Low blood pressure is a reading of less than 90/60mmHg. It does not always cause symptoms, but you may need treatment if it does.

Get your blood pressure checked if you keep getting symptoms like:

lightheadedness or dizziness
feeling sick
blurred vision
generally feeling weak

This might mean your blood pressure is too low.

If you get symptoms when you stand up or suddenly change position, you may have postural hypotension.

How to check your blood pressure

You can check your blood pressure:

by asking if a pharmacist can do it
by asking a practice nurse to do it
at home yourself using a home blood pressure monitor

What are the problems with low blood pressure?

Heart problems: Among the heart conditions that can lead to low blood pressure are an abnormally low heart rate ( bradycardia ), problems with heart valves, heart attack and heart failure. Your heart may not be able to circulate enough blood to meet your body’s needs.

Low blood pressure, which can cause fainting or dizziness because the brain doesn’t receive enough blood.

Most people have low blood pressure in there family history and it’s also caused by medication side effects.


Rising slowly from a sitting or lying position may help ease symptoms. Avoiding alcohol, drinking plenty of water and eating small, low-carbohydrate meals along with fruits and vegetables may also help.

But the wonder secret you need to know now is the use of aligator pepper. If you have if buy few of this fruit and put in your bag or office cabinet or keep close to you.

To rise it 6 to 7 pcs of this seed chew and swallow case close.

Note: if you have high BP don’t chew this it will make yours go high.

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