QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 51-The End

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 52?

Mason’s pov :

immediately Aidan and Delvan left, I sat down on a nearby chair. I was hungry, I needed to eat so I opened my pack.

“Hey can I get water?” Liam asked

“Did you give water to Emily or Lissa?” I asked

“Is that even a question? Do you think am that heartless? Do you think I don’t care about Emily?” he asked

I laughed

“Do you even know what care is all about?, you killed her parents and now you want to kill her??. Is that the definition of love or care?” I asked

“Look I never wanted it to happen, but her parent were stubborn. So it’s not my fault” he answered

I relaxed on my chair. Pick up a fry and placed it in my mouth, chewing it slowly

“Never wanted it to happen too, like I really want to give you a chilled bottle of water but you’re heartless. So it’s not my fault” I replied

“I don’t get you. You won’t give me water?” He asked

“You’re so smart dear. You got it right”

“But that’s not fair. It’s not” he yelled

“That’s not fair, it’s not” i mimicked him

“Sorry to burst your bubbles!!!, I don’t care if It’s fair or not. Just keep shut and await your judgement” I replied already getting bored with his stupid talks

“That’s against the law of abduction” he yelled again

I turned to face him laughing

“Do I look like I care about some sort of abduction laws? This is my territory, I make the rules, so if any word comes out of that f!lthy mouth of yours. I will beat you blue black and when I do. You will not be going home complete” I said

“You……” I cut him off

“Do you want to try me. I bet you don’t know how good a beater I can be” I replied

He glared at me but didn’t dare to say anything

“Perfect” I thought

Now I can enjoy my fries and coke in peace

Aidan’s pov :

I opened the door to the warehouse and we entered. Lissa and Emily were right in front of us, tied up.

“Lissa” I called

She raised her head up. She look so weak and tired. Emily was also staring at me but with anger and hatred

I wanted to run over to her and hug her but I controlled myself. I won’t want to give myself away when I am almost at the end of getting them out

“Get out” I told the two men on guard

“Yes sir” they replied

I watched them close the door behind, before running to Lissa. I made to t0uch her but instead, she pushed my hand away

“Take your f!lthy hands off me” she yelled

I was startled by her reaction but I quickly realised I have the appearance of Liam

“Lissa, it’s Aidan not Liam” I said but she laughed

“Lissa” I called trying to touch her but she wouldn’t let me

Delvan came closer

“Lissa, it’s Delvan. We don’t have much time. We need to get you both out of here” he said

“Where is Mason” Emily asked

“He’s with the real Liam. We had to use their appearance to get into this place” I said

“How do you expect me to believe you?” Lissa asked me

“Because I promised to come save you. Please let me do it” I said

She finally agreed. I lose the ropes and helped her stand up. She whined a bit.

I couldn’t let her walk so I carried her up. Delvan also lose the rope around Emily and help her up.

“Aidan” Delvan called

“Can you teleport us from here or we need to get outside?” He asked

“I can do it here. Come closer” I said


By the time we got to my room, Lissa was already asleep. I didn’t want to wake her up, so I dropped her on the bed and covered her with a duvet.

By now, the bell leaf has already wear off and I am back to myself.

The door opened and Delvan came in

“How is she?” He asked

“She’s running temperature. I need to get her a doctor” I replied sadly

“That’s why I’m here. I got a doctor already. He’s a friend of mine” he replied

“Thanks man. You’re the best” I replied side hugging him

“I will get the doctor. He’s with Emily” he said

“How is she?” I asked

“She seems ok but worried” he said

“Mason right?” I asked

He nodded

“Talking of which, have you called him?” I asked

“Yes. He said Liam has been a good boy. He also said he will place a call to Liam’s father right away”


Delvan finally left. He came back some minutes later with the doctor.

“I will go check on Emily” I said

“Check Maosn’s room” he said

I left m mine and went to Mason’s room. I knocked at the door and it opened.

“Can I come in?” I asked

“Sure” she replied paving the way for me

I entered and sat on the couch

“I know you’re worried about Mason but he’s gonna be alright” I replied

“I’m not worried about Mason. I’m just surprised. You’ve got powers” she said

“Oops” I cleaned the sweat already forming on my forehead

“Do Mason have powers too?” She asked

“Yea, including Delvan. I know this might sound crazy but it’s true”

“How could you guys keep such a thing from us?” She asked

“Because” I sigh

“Emily, it’s not easy to come out plain and say hey girls I’m not from this planet and I got powers” I replied

“Yo….. You’re, you’re not from this planet?” She asked stuttering slightly

“Yes Emily. I shouldn’t be the one telling you this. Mason will explain to you better” I answered

She sigh

“Do Lissa know?” She asked

“I don’t think so, I did not tell her anything” I replied

“When is he coming back? I mean Mason?” She asked

“Very soon”

I stood up from the couch

“You need to rest” i said and she nodded

I made to go but turned

“Can I ask you a question Emily?”

“Sure” she replied

“What happened to Lissa at the warehouse?”

“I promise her not to tell you but I will have to break the promise now”

“She actually stood up to Liam and then he got angry and he….he sl@pped her but she wouldn’t stop talking so he….he h!t her on her tummy. Ever since then Lissa has been acting strange. She’s been extremely quiet and tired” she said

I clutch my hands together

“Please don’t let her know I told you” she said

I nodded and left the room. I got to mine and was about opening the door when I heard voices. It seems Lissa was awake

She was talking to the doctor. I opened the door and walked in

“Aidan” she cooed

I walked up to her

“How are you?” I asked

“I’m fine” she replied feebly

I nodded and faced the doctor

“Will she be alright?” I asked

“Yes. I’m about taking her bl00d to the lab and see what’s wrong” he replied

“Thanks doctor” I said

“I will leave now” he said bowing slightly

“I will walk him out” Delvan said

I turned to face Lissa

“What do you want to eat?” I asked

“I don’t want to eat anything. I just want pizza and milkshake and fries and cake with a can of coke” she replied smiling

My eyes dilated in shock

“What?? You don’t want to eat anything but you will eat all those things you mentioned?” I asked still surprised

She nodded

“That’s kind of surprising. I know you love food but this combinations I dont know what to say about it” I said

“You won’t get them for me?” She asked

“I just think the combinations are bad”

“Then I’m not hungry. Just go, I want to sleep” she said pushing me slightly

“You know what? I will get them for you” I said standing up

“I love you” she shrieked happily

I rolled my eyes and she chuckled

I walked out to make a call for the delivery of the pizza, fries and cake

Something is definitely wrong with her

I will find out

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