QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 51-The End

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 58?

By Debbie

Lissa’s pov :

I have been at home for the past two weeks receiving lectures online. It was not really boring because I get to eat what I want and when I want. I also get to sleep when I want without stress.

Aidan has been sending messages too. W talked through the bracelet. He told me about their spring festival. I think it’s a nice or should I say an awesome event.

Mason wouldn’t stop teasing me. He still calls me Miss mood swing. He said I shouldn’t stress his princess or he will come take her away.

Delvan has been in touch too. He promised to visit soon.

And as for Emily, she’s been complaining

Who wouldn’t, knowing how troublesome and bossy I have been recently.

She said I stress her a lot and promise to run out of the house if i dont stop disturbing her

Funny right?

Dad has been so supportive too and mom. Although they spend less time at home due to work.

Everything has been going smoothly. So are my babies

For liam?

He’s been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. I was so sad when I heard that but do I have any say in it?


We tried dropping charges against him but it was far beyond our imaginations.

Even when we told them we do not want to press charges, they said it’s between him and the government.

Emily was sober for days. I was too

Even though I do not like him that much but i’m human. I have blood running through my veins.

I have feeling too

Emily visited him yesterday. She came back crying. She said he was looking so weak and might not survival the next day.

I really feel sorry for her. For everything she’s pass through this past years.

Guess who visited me some days back?

It’s viol. The same Violeta that you know

I was kind of surprised

Aidan told me how she played a vital role in helping us get the culprits. I first thought she did that because she wanted Aidan but I was wrong.

She said she did it because she consider me and Emily as her friends and she knows how much Aidan loves me and wont leave me for any other person.

I chuckled when I heard that. I was happy too.

She said she wants to be our friend. Although I still have doubts about her, especially her a$$y character. But I told her I will see to that

I just finished eating the second plate of pasta and chicken brea$t. Emily is taking a nap and I am here trying to catch some sleep too which isn’t working.

I stood up to make use of the bathroom. I came back and picked a book to read

If I can’t sleep then I should be able to read


It’s been over two hours now. I still couldn’t sleep. I have read over thirty books. If I say read I mean skimming and scanning.

I keep turning on the bed. I feel really strange. It felt like a part of me is moving far way!!. But I don’t know why???

I stood up from the bed and pace around the room.

I watch Emily sleep. I couldn’t even wake her up because I know she needed sleep.

I decided to watch a movie to while away time.

I hope it works

Aidan’s pov :

“Aidan what are you doing?” Mason asked for the umpteenth time

I ignored him and continue with my work

“Hey stop ignoring me. That’s not fair, I am your friend. Your bff” he said emphasing on the bff like I care

“You can ignoring all you want but right now, we need to talk” he said

I rolled my eyes. Right now, what I need is not some sort of talk or pity!!

“You won’t budge? He asked

I ignore him

“Whatever!!!” He yelled walking away

I raised my head up and he was gone

I sigh

The last two weeks has been very stressful especially this last week when we celebrated the spring festival.

Dad had made me the new fire chief which makes me more busy than usual. He also made Delvan the chief of fire clan. To make matter worst, he nominated me as the person to visit the Ice Kingdom and help them bring peace back to their land.

And as for Mason, I wanted to choose him as my vice. But when dad nominated me, I had to change my mind. He just came back from earth, I won’t want him to travel that far with me.

It’s over two million metres away from earth and eight hundred thousand metres away from Laviana.

It’s difficult to communicate with people from there.

I will be gone for up to a year without communicating with the outside world.

Like I won’t be able to talk to Lissa and they expect me to be happy?

To make matter worst, I will be leaving tomorrow. I couldn’t tell her when I talked to her this morning.

I’ve been ignoring a lot of people today. I just feel so angry and frustrated

“Hey Aidan” Delvan greeted

“Hey” I replied still working

“Don’t you think you’re over stressing yourself!!” He said

“I’m not” I replied

“Aidan I know how you’re feeling but that doesn’t make you stress your life out. You know dad won’t change his mind” he said

I sigh

Of course I know dad won’t change his mind. The thing is I’m leaving alone. None of them is going with me

I wish one of them will volunteer. At first I never wanted anyone to go with me but as the day comes closer, I feel lonely.

How do he expect me to feel in the midst of some strange people?

“Aidan are you hearing me at all” he yelled jolting me out of my thought

“What did you say?” I said

“You’ve been thinking” he said

I sigh

“Delvan what were you saying?” I asked

“Did Mason come to see you?” He asked

“He did” I replied

“So did you agree?” He asked

I looked at him confused

“Agree to what?” I asked

“He didn’t tell you?” He asked

“Delvan just say it. We didn’t say anything to each other although he said we needed to talk but I did not answer” I said getting tired of the conversation

“Well, after much plead, dad accepted to let Mason follow you if you will accept him as your vice?” He said


“You mean Mason wants to follow me to Ice kingdom?” I asked

“Yes. We’ve been talking to dad. I was suppose to go too but dad said I needed to stay back to take care of the sea clan” he said

I chuckled

I am not going alone!!!

I stood up

“I need to find Mason” I said running out of my office

“Aidan” he called but I ignore

Right now all I need is to find Mason

Mason’s pov :

I left Aidan alone and went to take some fresh air at the blue maids’ palace.

I know how frustrating it can be leaving to a strange land alone to help them bring back peace.

I understand how it feels like to leave the one you love just to help others.

I understand the feeling, the anger, the fear, the pain, so I’m not angry at him.

I’m not angry he’s been ignoring me

I’m not angry he’s angry

I just need to leave him for a while until he’s ready to talk. So I decided to visit the blue maids’ palace.

Yea with Aidan as the new chief of Fire clan, I can visit anywhere I like in the kingdom.

“Mason is good too see you” princess Miranda said

I chuckled

“Had a fight with your friend?” She asked

I nodded

“Not really a fight, he just need some time” I said

She smiled

“I love your friendship” she said admirably

I smiled

Who wouldn’t love it!

“Can I get some nice fresh palm wine” I asked

“Sure” she replied

“I will go get you some” she said

Right now all I need is a chilled drink to while away time

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