SECRET CRUSH : Episode 1 to 10



***Fast forward****

I and Adrian really had a great time together, he took me to different places and we played like long time lovers, I never knew he had this lovely side of him.

Right now we’re in his car and he is taking me home, i was licking the ice creame and and eating the yummy cupcakes he bought for me. All these made me forget about my problems for a while.

He finally parked the car at my door and we both got out, he walked up to me and smiled while i blushed.

“Thanks for forgiving me”he said and i smiled.

“It’s okay, and thanks for the ride and fun” i said and he nodded.

“Can i have your contact?” He asked.

Oh no, how do i tell him that i don’t have a phone. This is going to ruin my night right now.

“Umm.. my phone… is umm… i.. it.. its got spoilt” i quickly said.

“Oh, so you don’t have a phone currently?” He asked and i nodded shyly.

“Right, so what are do you plan on doing?” He asked.

“Umm.. i was planning on getting a new phone but since i got sack….

“I get it, it seems I’ve got something in my car” he said and went to his car boot, he brought out a package in a bag and walked back to me.

“Here, it’s for you” He said handing me the package.

“I’m sorry, Adrian but i can’t accept this, you’ve already done so much for me today which i really appreciate” i said but he took my hands and placed the package on my Palm.

“I can’t take it back, it’s for you so you have to take it” he said and i nodded shyly.

“Thanks” i muttered under my breath.

He nodded.

“It’s is a goodnight then, I’ll see you at school tomorrow”he said and waved at me and he entered his car and left.

“Goodnight Adrian and thanks for giving me the best night of my life” i whispered to myself and went into the house.

I saw my Aunt sitting on a couch and reading her bible.

I greeted her and sat beside her.

She asked about work and i explained everything that happened to her.

She hugged and comforted me, i went to my room to sleep and forgot about the package.

****Fast forward****

Mariel’s POV

I walked to the cafeteria at school, it was another break.

These 3 months of my schooling in Westbrook high i had known my way all over the huge school, Though it was a school that could make newbie get lost easily but i know my way around now.

I sat on my favorite spot with my backpack in my hand.

I dropped it on the table as i opened it and and brought out my flask.

I started eating and munching my food slowly.

Then i notice the presence of people beside me.

They were 2 girls and they were looking at me disgustingly.

“Yuck, what type of food is this?” One of themselves asked and i rolled my eyes.

“I’m sure it’s cow dung, this smell is awful” the second one said fanning herself.

The first girl brought out a body spray and started spraying it on my food and it got me really furious as i stood up and slapped her twice hard on her face and the fight started.


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