Written by Raji Abigael

Episode 55

(Not Edited)

“Why are you here , what exactly do you want,ken asked calmly but he wasn’t really feeling like that.

“Oh kenny , that’s such a ridiculous question ,why would you even ask that , Stanley chuckled lighting up his cigarette.

“What wrong did I ever do to you ,to warrant such treatment,ken asked .

“What wrong ?
Is that a question you should be asking , Stanley said a little bit annoyed his brother was playing the ‘i have no idea “game with him.

“Your biggest mistake ,was getting married to Kimberly .

Whaaaat !

“Yes ken ,if you had been a good brother , maybe your children won’t be history after today ,Stanley said with smirk .

“If !
If I had been a good brother, Stanley I held you in my arms even before mother ,I loved you with all my heart ,I gave you everything you ever wanted even though most of it caused me pain .

Stanley I layed low for you ,I acted invisible for you ,I made you popular ,I made people love you ,I cared for you ,assisted you and even gave up my right of being the first child to you , and all you can say is ,if I was a good brother.

I lied for your sake whenever you got into trouble,I took blames for you ,I got grounded multiple times because of you ,I protected your image ,on few occasions I introduced myself as your servant for your sake ,I made you the good sheep and became the bad one ,just for you ,just one refusal and you want to destroy my family ,why ?
Ken asked pain could be clearly seen on his face.

“You never did any of those things for me , you never loved me, because if you did then Kimberly would have been mine today , Stanley said with venom ,ken hands balled into s fist ,he really wanted to punch Stanley at that moment but held him self.

“Only you knew I had a crush on Kimberly , I asked for your help in making her like me because you were already friends and you agreed ,you promised to help me ,but you were doing the opposite …..

“I wasn’t okay,she didn’t like you because of your notorious character and I couldn’t force her , there’s was nothing left to do ,ken tried to explain but Stanley cut him short.

“Really ,she didn’t like me or you couldn’t stand me getting in her skirt , that’s why ….. before Stanley could complete his statement ,ken landed a pun¢h on his mouth making him stagger backwards.

“Dad, Adriana called.

Stanley’s men came forward wanting to attack ,but Stanley signaled them not to do anything.

“We were drunk that night Stanley ,he never meant to , Kimberly chipped in .

“Oh really ,you guys were drunk and after a month you announced you sweet relationship , isn’t it , wasn’t it a mistake why couldn’t it remain like that .

“Kimberly was betrothed to me first , that was why I forgave you for the so called mistake ,but everything changed when our parents found about your relationship ,they changed it, because they didn’t want anything ackward situation, that was the biggest mistake of their lives and they already payed for it.

“You m®nster you are the one behind our parents de.ath ,was it really worth it ,ken asked as a tear slipped down.

Ariel and Kathrine stood beside their mom ,who held them really tight like they were gonna leave her .

“Yes brother you seem to have forgotten my morning quotes, ‘ anything I want I get ‘, shocking right ,yes I still want Kimberly but with something added ,your assets and I wouldn’t be able to get them if you are still breathing.

“Hmmmmm,I wonder how I am gonna do that ,oh wait I think I have an idea, Scorpio hand me my gun, Stanley said puffing out smoke from his mouth.

Kimberly got on her knees immediately pleading with Stanley to spare ken and take her along .”please don’t I beg of you ,take me instead ,she pleaded with tears running down her face.

“Mom , Kimberly ,ken and the girls called simultaneously.

Stanley grinded happily seeing how helpless they were ,he got annoyed seeing Kathrine and Ariel hugging Kimberly tightly.

“Don’t just stand there and watch ,take those pesky rats away from my wife to be , Stanley said immediately two hefty men came forward and grabbed Kathrine and Ariel away from Kimberly who screamed in fright .

“Stanley please stop this ,it isn’t the right thing to do ,just forget about the past let’s move on,ken tried to negotiate when he saw David through the window tell him to buy some time the police had almost got there.


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