REBORN IN DARKNESS: Episode 11 – The End

Episode 12

Pamela’s POV
My phone rung, I walked to the small table i left it and slid it to answer without recognising the caller ID.
“Helo Pamela?” The voice on the other end responded.
“Yes, may I know who is calling? ” I asked
” It’s Felicia” the voice answered.
I held down the phone wondering why she was calling me. We had not met each other so often after the encounter at the mall. I tried by all means to stay away. Concetrating on my own deliverance after I told my former room mate about what happened years back.
She helped me see a pastor and after a lot of prayers I felt much relieved, the night mares had stopped.
I thereafter tried to talk to to Felicia some days later when I met her in town.
“Try coming to the pastor he will help pray for you too” I told her. She looked at me for a few seconds without responding.
“Did you hear a word of what I have said?” I asked her.
“I heard you Pamela, I don’t know what tell you. We have not seen each other for quiet some time, I don’t understand why you acting like you care about me now?” She challenged me seriously.
“Well, I did care for you Fey..”
“Hmm.” She murmured.
“You have a good way of showing it my dear. I don’t want to be rude but I cannot trust you to help me cause I surely know you do not exactly know what is going on with me. ” she scoffed.
” where do I stay?” She shrugged asking me knowing I didn’t know.
“See, then you claim to be a friend all of a sudden.” She added dismissing my almost spoken word to explain myself .
“Though I hear you call and chat with Dee, let me just warn you my dear Pamela. I am not a bad person but I am ready to do anything to you if you try take away the only person that I cannot live without” she smiled a warning smile and I could tell she was serious.
She was right, I could see how much she loved him and her stern warning was not a joke.
I cancelled all the thoughts of getting close to Daniel from that day on.
I was lost in thoughts for a couple of seconds and the sound of her voice from the phone i was still holding in my hands brought me to the present.

“What do you want Fey, the last time I talked to you, you never wanted anything to do with me” I lifted the phone to my ears.
” I know, it’s just that i was jealous” I heard her sigh.
“Jealousy? You think I can take your man from you huh? ” I asked relieved she knew I got over my long time obsession with her boyfriend.
” I didn’t tell you but I have my own man now, Brain and I will be getting married in a few months ” i remarked proudly.
” Brian huh? That’s good Pamela. I called to ask you to be my brides maid. Am getting married too.” she went on and I laughed thinking she was joking.
” oh that’s a good one Fey,?” I chuckled controlling my laughter.
” serious am getting married to Daniel in a coupe of months, he proposed last month and I said yes. Since he started working, he just wanted to settle down very soon. “She explained and I could not hold myself.
“Why would you say yes to marry Daniels Fey?” I asked before I could stop myself.
I heard her laugh am sure if she was near I could have seen her disapointed face.
“And why shouldn’t I marry him?” She asked this time I could hear her tone had changed and she sounded hurt.
” Well, I umm” I stammered not knowing what to tell her.
” I mean, you know what you have and Dee deserves to know the truth. You cannot make a life time commitment with such a big secret Fey come on. You taking this too far”
“I love him Pamela, I thought you could be happy for me. If only you knew how much he means to me..” she responded.
“But why not tell him everything then? Let him decide knowing the truth, since you cannot trust me to help you, maybe he can help” I adviced.
She did not respond, instead I heard a beep and she was gone. Shaking my head I placed my phone back and walked out to finish what I was doing outside.

I sat down on the stool watching the fresh fish I was cleaning. My mind occupied, my heart racing. I knew Daniel was a good man, he didn’t deserve what Fey was about to do to him. I truly had no idea how that thing she had had grown or what it looked like, in all honestly I never wanted to imagine the demon she was living with. In my heart I wished she had agreed to seek the counsel of the pastor who helped me, but I knew the distance between us was so wide. It was difficult even for us to talk properly for a number of minutes everytime we met.
“Well I need to help Daniels, at least I have to save him from the evil he wants to get involved with” I whispered to myself and walked back inside.
I washed my hands with soap and called my young sister, the one I was staying with after finding some employment in a law firm within the city.
“Finish that up, I got to see someone as soon as possible” I talked whilst putting on my shoes.

Before leaving, I called Daniels and he agreed to meet me, I had to cook up some story, that I needed his help and he agreed to meet me at downtown before 18.

I looked at my watch 30 minutes later, he was not yet there. I had sat down at Chicken Inn taking a cold drink, my hands sweating.
I was almost getting my bag to leave when I saw him drive in. I assumed he was driving his office vehicle seeing the logo on the side of the car.
” Daniels!” I stood seeing him walk towards me.
” hey! ” he smiled giving me a quick hug.
” are you okey? I mean the call almost scared me ” he smiled sitting down opposite my chair.
“Yeah am fine. You?” I cleared my throat now really panicking. I had not thought through it all. All I had initially thought about was helping him but now I had no idea how I was to break the news that the girl he was about to marry was harbouring a snake which had her head and face.
“Hmmm. So are you going to tell me why we are here or not? You seem shaken ” he asked and I opened my mouth to speak.

Felicia’s POV
I was super excited, the thought of marrying Daniels was my source of joy I could not hold it.
Feli was always bickering as to how I should not go ahead but I could not yield to her demands. Since the first time it killed someone, it turned into one hunt after the other once every year. Fortunate for me, she went far from where we were staying and hunted the night walkers and drunkards.
I had started staying alone immediately I completed college even before I could start work. I never lack in terms of money and my reborn self made sure I moved out claiming she wanted some space. She told me she did not like staying in a closet.
I rented a two bedroom house giving her, her own room. Giving me space too to welcome my visitors in the house.
Well, I tried to start living normally after some time. I tried to act as normal as possible and I was glad Daniels was happy with me. He encouraged me to learn to forge ahead and even though he was not aware of my darkest secret his advice worked for me.
“If you want to marry him, you have to take me with you to that wedding and reveal me to the entire community ” she responded after I told her I had made up my mind to marry the man who loved me.
“You can’t be serous ehe? ” I asked.
“Yeah I am. Stop hiding me already. I am a part of you and if that man loves you as you claim, make me known to him and see how much longer he will stay by you” she challenged me.
” I cannot just wake up and say, hey My love look this is Feli, she has my face” I teased her.
” hmmm. Well, you surely will one day after all you insist on marrying him. He is not even rich, I wonder why you stick with him after all you can have any rich guy you want ” she wagged her tail coiling herself on the carpet I usually placed under her body.
“It’s simple, I love him. Do you even know what that means?” I scoffed combing my hair.
We were still arguing for the hundreth time on my marrying Dan when I heard the front door knocked.
” I wonder who that is” I placed down the comb and held my hair up tieing it in a knot as I walked to check the door.
There before me stood Daniels, his face seemed angry even though i could see he was trying to stay calm.
” My love! ” i smiled uneasily looking at him.
” we need to talk !” He pushed open the door and walked in the sitting room.
” what is going on here? Why do you look like that? You won’t even greet me ” I asked, walking towards the door to the spare bedroom where Feli was and closing it shut. I realised I forgot to close it.
” I want the entire truth, if you love me like you claim today you will tell me what has been going on” he spoke his voice intense and cold.
I looked at him and my insides felt light. It was like someone had removed everything from inside my belly and I could not bare to stand before him anymore.
“How did he know the truth ” I asked myself leaning back at the sofa as he watched me in silence waiting for me to respond.

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