
Kelvin smirked as his men brought the unconscious Ivy into the hideout. The hideout is actually an old warehouse. They locked the place just in case they were been followed.

Kelvin walked to her as they tied her up to a chair then he carried her head up and stroked her face lightly. The strong desire showing on his face. “ She’s so beautiful. Don’t tie her up too tightly. Don’t hurt her flawless skin,” he murmured.

His men didn’t say anything as they already recognized the look on his face. It means he’s interested in Ivy. They quietly shivered in fear for her. It would have been better if he only wanted to kill her but now he wants her.

He’ll possibly rappe her like he has done in the past to many other young ladies and if he doesn’t rappe her to de.ath, he’ll t®rture her to de.ath. Louis smiled and turned to look at the one who had injected her.

“ How many more minutes do I have to wait for her to wake?,” he asked feeling impatient. The man checked his watch and replied,“ She’ll wake up soon. It’s been a while since I gave her the injection.”

He had not even spoken for long when she slowly opened her eyes. Kelvin was once again stunned at how beautiful she looks. She looks just like Anabelle. He felt like he was seeing Anabelle and not Ivy.

Ivy looked around, noticed the one who had injected her and glared at him. “ I knew there was something wrong with you. What did you do to me and why did you bring me here,” she spat out in disgust.

Kelvin smirked. It seems like this one is feisty unlike Anabelle who was sweet, quiet and easy-going. Ivy glared at the man not even scared of the multiple hefty men in the room.

Kelvin smiled and bent down to her level,“ It’s so nice to finally meet you niece.” Ivy finally noticed him and observed how identical he looks to her father.

Smiling she asked,“ Uncle why have you brought me here?” Kelvin is awestruck by the way she’s behaving like she can’t see the guns in his men hands or she’s not scared of guns.

He finally frowned and answered,“ What do you think?”
“ Why do you want to kill me?,” she asked calmly. He is now getting pissed off by her I’M-NOT-AFRAID-ATTITUDE. Angrily he collected a gun from one of his men and asked,“ Bch! Are you trying to taunt me with your haughty behavior?”

Ivy smiled and relaxed on the chair. She’s really scared but she won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her scared. She spat out slowly,“ I don’t care… Pull the trigger.” She knows he’s probably a man with a big ego so he won’t do it just because she asked him to.

She’s silently praying that somehow… Brian is able to come save her. Kelvin dropped the gun and rubbed his fingers on her luscious lips. “ I’ve just decided that I won’t kill you first. I’ll only do that after I have a taste of you,” he said.

Ivy spat at his finger in disgust. Such a sick ba$tard. Wants to sleep with his niece. Kelvin gave his men a signal and two of them walked forward. They untied Ivy and pulled her to stand before holding her hands tightly making sure she won’t escape.

“ I’ll start with undressing you in front of my men. If you plead now, I might pardon you and rape you privately,” he said. Ivy stubbornly looked at him not saying anything. Kelvin felt really angry now so he walked closer to undress her when he noticed a red light reflection in her hair.

He combed his hands through her hand roughly and found a tracker. He laughed evilly and threw it on the ground. He stomped on it and destroyed turning to look at Ivy.

“ Bch!!! No wonder you were behaving so haughtily. You thought that stupid tracker was gonna save you,” he said and slapped her face furiously. His men laughed. Meanwhile Ivy was probably seeing stars?by now as her cheek turned swollen from the $lap.

“Oh sht!!!,” one of the police men sitting in front of the van exclaimed. Brian looked up immediately and asked,“ What’s wrong?”
“ Sir we lost the signal. Someone must have seen the tracker and destroyed it,” he answered. Brian panicked,“ What do we do now!? That ba$tard can do anything to my wife.”

“ Well according to the last info we are almost close to the hideout. We just have to hack the server. It will take few minutes and it’s also illegal. But once we do so, we’ll find the location,” he said.

“What are you waiting for then. Hack it immediately!!,” Brian answered.


“ Is that the place?,” Louis asked pointing towards the warehouse ahead of them. “ Yes boss,” one of his men answered. They parked a little far away from the warehouse so Kelvin’s men won’t be alerted.

Then slowly they walked towards the warehouse. All of them scattering in different directions. Louis went through the front door with few of his men. They noticed all the doors were locked. Very clever and stupid.

His men set time bombs to the door. It won’t explode the building only the doors. As soon as the bomb explosion began, Kelvin’s men panicked as Louis men ran in.

Kelvin was just about to tear Ivy’s clothes when this happened. As soon as the attack started, his men surrounded him trying to protect him. Guns and shouts could be heard.

Louis was slowly losing men cause Kelvin also positioned some sniper shooters to shoot in secret. But Louis was able to get to Kelvin with few injuries. Five of his men behind him.

Kelvin smirked seeing a familiar face. He ordered his men to step aside and hold Ivy. He then smiled and walked to Louis knowing he can’t do anything as he doesn’t have much defence left.

“It’s really you. You bastard!,” Louis spat out angrily feeling dizzy from the blood he’s losing from his wounds. Kelvin smirked and answered,“ We meet again.”

Louis almost ran mad hearing his familiar voice. He vividly remembered his childhood memories. When Kelvin had gotten his father addicted to gambling and drugs, how he would come home often and beat him, when he kidnapped his sister and finally… Finally rapped her to de.ath.

