what the doctor ordered. Its either this or vegetables”.
I shook my head. “No, thank you. I can stick with fruits alright”.
I made to dip my hands in the bowl when he swathed my hands away immediately.
“I’ll feed you”.
“No way”. I refused bluntly. “I think I can do that just by myself”.
“Chloe, no stressing yourself out”.
“But I__”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll feed you”. He said cutting me off.
I gulped nervously as he took a strawberry dipping in milk before bringing it close to my lips. I opened up taking a bite.
“Wow”. I said, my voice muffled. “I never knew strawberry and milk go together”.
“I didn’t know that either. I’m just following instructions from Doctor Sam”.
He picked up broccoli and I scrunched my face up in response making him chuckle.
“Are you eating too?”.
“I already have”.
“No, you didn’t”. I replied him. “I know you stayed with me throughout last night and apparently this morning so you couldn’t get to eat”.
“Apparently, its not necessary because you are the sick one here and I’m not”.
I rolled my eyes and took a strawberry from the bowl taking it close to his mouth.
He moved back. “Hey!! I’m not hungry”.
“Come on, Lucas. Its just one”.
“I’m okay, Chloe. Drop it, you are supposed to stress yourself, remember?”.
I dropped it back and then he handed me another of the fruits which I didn’t eat, of course.
“I’m not hungry”. I imitated him.
He sighed. “Chloe, you can’t__”.
“I’ll stop eating if you don’t eat”.
“I’m the one on the hospital bed”.
“Oh really now? If I die because you didn’t feed me, the guilt will eat you up”.
He chuckled. “Okay fine, I’ll eat”.
I took the strawberry close to him and he took a bite out of it slowly. I stared at his lips, so full and pouty reminding of times when we had kissed.
Almost immediately, his phone buzzed as it rang out loud. He picked the call listening to whatever the person said while he fed me.
“Don’t you fucking let them leave”. He growled on the phone angrily. “Hoard them till I gat there, there’s no way they are gonna leave that station”.
💭How dare you call up the cops on Lauren? I regret having you as a daughter💭
Those words resounded in my ears as I took off my apron. How can he say such hurtful words to me like I’m trash?
“Brianna”. Nicole walked to me. “You are going already?”.
“Um. Yeah, my shift’s over, remember? And I’m so tired of working here”.
“I noticed that you get tired often, are you okay?”.
“I’m fine”. I dismissed the thoughts.
I grabbed my sling bag and waved goodbye to her walking past the customers and heading out the main entrance.
I’m done with work already. Next thing is just to go meet Chloe. Lucas sent me a text saying she was awake so I can’t wait.
I walked past the parking lot but stopped seeing him walk towards me. What the hell is he doing here?
He came close to me. “Brianna”.
“Nick”. I crossed my arms. “What are you doing here? If I remember correctly, we are not dating so I see no reason why__”.
“Just give me a chance”. He cut me off.
I paused. “What?”.
“I’m sorry, okay? I want you back and I do promise to be a good boyfriend to you and the best father at that”.
I looked at him befuddled. Did a nut come loose in his brain or what?
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