?????I’m your
Baby’s father ?????


Story by:- Racheal Dennis

Episode 1?

? Welcome home Baby ?

Elena (Katie)?

Eight months later…..
I put the last piece of cake in my mouth and chew quickly.

“Katie, take it easy. It’s not as if I’m taking the cake from you” Ariana scolds me.

I simply smiles and ignore her.

“Stop eating like a pig” she said.

“Well, in case you didn’t know. This pig is eating for two” I replied after swallowing my chewed up cake.

I take a can of coke from the table and open the cap, then I take large gulps. But Ariana takes the coke from me after taking just few gulps, I pout and look at the coke with so much desire.

“Ariana! My baby needs that!” I whined.

“Really?” She asked.

I nod rapidly and reach for the coke, but she glare daggers at me and I retreat my hand.

“Stop using the poor baby as an excuse” she told me. “Remind me never to bring you to a restaurant ever again”

“You’ll bri…. ” I stop midsentence as an unbearable pain stroke me at my lower abdomen. “Ow!” I cried out in pain.

Ariana quickly rushed to my side.

“What’s wrong, katie?”

“I think I ate too much cake” I squeeze on my stomach and fall on my knees.

“I told you not to eat too much, but you didn’t listen to me. Now see how you’ve upset your stomach, why do you keep forgetting that you’re pregnant” Ariana scolds me.

Her scolding doesn’t do any good, rather it increases the pain.

“Ari… Ta… Take me home” I managed to say.

“Home? Why not a hospital?”

I shake my head in disagreement, I don’t have money to see any doctor, the money I have is all I have been saving for when I have my baby.

“Home!” I shout out in pain.


She helped me up and She puts her arms around my waist to support me. I feel uncomfortable with her arms on my waist, so I removed it. She holds my hands instead and leads me towards the exit of the restaurant.

We’re almost at the door when I feel something liquid dropping on the floor, as if I’m peeing myself.

“You’re peeing yourself, Katie!” Ariana gasped.

“I know that!!” I yelled at her.

Then a woman who was passing by stop and rushed towards us.

“She didn’t peed on herself. Her water just broke and she’s in labour!!” She exclaimed.

Labour?! I’m in labour? Oh my God! It’s finally happening….

“Sweet baby Jesus! I forgot you’re due, what am I gonna do now?” Ariana panicked.

An even more intense pain stroke me and I whimper.

“Quick help me bring her to my car let’s take her to the hospital” I hear the woman’s voice say.

Is it the woman? Or Ariana? But she doesn’t own a car….
I can’t think straight anymore, the pain I’m in has taken control over my senses. I feel my vision blurring away, all I can see is shadows.

“Oh no! She’s losing consciousness!” A voice said.

I don’t know if it’s Ariana speaking or if it’s the woman. I couldn’t differentiate between their voices no more.

“No, no, no. Katie! Katie! Stay awake, stay awake please. We’ll get you to a hospital right now” I hear a worried voice saying and from the sound I can tell that the person is crying.

“Help me carry her in the car”

I feel myself being lifted into a soft surface.

“Sit with her in the back seat and try to keep her awake”

“Ok, please hurry”

I turn uncomfortably, I rub on my stomach trying to numb the pain.

“Katie, don’t sleep ok? Please don’t sleep”

Why is it taking forever to reach the hospital? I grind my teeth against each other, bitting on my lips viciously.

Much, much later, I feel someone lifting my onto another soft surface and I see shadows passing by speedily.

“Bring her into the labour room” I hear a male voice order.

“Yes, doc” two voices answered.

So I’m in the hospital. Finally!!


Bodyguard Mark ???

“Elena! Elena! Elena!”

I hear Harry call. I turned and see him tossing and turning on his bed, sweat covered his face and he pulls down the duvet from his body.

Even with the AC on, room still feels hot to him.

“Elena! Please don’t go, don’t go. Stay, please stay!”

This is how he has being for the past nine months, always calling out to Elena in his sleep. Even when he’s awake any word he utters is Elena. He barely eat and he’s lost so much weight.

He doesn’t smile and anytime you catch him smile, it’s when he’s holding Elena’s picture.

“Elena, Elena. Doctor. Hospital”

I frown. What is he saying? Doctor? Hospital?

This is new.

“Baby, baby! Beautiful, so cute”

He smiles as he say these words.

“My baby. My baby is so cute”

What is he saying? I sit on a couch next to his bed and watch him closely.

Then his happy face suddenly turned sad and he frown.

“Elena! Elena wake up! No, Elena don’t go! Wake up”

A lone tear drop from his eyes.

“ELENA!!!” Then he quickly sit up.

He look around panicking, I can see anxiety full in his eyes. He looked like he’s afraid, but quickly calms down when his eyes falls on Elena’s picture on the nightstand.

He stands up and walk towards the window, staring out as if he’s enjoying the view. But I know better.

I shake my head. Elena where the hell are you?

I’ve been trying to find out her whereabout but I always come to a dead end. It’s almost as if I she vanished into thin air. I just hope that one day God will bring them back together…..

Elena (Katie)?

“Push harder!!” The doctor told me.

I inhale deeply and try to push but I ended up peeing on myself. I take in unsteady breaths, gasping for air.

“Com’on, Katie. You can do this!” A voice urge me.

I shake my head with tears running down my eyes.

“I…ca.. can’t. I’m.. go… gonna dieeeeeeee” I gasped out.

“No you’re not gonna die, you can do this. Just have faith” I feel a hand holding mine.

“Katie, your baby is almost out and I believe you can’t wait to see your baby. So just help me, give a one last push, ok?” The doctor said.

I shake my head.

“It hurts, I can’t… I… I can’t do this” I cried.

“Please, Katie” the doctor plead with me.

I bite hard on my lip and taste the metallic taste of blood.

“Katie, don’t forget about the plans you’ve made awaiting your baby’s arrival” I guess this was said by Ariana.

With the pain I’m in, the only voice I can identify is the doctor’s.

“Please Katie. We are all here for you”

Plans! Yes I’ve made so much plan and I always dreamed of carrying my baby in my arms.

I can’t give up, I must be strong for my baby, for myself and our future.

“Katie, just one last push”

But how can I give the last push? I don’t have strength anymore and this pain is too much. Pain…. Yes pain.

“Slap me” I told them.

“Huh?” They all asked.

“Slap me! Smack my head! I don’t care just do it” I told them again.

“But… ”

“Miss, just do what she told you” the doctor said.

I take deep breath getting myself ready for the slap. Then a hand land on my cheek, the pain from the slap coupled with the pain I’m already in, I was forced to scream at the top of my voice.


And that did it. I hear a baby’s voice, crying. Then I feel a sense of peace overwhelm me.

“It’s a girl” the doctor announced.

With the last strength I have, I open my eyes and see my baby. Bl©©d covered her body, her voice loud and lively.

I smiled proudly. My baby Peace.

Then my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I slipped into darkness

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