His eyes turned red with anger and he rushed forward. “ I swear I’m gonna kill you!!!,” he shouted bringing out the knife in his pocket. Ivy screamed as she watched Kelvin attempting to pull the trigger to kill Louis.

Suddenly more men appeared and opened fire on Kelvin and his men. These ones are wearing police uniforms. They surprised everyone with their sudden appearance.

The men holding Ivy had to leave her to go rescue their boss. As soon as they left her, Brian went to her letting the police handle the situation. He hugged Ivy and was happy to see she’s not scared by what happened.

Soon Kelvin and his remaining men were apprehended. As the police were about to take him out, Louis rushed to them. He snatched a gun from one of them and rushed to Kelvin. The police hurriedly followed him worried that he’ll kill Kelvin.

But instead when he got there, he starts to use the gun to hit Kelvin until his face turned purple from the bruises. Kelvin groaned spitting out mouthful of blood. The police quickly held Louis to stop him from really killing Kelvin.

“ I’ll make sure you don’t get a life term sentence. Death will be your reward!! If you die and get reborn, I’ll come back and kill you over and over again. You are sick ba$tard that deserves to rot in hell!!,” Louis shouted angrily as the police led the almost unconscious Kelvin away.

After all the drama, Brian walked up to Louis and asked,“ What are you doing here?” Louis glared at him as his men treated his wounds. “ Shut up pussy! Not your business. Go comfort your wife and take her home.”

Brian glared at him also and walked away. Louis watched him leave with his wife and told his men,“ Let’s go. One of you call an ambulance for the injured ones.”


After that scene, the police took Brian and Ivy to her father’s mansion. When they got there, they immediately arrested Tonia without any explanation. Marie was screaming like a banshee asking them to let her mother go.

Ivy looked at her pathetic sister and asked,“ Since you don’t want to part ways with your mother. Why don’t you follow her to the station? It’s big enough for you two.” Marie immediately shook her head and ran to her room afraid that Ivy will really make her go to the station.

Tonia was really disappointed by her daughter’s actions. She had no choice but to follow the police. As they were leading her out, Ivy stopped them saying,“ Can I talk to her?” The police agreed and Tonia looked at her pleadingly.

Ivy walked closer to her and suddenly hit her hard with the purse she has been holding. The purse is designed with lots of gems just like her Dior bag. She hit her quickly repeatedly and Tonia screamed in pain as bIood starts to ooze out of her head.

The police quickly held her back. She struggled,“ I’m not done yet. Let me give her a taste of he.ll cause I know you guys will only kill her and that is an easy route for her. Let me torture just like how tortured I felt in the hospital!! She has children and yet she killed mine!!! You have to let me hit her again!!”

But they quickly took Tonia out and Brian had to hold Ivy. Tony sat down on the floor in despair. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He partially caused all these. He truly loved Anabelle that’s why he believed her over Kelvin.

He shouldn’t have married that witch. He should never have met her. Brian walked to him and dropped a file in front of him. “ You have just two days to move out of this house. And take your wretched daughter with you,” he said.


Then he walked out with Ivy. Tony couldn’t take it anymore. He finally fainted. Me:?Such a fool.


Later that night, Maya refused to talk to Louis knowing he’s hiding something from her. How can he leave without telling her and finally come back home covered with injuries then say it’s nothing?

“ Babe, I already told you not to worry about these injuries. They are not serious ones,” Louis said holding in his pain as he laid on the bed. Maya scooted faraway from him refusing to answer him.

Louis tried persuading her but she refused to listen. He finally turned to the other side and slept in annoyance. Maya looked at him and noticed he was sleeping.

“ So he doesn’t want to talk and he’s sleeping,” she soliloquize angrily. She smiled mischievously and pushed him out of bed.

“Oww!!,” Louis groaned in pain as he fell down on the hard floor. His body throbbing from the pain. His injuries still hurt alot and she has the guts to ki¢k him out of bed.

He stood up and noticed her pretending to sleep. Immediately he got into bed and climbed ontop of her. “You’ll pay for doing this,” he whispered as he sealed her mouth with a hard kss.


Maya struggled,“ Let me go. You are still injured.”
“ Didn’t you know that when you pushed me?,” he answered kssing her hard again to punish her.
She m®aned out softly and blah blah blah?


“What are you thinking about?,” Brian asked Ivy. They are on a couch in their balcony staring at the stars. None of them want to sleep after what happened today.

“ My baby,” Ivy whispered honestly. She’s still hurt that Tonia actually killed her baby. She knew Tonia had always been threatened by her presence in the house. It’s all because of the properties. But why would she go as far as killing an innocent baby?

Brian stroked her cheeks and kssed her softly. He looked at her whispering against her lips,“ Let’s put that behind us. We’ll create new memories. Get well soon and let’s make another baby.”

She smiled and pulled him to kss him back. She then put her hands around his neck and mischievously said,“ Hubby… I want to make a baby. Let’s make another baby now.”


Brian’s eyes widened but he smiled,“ Soon but not now. Recover first.” Ivy pouted sadly Brian smiled at how cute she looks.
“ Nakupenda kitty,” he said softly.
She looked at him confused,“ What does that mean?”
“ I LOVE YOU kitty,” he then kssed her to seal his statement.



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