By Kamara B. Blake


I watched as Lili packed her stuffs into her camping bag hurriedly. She was taking a lot of things which made me wonder if it was actually camping.


She looked up at me. “Yes. Mommy?”.

“You are going for camping, baby, you don’t get to take all this with you, its of no use”.


“Why are you taking snacks? I’m sure your form mistress or whoever is supervising will not allow that”.

“But she gave us this list”.

She handed a paper to me so I took it and stared at it reading its content. It actually said snacks and a whole lot of other stuffs.

But when I was young, whenever I go out camping, its always in the wilderness and we don’t bring our own food. I guess time changed.

“Take, baby”. I handed it back to her. “You can pack everything according to the list, I am so confused”.

She packed everything into a pink luggage and then zipped it up. Then she raised it up by the handle rolling the wheels while she walked out.

I stood up from her bed and walked over to the door following behind her.

Okay, being pregnant is not an easy task.

I went downstairs with Lili and paused as I saw Lili’s teacher trying to have a lengthy conversation with Liam.


I finally got down and walked towards Liam linking his arms with mine. Then the teacher glanced at me staring at my baby bump.

I looked at her. She was a pretty blonde wearing ill fitting jeans and on her face was too cherry shade of blusher.

She used it too much.

“Why is her face so red?”. Liam whispered to me and I had to laugh.

I faced Lili. “Baby, are you done?”.

“Not yet”. Liam spoke up. “She still hasn’t taken her protein shakes?”.

As he said that, Lilian groaned and headed to the kitchen immediately.


“She’s going somewhere for a week and I’m not going to be there so she has to take those shakes”.

“And it will help, how?”. I asked him.

He sighed. “With energy, she is going for a week camping, remember?”.

“Fine. I’ll go check if she has drank the so called protein shakes”. I said and walked off.

I knew that Lili’s teacher was staring at me, probably surprised that I was here. Maybe, she is, and my pregnancy at that as well.

I got to the kitchen and met the glass on the sink. But empty, so clean and spotless.

“You didn’t drink that juice, didn’t you?”.

She made a face. “Ugh. Mommy, I hate it”.

“Alright, I won’t tell your Daddy that you threw it out. So, are you set for camping?”.

She pouted cutely. “But I don’t want to go, if I do then who’s going to stay with you and the baby”.

“Your Daddy will”.

“But you’ll miss me?”.

“Of course, baby”. I pulled her closer to me. “I love you so much”.

She hugged me tightly. “I love you too, Mommy”.

I smiled as I caressed her hair lovingly, its so good to be true. I now have the family I have always wanted all my life, a complete one.

“So, are you ready?”. I pulled away. “For a fun time camping”.

She squealed excitedly. “Yes!!”.

We went back into the sitting room and I met the teacher staring at Liam who was busy engrossed in his phone.

“So Lili is all set”. I spoke up.

“Okay then”. The teacher stood up. “I guess we had better get going”.

“Bye Daddy”.

I laughed as Liam trailed kisses all over her face and she giggled in response before coming over to give me a tight hug.

“I’ll miss you, baby”.

I kissed her forehead sweetly and then she pulled away going over to take her luggage before going with the teacher.

“Have fun with Noah”. I said after her as she walked through the main entrance.



He turned to me. “Who’s Noah?”.

“Apparently, he’s the boy who you told Lili that he has cooties”.

“Oh yeah, I remember”.

“Liam!!”. I hit him slightly. “How can you say that to her?”.

“Lili is just eight. She can’t just go around liking boys at her age”.

I crossed my arms. “Oh really? So what age do you really suggest?”.

“I don’t know”. He shrugged. “Probably 18 or maybe 20”.

“Its certified that you are crazy”.

“I’m being protective”.

I looked around. “Where’s Nanny? Isn’t she supposed to say goodbye to Lilian?”.

“Well I kind of gave all the workers in this mansion a christmas bonus and sent them off”.

“What?”. I asked him surprised. “How can you do that?”.

“Thats because I want some alone time with you”. He replied coming close to me.

I walked backwards. “No, no, no. You have a work to get to, remember?”.

“I don’t have to go if I don’t have. I own it”.

Oh Gosh!! This is going to be a long day.

📍Chloe Houston📍

I took a deep breath as I stood by the door of his office clutching his PDA containing all the information needed this morning.

But the thought of going inside is making me nervous. Oh Gosh!! How do I face him after he confessed his feelings to me last week Saturday?

Okay, Chloe. Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this, just tell him his schedule for today and then walk out hurriedly.

But what if he asks me about my answer? I really don’t know if I should say yes or No or just forget if he ever asked me to be his girlfriend.

I shrugged my thoughts off and knocked on the door. He replied and I opened the door walking in and then passed another glass door entering into the main office.

I stared at him as he sat on his chair, he seemed to be focused on whatever he was doing but Nah, he was merely with a paper boat.

He looked up. “Chloe?”.

“Umm, boss … “. I gulped nervously. “I got your agenda for today and you have a__”.

“Forget about that”. He said interrupting me.


“So did you think about what I said?”.

“Well I did … “.

He arched his eyebrows. “And? Is it a yes or a No?”.

“Lucas, I really don’t think that I’m ready for a relationship right now”. I admitted to him truthfully.


“I just__”.

“Do you think I’m lying?”. He cut me off. “I was serious about everything, Chloe”.

He paused and sighed.

Oh Jeez!! Where is he heading with this?

“I know that this might sound absurd to you but Chloe, I’m in love with you. I don’t even know how it happened but when, it all came all of a sudden”.


“Let me finish. I know you said you are not ready for a relationship but I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend”.

How do I do this?

I can’t believe I’m about to say this to him.

“Lucas, I’m sorry but I can’t”.

He paused immediately. “What?”.

“I can’t be your girlfriend, I can’t date you”.

“But I … I mean, you don’t like me? But you said you’ll think about it and now … “.

“I’m sorry”. I whispered fiddling with my fingers.

“So you are okay with kissing me but you can’t date me?”.

He shouldn’t start with this, please.

I wanted to say something but I stopped, he resumed playing with his paper boat.

“Lucas, the__”.

“Drop the PDA. I’ll check it out myself, I want to be alone for now”.

I sighed and kept it on the table and then walked out heading to my own separate office.

I got in and rested on the door. That was a flop just like I had expected, dating isn’t my thing, thats it.

But maybe, I should have been softer?

I shrugged the thoughts off and went to sit back on my chair. Maybe a little work will get all these out of my head.

I resumed my work and then in a space of hours, I had forgotten about everything.


🎁Hours Later🎁

My phone ringing interrupted me and I took my phone glancing at the time. Hours past, its time for lunch break anyways.

I looked at the caller’s I.D. Brie. Why is she calling right now? Could something be wrong?

I connected the call. “Brie”.

“Finally”. Her exasperated voice came up immediately. “I thought you weren’t going to answer my call”.

I chuckled lightly. “Why are you calling?”.

“Chloe, I’m so bored”.

“And you called me? Why?”.

“I know its time for your lunch break so I was thinking maybe you could come over and then we hang out”.

“Brie, I don’t think__”.

“Come on, please, I’m pregnant, remember so you have to oblige to my request”.

“Wow. Being pregnant doesn’t mean I have to do everything you say, tell that to your baby father”.

“Chloe … “.

“Okay fine”. I agreed quickly. “I’ll be there in 30 minutes”.

“And buy chocolates”.

“You’ve got to kidding me”.


She disconnected the call and I sighed. I now have to babysit her all over again. Why is it always like this?

I grabbed my phone and car keys standing up from my seat. I went towards the door and opened it stepping out.

Maybe I should inform Lucas that I’ll be going over to meet Brianna during my lunch break. Maybe he’ll understand me.

I walked straight to the office. His Secretary wasn’t here so that means she must be at the Company’s cafeteria.

I went to the door and knocked softly then I opened it stepping it. I paused seeing him and a attractive lady engaged in a kiss.

I cleared my throat and they pulled away, I stared at Lucas, his tie was loosened and the top buttons of his shirt were undone while his hair was mussed and ruffled.

The lady smiled at me. “Hi. I’m Miranda and you are?”.

“Maybe I should wait outside to let you two finish your stuff”.

I glanced at Lucas briefly and walked out of the office. I then went directly towards the elevator and I pressed a button, the doors slid open and I stepped in.

My phone rang again and I stared at the screen. Brie.

I picked up the call. “Hey”.

“So are you still coming? Or you don’t got the time to come? I understand work is__”.

“I’m on my way”. I told her. “And don’t you worry about my work, I think I quit”.

“Chloe. What__”.

I disconnected the call immediately. This is I hate being in relationships, you get soft, you get heartbroken easily.

My mind flicked to the sight of him being in passionate with that lady. I had sighted her heels on the floor along with her coat, that means they had gone far.

At least, I know better than to get heartbroken twice. And to think he was professing some stupid love for me earlier this morning.

“Asshole!!”. I muttered as hot tears ran down my cheeks hurriedly.


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